Page 29 - YB1899
P. 29
SKETCH OF W¢st¢rn maryland £oll¢Q¢, BY PROF. S. SIMPSON, A. lVi. I Western Maryland College is indigenous to this country and to this age. «N either in theory nor discipline is it an importation from other lands or insti- tutions. Although in its growth it has profited by the experience of all, yet it is not the development of predetermined plans or ideas. nor is it a calculated creation --='--:-:=-=:;-. ~ I of this and other States." With slender financial resources, among its active friends and very little aid from others, it has accomplished what was deemed possible only on a large pecuniary basis, and hence some antagonism, honest doubt and depreciation were to be expected, and frDI11the first Western Mary- land had to compete for popular favor with other institutions that had an abund- ance of money, the whole force of tradition, the eclat of distinguished alumni, for the maintenance and diffusion of local, theological or political dogmas; but from the beginning it has contribute d its part to the rnor al and intellectual growth and the sanction of history.
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