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however, one of the girls had the toothache, and this not being quite in her line, not knowing the she declared til at "the pain \"~~ so severe, that she couldn't see the The youngest of three boys, 1\,1 arion Hearn was born at Salisbury, Md., in 'When old the Salisbury High School, from which fall of '93 he entered the Sophomore class at Western his career at college, he has been charac- terized by his quietness. he did, he did in a quiet We do not mean to say by this that he was a morose recluse; all the other he had as He himself he has may it is certainly that he and whenever he may wish to conceal anything, the tell- For some of the boys have declared that as SOOIl as he attempts to deny it, affording good grounds for their But who this is more than the shrewdest have yet life, "Old Man ' Hearn, as he is often called by the boys, has been on the of what is right and and by his example has gained the esteem not only of his classmates, but all who have ever come into contact with him. Born at Westminster Bessie Obcr Herr has spent most of her school- days in the various departments of Western Marylnnrl College. At lhis insti- tution she has paid particular attention to vocal music, and she, too, is one of the noted songstresses of '96, channing all by the fullness and exquisite melody of her voice. She and Miss Gunkel, whose we gave above, arc the two most noted and best in this line in the class, or we may say, without hesi- tation, in the whole college, and without them the college choir would be sadly wanting in soloists. She has paid, we said, attention to vocal music, and all the other hand she herself mily be to have bccu. paid particular attention during her Senior year by one of the stalwart sons of '97. Though her char-acter- has at all times been there is one thing to be criticized. \,\fI1cther purposely or not, she been the cause of the ahove-mentionerl young gentle- man's missillg more inspections than was absolutely necessary. And it was 45
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