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and whether he knew anything about the or not, talk until the professor was tired and would give him 10 to get of him Then would" Nick" settle back ill his seat, push ant his lower lip, get on a satisfied smile, and think of how well he had done. But strange to when the '96 theologues had to preach in the Chapel all the shortest sermon of all. But he had an hinted that the Senior boys were goiHg to give a of oysters to the one preaching the shortest sermon. .. Nick" claimed the oysters; but whether he will ever get them is another matter. Born in the Elias Oliver Grimes has lived, child of an indulgent mother. Like Aristotle he was never in stature, on the being rather short and slender. At about the age of six he entered the Department of Western Maryland and by slow gradations rose to the rank of Senior, with fair promises .of At some or other near the beginning of his college career, he was disappointed love, and since that time has devoted his entire attention, aided by his winning and pleasing exterior, to breaking the hearts of members of the other sex other week almost some young lady rises into promi- nence as the favored one of ., Ollie," to sink again into oblivion, when this lady-killer leaves her for another adds another scalp to his belt. When not been occupied with business speculations, He seldom studied. Warwick, 1'f<1., is the home of Bessie Wilson Gunkel She was the youngest child, and consequently had her OWI1 way at home, and she likes to exert her authority a yet. After attending a public she became a Freshman at Western Maryland with a good many of the rest of us. Besides making all excellent record in her studies at college, she has attained in vocal music ; so much that when the students learn that is going to sing a solo, they arc very conscientious, and is inclined to be a plulnnthroprst ready and to help She has the motherly sort a girl, and one of her as she is usually called, is always on hand with a remedy. On one occasion, 44
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