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while reciting, sat at tlleir' OWI1. SO, by holding their books open with their feet, and by paying judicious attention to the questions asked, were enabled to give very definite and complete answers. Having done so at these two, his parents thought they 1V0111d be in sending him to a third private scl1001. But here Mr. Bosley's career ceased. His nell' teacher was an Englishman, who made him stand lip and recite. didn't like and wouldn't study. He was then sent to the Virginia Institute, even there he was a private. It would be more than our space would allow to give tile experiences of this at V. M. 1. Suffice it to say, that the prospects of his ever being else than it at lhis place were remote, so he came to Western as a Freshman. When he first came here, he was tho most silent, conservative fcllow we ever saw. To a great extent, however, lIe has gotten over this reticent manrler, and entered more into public life. Mr. Bosley has been in both baseball and football, but especially has he gained fame as ll1anager Western Maryland has ever had. In he wrote five letters, arranged one game, played 11'011 It, and the season a percentage of lCXXl. Show us anyone can do more than this! Although now a of Westminst;r, Rachel Agnes .Bl1ckingham was born ill Carroll County, tell miles frOI11 the above-mentioned town. She began her school days by attending the Central Hall of Westminster, at which place she showcd an aptirude-Ior study which she has retained throughout her college career. Though rather delicate in stature, has been one of her chief pleasures, and she considers the days which she at school the 1110st pleasant ones of her and since she has been at ever since she small girl, she has been very happy nearly all her life. child at home, she did not care much for and for three '92 to '95-we knell' her to march into the female section of the and take her seat without alice ing across at a boy. But the a thing, and that quite often. At last her antipathy, or at least indifference, toward the other sex has been overcome, and during all this fourth year "Jcudic," as she is commonly known by her associates, has bestowed her smiles upon a Fresh- "111an, however incompatible with Senior dignity this may seem. Born at Carmichael, Md., Ida Mav Dodd is a native of what has been termed the" garden of the world "_:_the Eastern Shore. She first attended one of the public of her county, and then entered Western Matyland •
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