Page 70 - YB1896
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.. Sadie," which is her usual name, is very industrious, and whenever any work comes up for her to do, always bears in mind her favorite maxim, "Never do to-day what you can put off for to-morrow." the mother of presidents and other personages, is also the native of Lena Gray Parker. Born at she became a student at Suffolk College before entering Western Fr01l1 her own account she was an good child, but great changes sometimes take place in a person's life. however, that we need not necessarily apply this to her. 'vVe simply made the abstract statement that radical' changes often take place in a person's life. Lena, we suppose, is as as the general run of girls, and compared to the boys-at least the tell \1S so-they are all angels. Since we have known her, she has always been of a rather merry disposi- tion, but like most persons of her temperament, occasionally has the blues. It is characteristic of most girls to be very prim, but especially particular has Lena always been about whether her hat was on straight or not. 011 the eastern coast of New Jersey, some years ago, were a few houses forming a small or hamlet, as yet nameless, through whose centre ran a single road. One a man drove along this road with a wagon-load of hard crabs. Meeting with an accident, the crabs got loose and crawled all over the place. From this incident the village was called" Crab Town." This is the birthplace of William Ellsworth Pettet, but since his birth the town has grown, and has been by the name of Manasquan. He first attended the Gravel Hill all institution situated all the most beautiful spot in a high commanding a magnificent view of the Atlantic. The to the location of the town was that it was a favorite haunt for But as conflict advances from constant struggles with advanced, and \V. M C. is proud to have several of their number as students. the intention of Methodist Protestant ministry. has ever regretted or 1101. he will not but when the three courses were established. he had to become one of the theologues of '96, better known as the '( Hebrew Children." The woes of these persecuted as they are that awful Hebrew in another chronicle. it to In order to the more 50
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