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Maryland. Though one of the smallest members of the Class of '96, she has as much independence as and, we believe, can laugh louder and more than of her classmates; or, at she laughs very distinctly. She is also noted for Itp the steps. Hardly a clay that she doesn't perform this feat. Birt this not so remarkable when we on it. 'vVe have a professor in our Facnlty who, when he was a used to do the same thing just as often, and even now sometimes to fall down. She is very excitable. We saw her coming out of the dining-room once gesticulating wildly and appearing to be in the \Ve found out the cause later; she was smiling at one of the of these peculiarities or not, "Mnz y,' as she is a universal favorite. Tllough residing in the of Westminster during the school session, Sarah Virginia Kenley is a of Harford County, Maryland. Wilen she first came to Western Maryland, she herself that she was painfully bashful. After a year's training, however, at \V. M. C. who before hacl never tllOllght of such a thing as exchanging a word with a boy, from the frequent visits made by one of the members of '95, in her Sophomore had evidently overcome prejudice she might have entertained for one the opposite sex. But '95 graduated, Sarah soon the little episode, and though she did not relapse into her former state, she never since been accused of anything like the frivolities usually incident to a girl's life. She has been known always as being extremely pious, and by her modesty has won many friends. In the vicinity of Frederick is situated the home of Harry Allen Lakin, born in the year 18j6. His early schooldays were spent at the Frederick Academy. Mr. Lakin has what is commonly known as red hair, and when in the fall of '93 the Class of '96 returned as Sophomores, Lakin was in their midst. This placed the whole student-body in a for here were two red-head individuals in the same class, and they to have names to distinguish them. The matter was soon settled, however, by one of their ingenious classmates, who came forward and proposed. that as one had already been called" Reddy," the other should be named" Sandy." This advice prevailed, and ever since Harry has borne the nick-name of "Sandy." The most prominent position 11e has ever held at college is the office of president of the" Beauty Club," which position is obtained by competitive examination He would have made aver), 47
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