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results of his exertions were, to say the least of them, out of sight/ With the assist- ance of a Sophomore friend, it is said that he constructed a camera of broom sticks, bones and a counterpane, which photographed, with wonderful precision, a number of girls at a distance of three hundred feet. Can there be a doubt that his inventive talent has electrified IOllt Ie Illollde? The fairies do. \Vhen the last rosy beams of the sun have disappeared, and twiligh t-c-uature'e period of communion with the Divine-s-has mantled the earth, the human heart is ever prone to retrospection and reverence; at his horne a vesper service is being conducted in one of God's first temples, and I enter the sacred grove impressed by the fervency of the worshipers assembled. The evanescence of temporal joys is the theme of the minister's discourse. As the light of the ascending moon falls upon Mr. Litsiugers earnest countenance, these words seemed 10 herald that future scene: "The spider's most atteuunted thread ls cord. is cable to man's tender t.ln-cnd On earthly bliss; it, breaks at every breeze." J90r. A clergyman's pantry after a "surprise" is one of the most interesting visits in the world; therefore, as my glass affords me one, though in the unsubstantial archi- tecture of the future, I shall not decline. 011 the lowest shelf a turkey of Atlantiau proportions, is reclining beneath a celery bower, surrounded by the bird and rabbit nobility, while a pig elaborately dressed, though hardly {(la made, completes the court. Mounds of delicious butter, dozens of eggs, jars of preserves, sweet meats and pickles, (which latter may have a mission to fulfill,) pecks of rosy apples, and nuts and pota- toes, and parsnips and oranges, and -. Such an array of "goodies" were never seen, but all antidote for further curiosity appears ill the shape of my unconscious host, Mr. McKeever and Ella, the recipients of these testimonials of great popularity. r896. Will Mills, the collegian, possessed. the embryo characteristics of a great gymnast-a modern Hercules-who Was to resist the world, the flesh-and the King of Darkness, don't you know. But our telescopic presentation is symtomatic of synecdochical tendencies. 'Will has substituted the exercise of the !tear! for the exercise of the body, which agile member has doubtless perfected the petty-pat system. Those scientific birds, the owls, are chorusing "She is fooling thee;" the frogs on yonder bank are croaking the query, "Did you ever get left?" but Queen Luna, by whose name so many vows have been pledged, plays a successful role for her masculine protege. Ah, Cynthia, thou dost affect man's heart as the ocean generating therein restless waves! Do not be alarmed, dear readers, I shall not portray this scene to tire the experienced or to satisfy the curious. Fancy a graceful American girl and a stalwart American lad iu the phraseology of the wit, "fnakin' fules 0' themselves," and your imagination will render you the service of my telescope. Inspired by some sudden notion, they prepare for walking, and taking the direc- tion of the college, slowly pass the stores wherein, as school girls, we purchased trinkets and confections, until they reach the college hill, Proudly they look npon the Gothic chapel, with its tower outlined against the evening sky; upon the main build- ing, remodeled and enlarged, and upon the cupola, whose apex seems to mingle with the cirrus clouds overhead, as they wander ill the grove, deserted, but for the foun- 6,
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