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strangely assorted library, upon whose lowest shelves worn volumes of Hawthorne, Shakespeare, De Stac l, Tennyson, Longfellow and De Quillcy are placed, while Bacon's and Locke's dry philosophies are consigned to obscure corners, Having the knowledge of a specialist upon so many subjects, have endowed romance with the priceless gifts of a master-mind, and your to the learned and illiterate alike are as the beams of the returning SUIl ill arctic regions. Humbly unconscious, Ellis Crouse sits upon the throne of fame and universal 100·e. 1895' A desolated tower rises from the ruins of a once veuernble mansion, where formerly the laughter and songs of noble ladies, and the debates of great Sta tesruen, now only the screeching of owls and the whirring of bats can be heard as they fly through the musty chambers. But a band of gypsies have trespassed upon their soli- tude: some are e xaminiug their plunders; some are regaling themselves with long stemmed pipes; others are grouped about the legendary pot devouring even the smoke as it curls heavenward, while in the distance an old woman sits surrounded by a bevy of visitors. Lizzie Dorsey is among them, ancl as this swarthy prophetess takes her hand to trace her destiny in the language of palmistry, almost r imagine I hear her words. What is that about the light haired gentleman and life-long happiness? How. ever, Lixxie's complacent face supplies the missing words, as the satisfied party wend their way towards home. Let us wish her «Box-hem." 1898. Class-mate Mamie Elliott evinced an ambition so literary that we supposed her wholly consecrated to Minerva's, cause, but our telescope discovers her a votary of Venus as well. Imagination sununous lip the apparitions of the past, but among them Mrs. Jordan's Kindergarten has 110 place. Through all open window may he seen small urchins and maidens as they call Mamie hither and thither to sharpen a crayon, to pronounce a word, or to administer reproof, but ill addressing her their lips frame not Miss Elliott, but with childish carelessness, Miss Jordan. The order that is preserved is remarkable, 110r is it ell forced by ferule or birch; by firmness and patience, those requisites for successful instruction, our friend has won from her students respect and love, and from their parents confidence. 1925. The susceptibility of Edna Erb and Janie Thomas, resident students, to Cupid's sieges, was propitious to early unptials, but contrary to omens, 111y telescope espies two grey-haired ladies talking 11pon Mr. Thomas' piazza, which we passed so often on our way to church. 'I'he spiders spinning their webs from pillar to pillar; the mosquito 011 a concertizing tour; the terrier lapping up the milk for breakfast, and the lads next door playing target with the dining-room window, are unnoticed by these dear old maids, while they exchange the reminisceuces of their student days, Truly the pathos of Roger's stanza is exquisite ~remory's pleasures most we feel when most atone, The only pleasure we call call 0111'own; Lighter than air, Hope's summer visions die If but a cloud obscure the sky; Tf but a beam solar Reason plny=- Fallcy's frost work melts away; can the of Art, the grasp of POwer Snatch the rich relics of a happy hour?
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