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the motion, also that the author alone advocated its passage. The roll \'1fIS calle~, each one votiug ill nuswer to his nmue. It was carried uuauimousl y, many, es~ec,- ally the ladies, voting twice, and the fellows who so strongly opposed it, four tunes each. Even our president claimed a vote and cast 11is ballot for it, which we took as a sign of his degeneracy. Another change we thonght neede-t was in the rules of order. After rwo years of contemplation and violation of the fixed rules we were persuaded that 110 rules were better than broken rules and some rules were better than no rules. Therefore rules we could keep were better than rules we broke. \Ve came to this conclusion with the aid of logic and our protesso-. A cOlllmittee was nppoiuted to draw up .a set of rules for the class of '93, with the penalty of ostracism attached for tuetr violation. The rules will explain themselves. They are: PLEDGE. 1 hereby solemnly swear, "w. 'dv~pn ~!~o""r",," hy Jupiter, to faithfully endeavor to obey the following class regulations and such otuers as the class may hereafter pro- lIlulgate for the regulation and good couducr of the faculty: I. DAIL\' SClll\DUI,l\. A. M. 6.S9.-Crawling out. P. 1'1'1. 2.-Diving for Beans. 7·-Miss Inspection. G.-Strap. 7·01.-Crawling Back. 7-9·TS·-Bulllllling 8.-Rush for Hash. _ jl\'fiss Inspection's 9·4J·-- Sill Twister. 8·40.-Smiles aud Praises. 10-[ r.c-Sereuading Profs. 1 [-12.-Damseld0111 Excursions. 12-Z.-ExcursiOlls, (not datu seldom). II. RECREATION HOURS. At any time that anything is needed to he re-created. TIL During school hours thou shalt loaf beneath the trees 011 the onmpus, if it be 1'/11 glllf!!' Tag!;, but should it not happen to were, thou shalt gather thyselves t~get.her ill the room of SOme diligent student and unite in singing choruses or other hilarious oracular demonstrations. IV. When thou wish est to be gonested away, then shalt thou consult the weather prophet and thy 011'11Sweet will, and wheu thou hast coveted thy neighbor's mnbreua and thy room-mate's purse thou shalt sally forth and so forth. Shouldst thou be a .female girl student, then shalt thou indite dum snsscn Briel to thy congenial sruile r- in-law, whom th?u shalt gently lead to the ice cream parlor or oyster saloon, where thou shalt exercise thy hash destroyers to the mournful melody of Tennyson's "break, 5'
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