Page 163 - YB1893_Classical
P. 163
N. B.-Since the above was written an article has appeared in one of the scientific magazines, stating that some strange fossils had been found by a geologist in the Archaean rock, about 10,000 feet below the surface. These excited much interest in the scientific world, being the only fossils ever discovered ill this rock. Several eminent scientists have at last reached the conclusion that they must be fossiliferous jokes "Oil! we have heard them oft' before-many a time-many a time." The age of these jokes is uncertain, but they must date back to the Eozoic era, which has been calculated for us to be about twenty-five or thirty million years ago. Ulldoubtedly, they are quite aged. Hcr eyes rue dcwncnst, 01' her cheek, The fragrant blush burns, and to speak. Is quue an effort. Down her back Her 101]~hair hrtugs without a curl, For she is only a Freshman gir1. He]' cyes are raised UOW, and oue hears Her frequent gigglc. Her hOllle~ick tears Ha~'c ceased to now, and curling irons :-low clniur her time, and lessons uIlp"cpared, Ma ke not the ';5il1y Soph." the least hit scared, A Junior nOW, a "jolly Junior," fair, \Vith eyes that needs ""1St smile, and hair Which snares the suuberuns . All men bow To the fair creature. at whose feet Tile suitors, eager for the goal, all meet. At last comes ]lOW, in rlignity supreme, rile stately Senior, whose sweet graces seem A foretaste of tile" sweet girl Grad," so soon To leave the college. Serious, yet glad, She contemplates her futnre, not yet sad. '9'
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