Page 164 - YB1893_Classical
P. 164
Ode to the f'antry. CANTO 1. The Pantry-Oh that word hath charm To fill the Fresbjcs em', Who dare 110tbrave midnight'S alarm To get their str-ap so dear. CANTO II The PanLry-Oll how glad the sound, As Sophies slyly peer, And lur-k in secret close arouud, But dare not come too near. CANTO HI. The Pantry-yes, its music light Fills Junior boys with glee, But how they scamper off in fright wnen Mr. Stone they see, CANTO IV. The Pantry-Oll how sweet the name To Senicr s' wett.t rained nerve: To them alone belongs the fame, For never do they swerve. CANTO Y. Oue night, 110t very long ago, The)' sallied forlh [or fun; Ten, in disguise, with footsteps slow, Their stealthy march begun. CANTO V1. The knives and forks they thought to steal, A joke 'twould he sublime ; Oh, wlint dismay the Profs would re et Next morn at breakfast time. CAN'l'O VII. Tiley tried the doors and windows all, But found them very tight; A window-pane compelled to spoil, Tiley work with all their might. '9'
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