Page 167 - YB1893_Classical
P. 167
What Others (;hinJoZof 0&. "NOBLE by birth, yet noble by great deeds."-LolIg(ellow. "INNOCENCE shall make false accusations blush,"-lfIi1lftr's Tale,ACT !II, SC. 2. , t NA'l'URE never did betray the heart that loved her. ' - Word.>worfll. "EVERY man is odd."--rroilils and cressido, ACT. rv, sc. 5 "THOUGHT is parent of the deed."-Glrlylo!'. "yOUTH holds 110 society with grief."-Ellrijlides. "To BE young was very heaveu,"-lVords1/)orfl,. " HELP thyself and God will help thee."-flerberl. "READ Homer once and yOU can read no 11Iore."-Sluffidd. "EACll man is a hero and an oracle to s01l1ebodY·"~-ElI/ers()l/. "ETERNITY forbids thee to forget/'-ByrolJ. '95
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