Page 159 - YB1893_Classical
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N Is for Nelson, Lord Nelson's grand son; Not Darwin's monkey [?l from which Lord N. sprung. P Is for Plummer, by dummies called Rvvel: His work ill the future is fightillg the devil. Q Is for Queen-for shortness called Gov., At nineteen got married and then fell in love. With wonderful thought his mind ever teemed, And now, though he's married, quite singular is deemed. R Is for Routson, more rightly called Job. For patience on earth, a crown and white robe; Long sufferings reward, 0, there he will wear, Tug Wilson's Catarrh, (misnamed a gui tar.] In the realms of afar won't bother him there, Hut down far below, in the regions of woe, Old Pluto will use it in place of blue-fire, To punish and torture professors and "scorchers," And all imps incarnate that there are confined, While students on earth to escape such a berth, \Vill repent and have a conversion of mind. S Is for Smith, ~ - - - - ~, - - - - - - - - Smith! S Too's for Strayer, lost sheep of our fold, Like the Irishman's pig, both little and old; With "bay-window" big and mustache so sable, He's a giant in mind and a 1J/aIl-(at the table.) W's for Watson, of sunset-hair fame, Though young yet in years, he's won a great name, With a voice wondrous sweet; the cliuta x to cap. 'Tis sweet as all glucose, Me Lucas or strap. W''S for Whea lton, who'd have you suppose That woman's trill" sphere is to make love and clothes. W's for Wilson, a senior, indeed, In whom there's no guile, hut owning a steed; To tell all his virtues dull words can but fail, To your fancy we leave him and here ends our tale
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