Page 158 - YB1893_Classical
P. 158
T Is for Thomas, the next name enrolled; She's quite a declaimer, and stage. struck rill told. V Is for Veasey, ye Gods, lend your aid 1'0 portray the graces of this one fair maid. W's for Wilson, a regular queen, Graceful her figure and lovely her mien: W's For Wimbrough , a poetical maid, She writes some sonnets of an excellent grade; Beautiful her thoughts ami apt her conclusions, Rut she tortures her friends with her graceful effusions. G Is for Galt, who once drove a mule, Their tastes were congenial, (the mule was a fool;) Unkicked he remained for quite a long time, Fdioto feelillg deep feit, made" Jack" wondrous kind. G Too's, for Gilbert, ye Gods, a gallant. As harts For cool fountains, all hearts for him pant. G Three's for Grow, a bachelor bitter; Lone hermit he'll be, "mit-fur" is fitter. H Is for Hymiller , a reticent kid, Wise thing or foolish ne'er said he nor did. L Is for Leas, a poetical brute, Admires a good dinner (und Red Mond sehr gut;) For incessant hossing, dubbed "Old Hoss J-fq," O'er all the hard courses he's quickly made way; Through Latin and Greek he never did creep, And some tell of ?light-wflres he rides in his sleep. It Is for Lewis, a c/lflrlllillg young man, An athlete, a masher, and equestrian; In the future he'll be a doctor quite grim, \Vhen'er we get cra::y we'll all go to him. L Is for Litsiuger, with "oore-of-tone" voice; \Vith ladies n. g., by 110 means their choice. M Is for Mae-Otto Dennis Mc xeever, From his home in the mountains came the gay old deceiver; Cheeky? well, some-and plenty to lend, Oft' cuts all acquaintance while shaving a Frieud ; By all he is liked-a deur, good, old Ct18S, Although a good barber, he is 110t barbarO/H. M Is for Mills, our girls' beau ideal; He oft' breaks the pantry with muscles of steal . •86
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