Page 149 - YB1893_Classical
P. 149
Hidden forpo8EL Willter ill her woolly covering. Snow white and sort as down, Has a precious gem protected From the cold that's all arcuud. Giving birth 10 gentle springtime: Are her sufferings but a sham? Oil lioll' noble is her- purpose 1 Givillg storm before a calm. Genlic spriug time in her beauty, lloru Irom S\lf'riugs that aloe oer, Slowly peeping from her cover, Giviug comfort to the sower. Aud. sue's green with envy \Ve may say. sunuuers near, But she also has a purpose; She's the Springtime of the year! Slllllmcr comes willi roses blooming, Barefoot boys and girls at. pb.y, To the sea side men are nocking, She's the glorious lJolifl:\y! T'hro' the happy li\'cl01lg S!1111!JlCr, Lovers woo aud "';11 ~l1ld wed, \Vhat a J,!Joriol1s oobte ])1\1");05e! The !i,oil1g joy, uot the elend. Go thou ualu\'C to thy sleeping. And rnay thy nap he loug aud sweet, Por iu AUt\1lI111 is tho.: keeping Of nrc next years bread and meat. Keep thou fOI" us, 0, we pl"t1.y thee. 'rreasnr es in thy storehouse decp I Oh. fulfill the best of purpose; Sleep thou l1:\tul"o:'!Sleep, ° sleep: Thus the seasons cvcr windiug. P(ls~illg o'er us ever Oil; Likc the turcad of life so binding Purpose chains from eve till dawn PUl"pose is a beaco» watchword, \Ve should have all aim ill life. l'orthescasollsc"erlt::1clt\lS Hide a motive ill o\lr strife. -"Holllpa." '93. '77
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