Page 152 - YB1893_Classical
P. 152
\'11 tell you of a lady fair, With hazel eyes and light brown hair, \Vho came to college here one day, About four years ago they say. Among the freshmen she was classed, With all her graces unsurpassed. Came back a sophomore uext fall, And roomed with ncsste all Rear Hall. This fai,' sweet aile was quite a belle, Of all he,ยท strikes ask 'v Bess ,. to tell, For this Due too, wns bright uud g-ay, Alld 1IIIIch admired. a~ well she may. There cruue to her a sad, sad day, For "ness." her roommate, left to stay; For near three years they'd been together, From all I kllOw they loved each other. Theil came the crowning point of all, And now she rooms on .. Senior HaiL" YOII see her sometimes 011 thc walk, And with her school-mates hear her talk. Some times she wears the senior train. When e'er she does, 'tis sure to rain, So say two hoys in .. Hering Hall," Who with this mutd il1 love did fall They'too are seniors, all in all, The one is short, the other tall. Their names 1'111sure you know quite well, Arei\[e~srs. Strayer and Revelle. She has such Cllllllillg little ways, And with these boys she smiles and plays, And which of them she loves the better, I cannot teu, so r will let her. Her college days will soon be o'er. Theil she will leave tltis western shore For home, which is to her so dear, In Pocomoke, I chance to hear.
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