Page 144 - YB1893_Classical
P. 144
,_/Je!N1QR BANQefET. ~N A~CORDA~CE with a time honored custom, '<)3, early ill her junior year, ~) r; decided to give a banquet in honor of the seniors. ,And having so decided, ~' to keep up her reputation, she must make it to far surpass anything of the kind before given at the college. And well she succeeded. It was a grand affair. Even the picture of it that memory presents 1I0W so long after, we hesitate to attempt to describe. At the appointed time, '<)'2, accompanied by Miss Ross preceptress, Dr. Reese acting president, and Dr. Lewis president of the college, came up to the library from the parlor and were received by '93. All mingled together for a while in me rr y ccnve rse , and it was a pretty sight. One could but feel proud that he belonged to such a company. The girls were c/ml'lIlillg, and the boys, Laskiug in the joyous sunlight of their smiles, revealed in their faces the feeling which comes from nothing less than a perfect delight. Soon after the escorts had been assigned, the company proceeded to the banquet hall. Bat here our pen fails I\S; for only the pen of an Irving or the delicate brush ofaXeuxis or a Parrhnssins would be adequate for the occasion. 'I'hnnks to the exquisite taste of 'vour girls;" the usually dingy hall had been wondrously transformed. Rich folds of yellow and blue drapery ('92's colors) hung over the windows nnd decorated the ceiling. The monotonous white wall \~as relieved by beautiful pictures and other hangings. As to the table, prettily lit with blue and yellow candles, the neatly engraved menu cards with what they represented, suffice it to say was ill perfect order and the latest style. The meuu was indeed elaborate, the caterer at his best and the music of the orchestra sublime. Miss Clift, hostess, presided in a most graceful manner. '7'
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