Page 147 - YB1893_Classical
P. 147
Ellipti< Metre. While smudiug 'neath the uristle-toe, \Vilh berries gli~tellillg through it, And while the lights were burniug low, The} kissed, 1 saw them do iL \'{hell walking o'er the snowy plains, pond pleasure they'd pursue it, No word was said, their- lips were seated, They kissed, I saw them do it. What care they for the wintry blast , Or snow, wilile pa~sillg through it, Wheu she embraced ill his fond clasp, They kissed, I saw mem do it. \Vhal though they walked on slip'ry rail, And ice chills rlmUillg through it, With souls nbove such triniug t.hings, 'I'hey kissed. I saw them do it. 'Vben on the ice she screamed wilh fear, He gently would subdue it, With bended head to hers upUl!"\lecl They kissed, 1 saw them do it. With J)/ilcintosh about her form, And 11k, "by g"Ulll," stuck to it, While gliding on with rapid pace, They kissed, I saw them do it. Another, wrapped ill furs of black, \Vitll Black , of course, OIl to it, T looked again nnd, 0, how sweet, They kissed, I saw them do it. Let's draw tin: veil upon the scene, The heart, uc doubt, he'll woo it, Then where'~ the hnrtu of kissing pray, But that to sec them do it? '75
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