Page 153 - YB1893_Classical
P. 153
The day of parting COllies ill JUlie, To all her scucot.mates far too soon, 'Twill leave Ib", mem'rtes of past pleasures, That to their hearts are as great treasures. They'll be recalled in after days, When this maid's naure is sung in praise, wbc, while within her coay home, Perchance her thoughts to I\~ will roam Now to this maid I do wish well Should her lot be to wed Revelle. She'd make a lovely preacher-s wife, And make hilll happy al1 throllgh life. And yet that !lIay not be her Iate, ~he lllay wed Strayer, 'lis not too late. T'1ll sure a lawyer sue could please, They'd be content and live at ease. To guess her name it is quite easy, It is the l111lCh·lo,·ed Gertrude Veasey. A Story. "AlIlo te" he softly said, She laid her head upon his breast; He gently raised the. darling head- YOII 1.'1111 imeg ino III<' rfd. "lifo tea" Llre bahy said, And spit on papa's vest; Papa laid him cross his knee-s VVllcrwilll.1gillet/,el'eJ/. ">1ot ye,' the maiden said, At "Chol1y's" kind request : TIle mar'rage lost, and .. Cllolly"- V"O/~call 'illlagille Ihe res], The poem's short, but if- You're goillg" to protest, 1'1\ go nnd bum n littlc while, nud-e- -"ff(}/upa," '9.1. ,8,
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