Page 5 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
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TALKING ABOUT TELEVISION New shows to keep an eye on LAURA NICHOLS StaflWriter Fallseason rolls around every year, and with it, you get a lot of new television shows. I know how hard it is to pick what to watch, so I'm giving you a list of the 15 new shows that' think will make it, or at least, shows we should keep an eye on. Thisisn" all of the shows premiering this fall, hut it is the fifteen that I personally will be watch- ......................................................................................................................... . ing. I'I/Iet you know how they turn out, and hopefully you'f/ Rnd a few, or even just one, that you enjoy. For the rest of the jist, go to! Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays· Once Upon a Time Terra Nova New Girl Suburgatory Person of Interest (ABC) (FOX) (FOX) (ABC) (CBS) Premieres Oct. 23rd @ 8:00PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM The promising fairy-tale dra- This is one of the most highly 'Starring Zooey Deschene! Suburgatory tells the story of Michael Emer.son ploys a ma, Once Upon a Time comes anticipated and most expen- (500 Days of Summer)' this a sixteen year old, played by secretive businessman/mil- From some of the producers af sive TV shows of this season. comedy revolves around a Jane levy, who is moved to lionaire who teams up with LOST, and according to some The basic premise is that hu- young woman who moves the suburbs from downtown ex-operative Jim Caviezel to of the stars, the storytelling is manity hcs polluted the world into a new apartment with Manhattan by her father, Aght crime, using cutting edge very similcr. So if you liked to the point where you need three male roommates after played by Jeremy Sisto. This technology. The technology LOST (I did), you're going to masks to breathe outside, a disastrous breakup. This looks pretty interesting, and is so cutting edge that they like this ane. It stars Jessica and overpopulated to where was pretty funny. I laughed not just because I'm quite can predict who will perform Morrison (Housel as Emma, the United States has to con- quite a bit. Iliked all the char- fond of Sisto. It's also be- a crime. Therefore, the mis- a young woman who comes trol the birth rate, in 2149. acters, even Jess (the girl in cause there aren't as many sion isn't to find the criminals to a small Maine lawn and Luckily, a few 'time fractures' question], who acted like father-daughter duos out and punish them, but to And soon realizes that a graup have been found, allowing a Ave-year old quite a bit. there on the big Ave right them and prevent them from of fairy-tale characters have certain groups to go bock in And she was iust so incred- now, so it will be nice to see commiHing the crime in the bee" .... ck there, cnd don't time 85 million years to try ibly awkward that it was hi- thot kind of relotionship mag- first place. This project has remember any of their fairy- and save humanity. It's dear larious. But she managed to nified. Besides that, the pro- some serious weight behind tole lives. Emma may be Snow that this is a show that will be bring some good advice into mo was hilarious, and f love it. Executive producers in- White's long-lost daughter ripe with action and family the men's lives and they man- fish-out-of water comedies. dude J.J. Abrams and Jona- and she may also hold th~ drama. Personally, this is one aged to cheer her up follow- Plus it joins a host of other thon Nolan, both names you key to breaking the curse. I of the shows I'm most excited ing the breakup. I think this proven-great comedies on probably should recognize. love this idea, and I'm really for, if only because the early comedy will find its own path, Wednesday nights, like Mod- I'm extremely excited for excited for this show. It's been reviews have been extremely and I enjoyed it a lot more ern Family, The Middle, and this show, because I feel like getting good reviews, and I'm positive, and because the sup- than I thought I would. Happy Endings, so r can't see it will be different than a lot hoping that it does really well. port from the network has how this one can go wrong. of other crime-stopper shows been huge. But then again, out there. I just hope that it I'm also a sucker for action-y, Ringer doesn't become too compli- family--angst dramas. Hope- cated or twisted, because I fully it's as good as I think it (CW) Revenge feel like that is a definite pos- Pan Am will be. 9:00 PM (ABC) sibility. ----- (ABC) 2 Broke Girls Sarah Michelle Gellar returns 10:00 PM The Secret Circle 10:00 PM to television in her first star- (CBS) ring role since Buffy the Vam- A modern-day retelling of the (CW) This 1960's era show on the pire Slayer, and she plays Count of Monte Cristo, Emily big five this season is getting 8:30 PM twins. Bridget is a former cd- Van Camp stars as a young 9:00 PM much more favorable buzz diet on the run from the mob/ woman whose father was than the Playboy Club. It fol- Most people would recognize FBI, while Siobhan is a sccicl- ripped away from her as a lc-yecr-old Cassie {Britt Rob- lows the lives of four flight at- Kat Dennings if they sow Thor ite who hasn't seen her twin child. When she realizes that ertson} moves to her grand- tendants in 1963, working for this summer. But the other in years. When the two meet her childhood neighbors in mother's home in small-town Pan Am, one of the biggest star of this new comedy, Beth up, Siobhan mysteriously dis- the Hamptons are to blame, Washington after her moth- airlines at the time. Unlike Behrs, is pretty )resh-faced. appears, leaving Bridget to she plots an elaborate scheme er's death. Once there, she The Playboy Club, this show is That doesn't mean their chem- toke her place, navigating a of revenge on 01[ of the peo- finds out that she, and several based on several women's re- istry is lacking, however. As husband, a lover, and people ple involved. Twists and turns other young, good-looking al-life experience, which gives co-workers at a cheesy diner, who want to kill Siobhan. are promised, and so are teenagers (it is the CW), are it more of a realistic vibe. I'm Dennings and Behrs play girls While this was originally pre- answers, which is something witches. I am pretty sure I'm excited for this show because from opposite sides qf the sented to CBS, the CW picked viewers always like to hear. going to like this show. It's not Christina Ricci is one of the track {Dennings as a street- it up, where I hope it finds a I love a good revenge story, just because I'm a fan of CW stars; I like airports and I love smart waitress and Behrs as good audience. I think it's and this one looks like it might supernatural shows (which I Rying, so this really appeals to an ex-heiress} that have one going to be a very intriguing be a hit. But it could just as am. I'm not ashamed to admit me. Besides that, who doesn't thing in common: They're shaw, because it's a lot dif- likely be way too melodra- it]. It's also because I like the love a little drama with their both flat broke. You may ferent from anything else out matic for my tastes. actors, and I know that Kevin Sunday nights? have guessed it from the title. there, and especially because Williamson, exec producer, As sitcoms go, it stands out it's different from anything on knows how to twist and turn a because it's not just girls look- the CWo So I'm hoping it will TV show. to keep me coming ing cute. It is girls looking cute gain a following, because I'm back. So if this show can hold while making crass jokes that definitely going to be watch- onto its Vampire Diaries lead- are traditionally reserved for ing. And if you like smart dra- in (it happens to be one of male characters. I'm excited mas with pretty good-looking CW's most popular shows), it by this premise, and I hope people (It is on the CW), then should do alright. that it lives up to the hype. you'll like this one too.
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