Page 89 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 89
Health Care Reform: Now that it's passed, How will it affect you? KATELYNNMCGINLEY For college students, the most important piece of the legisla- Timeline of health reforms Staff Reporter tion is that dependent persons will be eligible for coverage under their parents' plans up until the age of 26 - instead of current stale-by-state rules that often cut off coverage for children be- Dependents can remain on p-~ New plans must offer free preventative ro being over. As this areicle is being typed, twelve states' attorney sues like abortion and a public option (neither of which made it coverage. generals, all of whom are Republicans, have already filed suits to block the health care bill, labeling it an "anconsrinnicnal" breach to ch;u~~a~r~:~:,o~!:~~!a~~o~~~it 20's will be given the option ~ A new 10% tax on indoor tanning will be of buying a "catastrophic" plan that will have lower premiums. F____::.:;m"'po"',,=d_::o"'.,o_"=":t_y_:c" _ of ethics. It's arguably the blggesr issue that has been tackled since Mullen-Murphy does point Out, however, that if you are llsred Beginning October 1, 2011, Medicaid can Obama took office last january, and it's being heralded as both as a dependent and you are offered health care coverage through begin to cover home and community services a sign of the coming Socialist Apocalypse and Obamas shining your employer, you «can't say, 'oh, my mom's coverage is hetrer'" For the disabled. legacy, depending on what side of the aisle you frequent. Either -you have to take it. o Pre!Criplion drug costs for Medicare enrollees way, as Vice President Joe Biden so eloquently pointed OUt, this Though many changes.will ncr go into effect for several years, N will begin 10 decrease. legislarion is indeed "a big f- - king deal." . some will be evident much sooner. Six months aher the legislation That's all very well and good, but when all the talking is done, is enacted, most plans will be prohibited from placing lifetime what do these changes actually mean for the average American limits on medical covetage, and likewise would not be allowed to Health inFormation must be entirely digital. cinzen? cancel the policies of people who fall ill, or deny coverage to chil- More re!idents over 65 will become eligible In plainesr terms, the legislation is meant to provide coverage dren with pre-existing conditions. M for a tax credit. for as many as 32 million people who have up until now been ShUT Many Republicans take issue with the facet of the legislation 0 A hospital insurance tax of 0.9% For those that stares that those uninsured Americans who do not obtain out of the market, whether because of pre-existing conditions, ill- health insurance by 2014 would face a federal penalty. The first I_:_:__'::=========-- earning over $200,000 will take eFfed. N nesses that caused insurers 10 label them as tOOsick, or simply be- cause rhey are unable to afford increasing insurance premiums. ~~:~~r:d~~~~! t~~:~ For those people who are already covered by a large employ- ~~r,o~o;;:~~~~:;; :~i:~~v::v:~~s;::a~~~. ~~~I;v~:re z ~h:; ~!Ird:~::n;~ er _ in other words, most Americans- rhe effect would not be they continue to go uninsured, the penalty would increase. insurance or face a fine. nearly as significant. Uninsured people would be required to buy insurance Businesses with 50 or more employees are "We think it's a big step forward,H said Bill Vaughan, a pol- through one of the new state-run insurance exchanges. People required to offer health insurance or face a icy analyst at Consumers Union. "It's going to provide a peace with incomes of more than 131 % of the federal poverty level, or fine. of mind than many Americans who really want or need health about $29,327 for a family of four, would be eligible. Health insurance can no longer be refused insurance wi!! always be able to get a quality product at a reason- Aftet a year of watching Congress scratch and claw at each due to prHlxisting conditions. able price, regardless of their health or financial shuanon." other, it remains to be seen how these changes to the health care ""¢ Insurance providers will be charged based on Of course, there would be costs TO consumers too. Affiuent families would be required to pay additional taxes, and most ~~:~~h:i~ls~~a;~r; !~~~~[i:::S~e~:::na~ ~:~:;~i~~t~ait~i7~~ ~ ~~~~le;;:.:~~:~~:::er/$2c;:~~:~~s whose Americans would be required to have health insurance and surance reform ... but it has to Start somewhere." I__ ~~C_C-'-'==-'== _ would face federal penalties if they, for whatever reason, did It's kind of comforting actually, to think that no matter what "Cadillac" health insurance plans {plan ncr purchase it. It is also still unclear what effect, if any, the leg- you believe, fat the moment, Tea Party Activists and Ted Kennedy islation would have on rising out-~f-pocket medical COStSand enthusiasts alike, we're all in the same boat. r~~~;:~~:JS1~~:5~OI~:~n~::~!\:)f:l\ lace All we can do is wait, and S
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