Page 46 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 46
Obama's Peace Prize a "dog treat" of encouragement NATHAN WUERTENBERG Comm..,tary Editor iI I) speech in Prague ~:~t~:~~ns:f~r(a~~ to the cording Nobel Commiflcc): an end lonuclearprolifcr:nion 2) speech , made promising in Egypt made asking for renewed and higher Icvcb of cocperenon between rhe ;::g Muslim and Westcrn world 3l sraremems rnade hoping for reconclllanon between Israel and Palestine For this, Dbama has been given a Nobel Peace Prize. For saying and hoping what nearly every other presldenr (~a~ hi~ predecessor) $a~ and hopes, he has been rewarded with one of mankind's supposedly highcst global honors only jllSI mentioned "Dcne Ask, Don'e Tell," and is, inessence,lhedoglrt~lofNobel Pri'lCS.lhis Don'rgcr me wrong, ifonly;lS 3 slap in lhc he has yet ro address rhe i55UCof the p351 ror- explains !he Nobel Ccmmfuee's selecricn of AI faccofObama's illustrious predecessor this award rure of suspecred rerrorists or do anyrhing abcur Gore (for m~king a movie and nufl), Yassir Ara- is worth it. But let me put this inca perspec· "No Child Left Behind," (thanksSawrday Night fat (ror deciding not 10 be a terrorist anymore), rive for you. This decision was made about rwo live). So, lhe firSI thought after reading all of Jimmy Carree (for engineering a peace plan be- weeks into his presidency, and announced after rhis. is that maybe he docsn't deserve a paren the tween Israel and Pakis[':In that almost worked). nine mor~ months. In Ihal time, he has mart- back and yer. and finaJlyBarackObama (for crossing his fin- ailed to fulfill a very small number of his cam- BUI, let'~ look at some of the past winners gen- and hoping good thin&" will happen). Ma_ palgnproml~S. and losers of the Nobel Peace Prize, shall we. Ac- hauna Ghandi and Martin Luther [{jngJr. (who Health care reform ccnrtnues to be mired in cording to rhe selection committee, rhe Peace led entire nations and races 10 freedom and con- 3 sea of pnnisanshtp (thanks Republicans), US Prize is nor the same as the other Nobels. The rinue 10 serve as inspirations for the oppressed troops remain in Ir:tq and GlI~manamo Bay, and others, like PhysiC5 and Economics, lake a life- massesOrtod:ly) gOt jack diddly. Dbnma i~JUSt now addressing rhe Issue of send- time to achieve and actually make a dilfercno:. Maybe (fOhama doses his eyes and cllcks his lng more troops to Afghanistan. where rhe sim_ 'lhePcaccPril,t,ontheorherhand,isgivenmorc heels rwice, he'll accomplish enough to deserve arion hasonlyworscned$jncehisfirsld~yin of- ro encourage someone who has jusr sraned to some actual recognilion, and not jusl J good fice. He has nor addressed climate change. He continue doing what they have been doing. [t scrarching behlnd those big 01' ears. Be the voice of your college. Come to the Free Press staff meetings, Mondays at 7:30 in the Writing Center. SPORTS EDITORS AR.l' OIRE.CTOR Nick Brunner Ashleigh Smith Coitlin Flynn LAYOUT STAFF CHIEF Honno eork.r. JuJiGuiffre PHOTOGRAPHERS COPY EDITOR Sam Segal Angela Baldwin 2 College Hill Evan Ticknor Westminster, MD 21157 WEB MANAGERS COPY DESK mcdaniellreepre, •.com Honno BorQr,M.gon Pilor, 410.7.51.8600 Roxanne Fleischer Emmolklrbolo Katelynn McGinley EDITORS-IN-CHIEF AD MANAGER Kate Delenick BLOGEDITOR Jessica Largent Juli Guiffre Nathan Wuertenberg WEB AD MANAGER NEWS EDITORS STAfF REPORTERS Aaron Leibensfeld Roxanne FleiKher Envnoa..rboIo, Tnrvi.Complon, Megan Robinson SofahChovla,CoMYCrough. AD REPS J ......... Uil,EddieEzHJ.I, MibGaibol,8e .. Grolll,Nid: .JtonnoG>'OIIg»tI'. fEATURES EDITOR 0 ..... , korlo HoIond,M ..... lo.......d,YlchonglJ.Somontt.o Kim Williams Hu_, 8ai1.y Hylbom, Don lornb«l,J""nou...tour.... COMMENTARY M;n."Cho.Ie. Mullin. Gr.gofy N...... ,IryatINudl.a.EIyM EDITOR Sporn, NCIOtIIilIopho.l, koiIIyn Vonc!enoi.. IIyonPoweII,lJ... Nathan Wuertenberg V(uapollo.ScollW.Ikot.
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