Page 42 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 42
Bless My Soul: "Call Backs": A Rocky Horror Review LISA STARR Contribtltor racked up the night before so ir came 10 mid.thigh. Carol's ourfic was the one exception rc the rule of Transvestites galore in 'Rocky' show dressingslutty.Shewo~ajeanskirtthatmadeher cringe every time she looked in the mirror with a The &II theatre production at McDaniel CoI- tanktop~nd leggings. Her hair was ressed up in SAMANTHA LAMBERT Bur when the m uslcal began. the audience kge was The Rocky HOlTOr Show, which show is a ponytail that looked like it was straight out of I SlaffReporter (mysdfindudcd) wascnraptun:d bythc rock- finedwith$hockingtwiSlS~ndunexpectedperson_ Dream of Genie. PUI rhe play on ror four nlghrs, allli($, McDaniel in'livcbandonsr::agc:,rhcprovOCltivc:dancing, Maria'soUlfit might have been my favorite; andlhriliinglooJubcrweenCl5tmcmber!;ch:u with 3 double fcuureon Fridaynighl. leggingsoovered her legs in a tight black veil. On I'rop5Bag.Ch~'Ck. lefrusciulchingourarm rests. My friends were all exited abour the chance rep of the leggings, she wore loosely firred black Disco Ball. Check The choreography was lop-notch, dern- to partake of !.heir fillil play hen: at McDanieL I shortS that C:lmC up to her mid thigh. Sheal50WOre Fishnet. Check. cnstradng [he wild and ronAicring emc- was!.heonlyoneinmygroupoffrienwwhoW3S a black tank top rhat Rowed from her body in Hnle Virgins. Check. lions or ,h3racrcl'$ as well as ~!i"g the ~ Rocky alumna. ! have seen the show four times ripples. A white collared shirt was layered on lOp Let dlcgame~ begin! rruechat;lcrerrcbdonships. '!belighting,c5- and have been ablc to compare and contrast all the of this, bunoned hallWay 50 that isslippedolfh~r McOaniel'~ twist on Rocky Horror was pcciallyduring the Timc Warp. pulled the proouctionll,pidtingoutsrrengttu-andwcaknesses. shoulders. Marias hair, like Carol's. was pulled In not cnly a success ar rhe box office. but lr wns whole scene:: together, highlighting rhesny Ipersuaded five of my frienwto see the show whh a high pcnytai] adorned with a sparkly silver,r also a success in audience pleasing (wink). aClorssinging in a climatic d;nc<,parrywhi!e me, and thl:')' looked to me for guidance. Oh, the band. She gave the impression of Kelly, Barbie's Thc sbow nlmosr sold out Friduynighr:O!her pulling rhe audienre wrrh chem. things IcouldconvincecJu,m to do! youngersister.Thi, Kelly. however, was ready fer nighr$dr~'Wlarg!;'crowdsasweiL 110: producdon was highly satisfYing. A week before the ~how. my friends threw ideas the srreets!" Even before the show began. friendly Shoul outs 10: C-Mo for his excellent rendi- at me abour the oUllilS Ihey should wear, The ideas Sarah wore a ribW, black rank-rep and pan.tS phall!ornslll~dandcndciedaudicncemcm- [jon of Dr. fl,Ninaand Andy for never hold- Staffed OUt prim and proper, a nice pairofjcans with a fishnet glove. Taylor was ihc only one In berswirhgJimpsesofwharwexpec:tonsllIge; ing back their sexiness, Annie for rhe awc- wim a polo. but got more appropriate as time went the group afraid to look like a booker. She eon- an exdringlycroricproouction. some props, Brooke for her belring it our, on. Two days befure the .mow, we purchased our srant!ysaid,"Oh,1 look like a hooker; I'm so glad Whilcsome faculty and parenrssccmed Sydney for the beautiful in!rO, and Pfeiffer tickets, precious green ~tangles with Rocky Hor_ myparenrscan't~me:'Herou(fit,al(houghnot a wee bit une:ornfortable,McOanieisludcm5 forgiving u~ thedO's:.tnddon'u. tor primed in blackwriting.Merwed(sofwailing. asscandalousasothers,wasspectacubr.~hewore were morc lb:ln willing to partidpatl: in "cle- Everybody did a marvelous job. This will !.heshow was finally ready for the public. a shorr jean skirr with tall. black, formfimng boors virgini:dng" and pracricing Ihe firsl .~teps of he a prod",ction McDaniel will n~ver forget. Oneofmy friencis was in rhecast, playing the and ~ maroon rank-rop. Het hair was half up and the ~lammin' rime warp dance. (For !hQse AS$OphomoreTori Potucek commented, . role of Brad. A frt'Shman getting such a good part half dQwn with one SlIq,ndof hair coming through who CQuid nOI aHcnd the show. audience "J'II never forget I was'dc.virginized'byMike would be unheard of at myoid sc:hool. He disap. cotherron!. members who had nor5<:en Rocky had to do Pfeifferwilh a banana." peared fOrweeks before the show. When he wOllJd Iwore the sam!;'outfit Ihad on fOr The Rocky somesrnooth moves with a ban3n~). Bravo. finally appear, he would be in a slccpysrupor. I Horror Picture Show movi~ I saw in toWn. ! de- decided thaI the more bags I saw under his eyes. cidcdthepinkeo~t(Opwilhskinnyjeansdidnot fhe betrer the play would be. The nigh! before we lookscandalousenough.soladded$Omeblackun- S:lwtheplay,thebagsunderhiseyesrcachedhis dl.'rwearthar peaked out of the top of my pants. cheekbones. Of course:, make-up is critical :It Rocky H?r. lh:l.lnighlwearcdinncraltOpspced. taking ror,sowepassed3roul1d~rubcofbl~redhp' threebitesatJ time. Wededded to arrive 20 min- stick. Everyone samp!t.J ItS po"",r. Eac:h per50n Utes ~rly to make sure we found prime sealS. We thcnaddeclpc:r.lonaltouch~toberownmakc-up. g;tthCll'd inAnna's room, The clothes for (bat night :lJld we were ready. Wc stcpped OllISide, feel~ng~he covercd her 00:1 likca blankec. Showers wcre nec:es- icy wind CUt Ihrough ourthil)g:trment.~. plcrctng saryifweweregolngtosrny upso 13le.Wcsprinted ourskinwilhitsbitternt'SS.Runningto!ilCth<"lter, ro the barhrooms and rook the F.istesrshowers t'Ver. we aU bUrsl Qtlr laughing. The adrenaline rush we were experiencing e:ould lhep!aYW3Samazing!(~llythinkitw:l"One onlygefusthroughthefimhalrofthc$ho~. oflhe\Optwotheatreproduc:uonslha:-c<:Ycrscen. ClusteringinAnna'sroom,wedressedmour Afrer the show, the audienCl: aploded lfl applause. Rocky get ups. Although I helped choose mm! of and,s.1dly.lhenightwasover. the OUlfitS,tiley now loolu:d different. 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