Page 41 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 41
A day in the life of a commuter student JETONNE' ELLIS Carney coordinates the Officers of the CSA as do on campus between my last class and the commucer srudenrs: "In the mornings, com- SloffReporter well as CSA meeungs and functions. He rep- meerlngs, or go home and come back if there muter students have already dodged three deer resenrs rhe CSA and commuters at All College is nothing to do, which wasres gas. However, by rhetimeon-campusstudentswakeup.~ Cound!, Organizations Council, and other staying involved on campus makes me feel con- Hazardous toad conditions are another Despite their challenges, the numbe:ofMc- stUd'endfaculrymeetings. He alsc addresses all nected to the school." issue. When [here is bad weather, commuters Daniel students who commute remains high. commuter issues including parking lots, tick- "Because many cornmurers have work com- are forced to make a choice between making According to Mitchell Alexander, Faculry Ad- ets, road hazardsv and safery concerns. mhrnents, it is very hard for them to become extra work for themselve$, or risking the drive visor for CSA, this fa1l2009s~mester, 460 un- One of the most common problems Faced involved on-campus. These students come to McDaniel in porenrially hazardous road dergraduare5tudems are commuting. by cornmueer srudenrs is the limited number of to classes, and afterwards [have to] leave for conditions. The primary reason th~t McDaniel "". parking SPOtS available on campus. work. Many times, srudenrs are expected to ful- ~!n the wintertime, on-campus students dents choose to commute IS an economical "A majority of the time students have to fill outsidecommitmen[s, so rhestudents be- only have to be careful of walking on 'black one. Nowadays,collegesrudentsareoptingto parkin 'curskirr parkinglcrs' like Harrison lot, come "left OUt" by the on campus communiry tee," says Carney. «Commuters drive in it. Al- attend schools closer to home as money he- and walk across campus to get to rhelr classes. because commurers are nor on-campus all the though the dean's issue a letter ec commuter comes an increasingly iruporeanc factor in eel- In addition, there is a small area designared for time. The srudenrs who do become involved srudenrs 5aying 'do not risk yoursafery rc come lege life. When commuring, expenses like room commuter students, but this area is commonly find themselves spending a lot of rime "killing to class in hazardousweather,'ifastudenr miss- and board, laundry, and meal plans aren·t fi- occupied by faculty, resident, or visitor park- time" waiting for late night meetings or ocher es class-time due to weather, rhe srudenr is ex- nancial burdens one has to worry about. Even ing," said Carney. funcrlons," says Carney. peered to make up the work, or work twice as when taking into conslderarion what 3 sruderu SGA R"presentative for Commuter Stu- Typically commurcr srudencs have co wake hard to catch up 10 rhe course materiaJ.H spends in gas and car maintenance, still dentsJessicaSchisleraC[sasrheliaisonbe[Ween up earlier for morning classes and go 10 sleep From Carney's perspecnve, (he biggest ob- considerablycheaperrocommuterhanltveon- The Commuter Studenr Association and The larej- after night classes because they have co stacleforcommurersisovetcomingthelossof campus. Student Government Association. According to drive to and from McDaniel. On-campus Stu- community: ~Ican relate to commuters who are President of The Commuter Student As- Schisler,~commutingcanmakethingsdifficult. dents can roll out of bed and walk to class always in (he scare ofeirher coming or going: it sociadon (CSA), Steven Carney, describes his For instance, I have meetings on Mondays at in their pajamas, commuter., cannot. Carney is hard for them rocteateacohesivegroupwith experience as a cornrnurer srudenr as "unique". 9 p.m., so I either have to find something to laughs, recalling ajoke that is common among on-campus students or other commuters." CSA SPONSORS COMMUNITY WALK TO INCREASE SUICIDE AWARENESS SARAH CHAVIS Stoff Reporter ~:':~:~i~~~s ~:I.I~~~it1:naf~~~u~;id! plr!v:~nt~;~5{~;~~1~;~t:t~sS!h~~h~c~C:~~~t~~ Student Associotion at McDoniel College is sponsoring 0 3-5 mile walk around ccmpus to prevent suicide, Out of the Darkness on Soturday, November 71h. The Out of the Darkness Community Wolk WClS created to ollow people ~:~~~~i:~de~~~i~:~;~Po~~Sr:~e~~:rb~:tr;:i~?d~ho~ddd:~~~~!:~~,p~~ar~~~s:~~:~ vors of suicide loss. Junior Kristino Martin, an active member of the CSA, introduced the ideo in J:~~~~;;:::C~;ne:y~O;~:;ide~~~f~~i~si,s~c~::t~~tJ;~~i ~n·I~O~t;:r~h~ upcoming W olk. However Martin says, Rlfwe ~on't even raise money at all, that would be fine, as long aswe roise owareness for the cause. R Anybody can participate in t~e walk, students, .faculty, fomily, friends, and ony members of the community. For more informahon, vhit www.outofthedark- or contoct Kristino Mortin at or Steven Corney ot A good fence Wes, 113Ft, and Joke Weicht, both fre~hmen (lnd !win brothers, fence in Red Squore. The duo looks to starl 0 fencing club. For the fvll slory, see the bock cover, King Gimp promotes awareness of disabilities MEGAN ROBINSON Webb said the college decided to hold juSt News Edilor one focalactiviry, as apposed to holding many smallcractiviries that may not discuss the topic in such depth. His goal for Ihis event is for McDaniel is getting involved in the first Dis- "people to change any stereotypes about their abilities Awareness month by shOWing the comfort oraiscomfort with people with dis- Oscar winning documentary King Gimp, fol- abilities. H Webb said he believes peopl~ with lowed by a discussion with the film's director, disabilities have a lorofporential,and can ac- Susan Hardary, on October 28th at 5:30 complish more than pc:opleoftcn rea!izt'. King Gimp is a documentary that follows The director of the film, Hardary, comes to 1he life of a man named Dan Keplinger who suf- McDaniel through a mutual friend that Webb fers from C~rebral Palsy. This documentary was made while working as a congressional staffer originally shown on HBO in 2000. It has some on Capitol HilJ. Webb helped draft rhe Amer- local ri~s: Keplinger is from Towson, Maryland ican Disabilities Act far twO years on Capi- and went to local Parkville High School. tol Hill, b..fore starring as the new director The goal of Disabilities Awareness month is of SASS 3[ the beginning of this school year. co encourage colleges and other schoob to have Webb said h.. hopes to bring more people of activities that wi!! raise awareness and open up ~equal caliber" as Haraary {Q the campus for the discussion about people with disabilities. other events. Tom Webb, director of the Student Academic This event is co-sponsored by the Office of Suppon Services Office, said he hopes rhis film Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. For mor~ will create a dialogue about people with disabil- information about. this event, contact Tom iries. Webb said viewing a fllm about a person Webb at For more infor- with a disabilirywill "build a comfort" fot mation on Disabilities Awar..ness Month go to students to learn more about disabilities versus Maryland's Department of Disabiliti ..s website a reading or discussion. at www.mJod.maryland.govIDHAM.aspx.
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