Page 40 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 40
The Hill glad to host author Gladwell Writer of closs of 2013's freshman reading 'Outliers' comes to Alumni Hall to talk to community DAN LAMOND rhar enter the NFL is one to six. Many of the players have SlaffReporler rhe ahiliry ro play in the Narional Pcceball Leaguebue ehey Asians. Gladwell suggested char teachers at srudenrs be sent to aretoopoo[rogerequipmenr, pracricroandpurin the nee- Asia to see how much work is PUt towards math. The teach- essaryhours. On any other day, if you saw him walking through the Me- Next, Gladwell blamed plain stupidity for why capiral- ers could then use similar methods in their classrooms to Daniel campus, you most likely would assume he is a s~u- i:tacion rates are so Jow. GJadwell reircraredrhecu[offdarcs help srudenrs become better at math. dent's father. Adorned in a brown fleece, jeans and Nlke for eligibility, a pain! he made dear in Outliers. Gladwell Gladwell defin~d success as "ir doesn'r matter how much shoes, Malcolm Gladwell blends in with everyone else, but read off the Ilsr ofdarcs that each player was born for the money you make, whae matters is that you are doing some- really he is an outlier in disguise. Czech Republic National Soccer Team thing rhar is important to you." He believes rhat far tOO Having published three New York Times best selle~s a~d An overwhelming majority of the players were born in much of the idea of success is based on wealth and male- countless conmbuncns to The New Yorker, Gladwell indis- rhe first few months of (he year. If the audience was nOI al- rialbdongings. putably sets himself apart f~om the rest of us o.n campus. ?n readyconvinced,Gladwdl read rhe dares of when the play- Ocrober6, Gladwell took time to visit The HIll to talk with ers on the Czech Republic National Hockey team were born. he :sh:~k~laa~:~l: :~~~:dh~~~::su:r:~rhth~i:~'~~~~~ studenrsandfacultymemhers. The same alruanon appeared, giving evidence that this was Gladwell chuckled and responded, "well you have to read a McDaniel Professor of Education, Dr. Francis Fen- nctjusr a one-tirne occurrence. lor." Gladwell explained rhar there are a JOt of good bo~~s nell, formally introduced Gladwell, describing him as "a Gladwell said that this happens in every counrr)', and OUt there to read but, "the problem about this cool nuf ~s teacber of a dlfferene kind." Gladwell approached the stage that setting the cutoff date is a bad idea. Gladwell suggested that it's nor written cool." Gladwell encouraged me :tudE;. with thunderous applause from the audience in Alumni that counrries have rwo or rhree curoffdatesand then choose ence ro get pas! the first chapter, the less tnreresring part b. Hall. ~When I come to a college campus I always feel from the besr players of each group. "Counrriesareprevem_ a book. and gel to the exciting pans where readIng can e about 20 years youngt"r," Gladwell remarked as he began ing some ofrhe fineH players from ever having a chance be- his speech. causeofcutofFdates. n enjore:ember of [he audience asked Gladwell a question Gladwell spoke mainly of caplrelization, an idea that he rhar has been brought u~ many rimes by any~~et~h~o:~~ ~!hought ofa lot and that helped form his book Ourliers: Gladwell told the audience that culture is the final ele- The Story of Success". Capiralizarion, as Gladwell defined menrcitatprevenrscapitalizadon.Gladweilstatedrhestereo_ 2~a~~e~I~~~k~h~h~I~~den;r:;e~~:~;~h:[o~et:l~ed about in it,"iswharpercentageofpeoplecapableofdoingsomerhlng, rype that "all Asian kids are good at math. SUI why is that?" Ourlier. were male dominated professions.. . h book actually end up doing that." Gladwell asked. He stared thar it is because of the emphasis placed on math in Asian countries. Gladwell stared that he thought there were three main but ~~:d::~ :~~;h~ft;~~ ~~sd~~:ac:::do~:;o~~sli~:er~re:r~ for the Their teachers have more rigorous curriculum elemenrsthatprevemcapimlizationfrom happening. Forrhe students and the Hudenrs are simply willing to work hard- as him disrespecting women. "I regret not makIng a rem flr5t clement, poverty, Gladwell described Michael Lewis' er than students in Other counrries. Ifsrudents from other book The Blind Side: Evolurion of a Game. Gladwell stared countries were willing to pm the same amoum of effon abo~l:~~~~ ~:ybr:;;~: not mentioning women in h~sob~~~ that in Memphis, the capitalization fate offootbaJJ players bur he .lUre doesn't regret putting in rhe necessary , into math, then this srereotype might nor be rrue only of hours he putin to get where he is today. PLAYING FOR A CAUSE Off-campus party bust Men's Lacrosse Raises Money for Headstrong Foundation causes concerns, rumo~s i b local police McDaniel students cited for aleo h 0 Y b """ KATEDELENICK Gerl was ~saddendd~ by :;~:::~Ieeday, I Co.Editor-in-Chief she believed ~it ~houl (. ::me H think its unfortun~[e 0; an off campus ~vent, Thefact[har.ltW~theinstitution, Get! On Friday, September 25 WestrninsterPolice "torallyseparateslcfro mean the event can be brokeupa party an Main Sueet in Wenmin_ InColieluori's said. But that does not, nt (0 see a repeat sophomore year, s~er. Ma~y McDaniel College student! were brushed aside. "Wedonrwa ofterexperiencing CIted dUring the incident, including members allergy like o~both ~he Phi Delta Theta Fraternity and Phi orr~~:osr~~:;i~~ Towle, there are t:ff-~~;~~ SIgma SIgma Sorority. SY7!~~;'~d:~ .. The Free Press asked the city police rorthe ferent guidelines~ when it comes toBoch Deans Noo-Hodgkin's InCident reportS, bur were denied them. The as opposed to on_campuS evenuhard ro build LY~rtl:~~o~!e~ Free Press then filed a Freedom oflnformation ;!:~~~eo~~a:~~~e:t,eiP:a~i;::.:~;ound~~g ;:::~~~ request, but the information Was not available thotoffectsthe 3t press time. and when somerhinglike thiS occurs It lymphoticsystem. He Monday morningafterrhe party bU$t the boHled the d;seose rumor mill had taken its roll on the Hill, leav_ look~~;d;Pi=IlY have good, posirive'dre~~: for 1.4months, tionsh,pswith rhecommunity,and Ifln t undergoing intense ing ~any students begging for another juicy detaIl and members of the former brotherlsis_ chemotheropy, frus~~~~;:;~:~ :~~dfact that so many neW rodiotion, a stem ter fraternity and sorority angry, upset. and confused. celltronsplont, ~;::~y~~~:::~~;t1:r~~7~:c;;a~:::g;:r~~~ ond experimentol "None of the girls were itHoxicared, so treotments they're getting charged bur they weren't drink_ has been rrying hard to improve their reruta- ing,n the Phi Sigma Sigma president, senior HEADSTRONG Lindsay Ander~on, said. don~::~e~:e ~~Wt~:S;h~o~:i~n:~~d nor FOUNDATlON.ORG Becausethepartytookplaceonwhatfrarer_ comment: h nities and sororities c:all"Bid Day" and because man~o:~r~~ ::~~s :~;t;r:~e~!:~a%~;~;~s EVAN YOUNG On Sunday, Oct. 10, Ihe McDaniel Men's so many of the students cired by Westminster face similar citarions from rhe po!ice, the Slml- Police we~e new pledges and current members Contributor lacrosse team facoooffin the HcadslrongLa_ of 50rorines and fraternities, many people al_ crosse Tournament in an effo[{to raise money luded. that the bus! took place aTa "Bid Day larit~~::~: ~:~r~'ursuing lawyers and we ~re and awareness for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. separatefrorn the Phi Delts ... we're not calk,ng The Hcadstrong Foundarion hosts
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