Page 124 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 124
Brittany Baer Brittany's success on the field can be attribut- ed to her knowledge of the game, which al- lows her to make her teammates beuer, while putting herself in prime position to be an of- fcnsiveforce. Brittany has lit up the scoreboard like no other female lacrosse player in the school's history In her senior year, Briuany broke the school record for career goals finishing with over 180 goals. She also owns the school re- cord for draw comrols.with over 160 ij:>r her career. In all BaCTowns 10 school records. The success at lacrosse continues to the soccer field, where Baer led the team in goals and points this year. Two of her goals were game winners as BrittanY,led lhe, young squad throughout the season Wl~h her mcr~d- ible skills and engaging personality, According to Baer; "The team has everything m pl.ace to compete." The younger players certamly • . benefited from playing with Brittany and her Passion, devotion, love of the game, family, and impact on the team will be felt for years to schO::~~what motivates Brittany Baer, a senior com~ne would think Brittany's most. special here at M~than~~;,,:~~s~:~:I~~~:~ S)1l- sports momCn1 woul~~::;~~l~~~~~~t::; ~;;:;'=;;:::;:;~~;;~;:d:';';~';;;';ik1'd~~::~w/i~".~"~~:k~~~~~e~:~~~~~~yh: in the fall and in the sp~ng. The change in sea- spcnded, "Watching my older brother's foot- sons docs little to slow Bnttany down, and we on ball games with family and friends were the the Hill have been privileged to watch her play tile special moments I'll always remember." sports she loves.? .. .. Once Brittany leaves tI~e Hill, she hopes Baer will be graduating WIth a major I~ Com- to begin her career coaching, WIth ~reams munication and a minor in Sports Coachmg and of the collegiate level in her SIghts. With the Management. She began her collegiate career ~t numerous accomplishm~n~ she has accrued Towson Univcl'llity, where a lacrosse scholarship throughout her career, II IS safe to assume had her name on it. After one year, Briuany decid- coaching will be no different. ed it was time for a change. "I missed playing soc- Brittany has been special to this .school cerand I missed home," recalls Brinany, McDaniel and her teammates. Her obvious provided Baer with the opportunity to play the two wen-known, but her humbleness and willing- sports she loves, lacrosse and soccer, all within her ness to help others is what really stands out. hometown of Wemninster. Her successes do not consume her and her Coach Bliss, head coach of the lacrosse team, desire 10 win is contagious. Brittany is a per- summed up Briuany's presence on tne team this son who followed her love of sports to college way: "While her points (goals and assists) certainly and dared to be great. She has been nothing haw: been a tremendous asset to our program, she short of great, as her name, Brittany Baer, is is more points to us." Coach Bliss goes on certainly in the conversation as one of the to describe Brittany as "a work horse, who truly best female . athletes to compete at McDan- lel enajmin can:smoreabouttheteamssucce5S1hanherown." Tray.l~" resolu~ion and forming an Organi~ation8' Council, along with many Other admIrable undertakings. One of COwman's proudest moments at McDaniel was "getting the activity period passed," he says, so that !.here will be: "no class during that time." If returning students were initially confused at the new times for course olTc~ngs, .this newly implemented change is the reason. Science and International Studi~ major and A charismatic student who thinks out of the box Ben's favorite class Ii and Science minor; has been involved in the Me. and professor at McDaniel were outside of his majo~. Daniel community he first stepped fOOL on campus as a freshman '1'I.pproaches to Everyday Discourse, a 3000 level English course what organi:(ation on campus he WOuld Com. taught by Dr. Kate DObson, even though it wasn't part of my major, infortltencxtfouryea.n:SGA. I he was a commuter for his fint three yean, Ben became :;;1~C~I:I~::j:~~:l~iSr~~::~n~;:~~ :~::~~~::e~~tOrical skills face on campus as his CliU! President of SGA his fresh. . d As ,for his faVorite eJ(perience at McDaniel Cowman "really en- . He continued holding notable SGA positions throughout his l::: a~e::g ::art of, the presiden.lial seareh p~ess and being able to aL McDaniel as Trcasurer his sophomore, Executive Vice "M .p .' WOrking closely wllh truStees and faCUlty," he says. Scnioryear, and finally as President in hufinal favorite ::~~:t~e~he 4th Hoor of ANW," he says laughing, was his least what he likes most aoout ~'lcDaniel, Cowman replies, "I like ~atio:;~~heDrec~ives hi.~ degree, Cowman plans on continuing his edu- I school so I can have a higger impact in SOA as well es DCVelop~c:t~I~:~ ~,~tering a ~aster's program jn Human Resourc- to get things done." understatement ror all or theproductivc things gran.' on campuS," wher:teres\~d In a ~eveloping and. Lead~rship pro- h~'/M,rO"/"","l,,,'injustrourshortyear.;.Frome:!lablishing AlTat~d~th a focus on Stl\~:n~~~:e~Sh~r~dUate ASSIStant m Student to implementing an online voting !l)'stcm LO man is L~~~~:a~:nn~as t~tr:r to current ~\udents and incoming fre~h. in SOA Elections from 5% LO38%, Cowman's ,»w,mpli,/m,,"" oc campus would be hard to sUTpa.'lll. to b\~~la\ you make O~1. y ur fouryeal'll here, because it's only gomg , other accomplishments include pa~ing the "Going run withti:~?M importanl lhing? Ben says, "Find your passion -andjust
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