Page 50 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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10 THE .... -DANIEL FREE PRESS NOVEMBER 1 2007 Features I Homecoming 'The college that kept going' This homecoming marked the 140th anniversary for the institution Homecoming festivities connect alumni to current students From "'Homecomins" on POige1 known as "Big Will," who forced the honor society. down eight of the boiled treats in "We're just as excited this year for the most humorous event of the the allotted time frame. Interest- as we were the first year," said Presi- day. This was none other than a hoc ingly, he is not even a student here, dent C~ris Kron. "We didn't expect dog eating contest put on by me so it seems rheAlpha Sigs have a bit Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. Spec- of practicing ahead of them. Homecoming is an enter- tators witnessed a fine spectacle, On a related matter, the hills taining experience for everyone as six of the brotherhood's finest surrounding the stadium were involved; it gives new students a competed to see who could wolf covered with large and colorful let- chance to see the importance of down the most dogs in seven min- ters, a representation of the groups tradition, seasoned students an op- utes. There was yelling, chanting, a that make up Greek life here on portunity to unwind, and return- bit of informal betting, as well as campus. These displays are judged ing students me means to relive grimaces from the contestants and annually, with the Alpha Sigs tak- old times as well as see what their audience alike. Once the conrest ing the nrle of "Best Letters" in college has become. Just like the [- was underway, it didn't take long addition to their fourth capturing shirrs say, "We did it on rhe Hill." ro hear a mix of nauseated laughter of me BRANT award. This award, at me expense of me participants. based on a point system, includes Additional rtporting by Rose Eney Each of them are valiantly, but an evaluation of GPA, leadership, and Cori Simpson. only one was crowned destroyer of community service, arhlcrlc partie- the dog; that title wenr to the one iparion, and represenrarion within The 'Crab Guys' By Katelynn McGinley The ground is still wet from the previous night's rainstorm, and [he chilly weather has most of the crowd bundled up in swearshirrs, rubbing rhelr hands together in an anempt to warm them up. The crowd remains polite, but unenthused through a procession of campus safety cars and possibly inebriated fraternlry brothers in Halloween masks. However, old veterans of the McDaniel Homecoming parade and newble's [ike me alike all perk up when the self professed "Creb Guys" roll by on their Roar. Led by Professor and Chair of the Economics department, Dr. John Olsh - it's hard not ro pay arrenrion when a group of middle aged men in long blonde wigs and shell bras rol! by. Cries of "Oh my god!" and "There they are!" mingled with peals of laughter that could be heard throughout the crowd. "I think it's awesome that they come out here every year and show their suppOrt for me school like thought about the Hoar remarked minster, Lou Shelley, clapped her this. It's really funny," said sopho- mat in her mind, they "are super hands excitedly as che float went more Ashlii McGee, through her sexy," past. laughter. One parade attendee summed "Oh!" she exclaimed. "They One student wolf whistled, up the feelings of the crowd the are my favorite part of this whole and then when asked what she best. A lifelong resident of West- parade."
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