Page 47 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 47
THE M'DANIEl FREE PRESS NOVEMBER1 2007 Campus Lifestyles I Features Glar food heists Sitcom hotties keep Is it a growing trend or an established tradition? students hooked 8y Dave Robertson each brazen student: spillage. racr- poisoning." The never -ending in- which is rhe besd" Liberators. Opportunists. Vaga- lessness, and getting caught. Many One freshman, who asked (0 fatuation with the 'bad That "gruff looking exterior" bonds. In the eyes of administra- have developed ways of avoiding remain anonymous, remarked that boy' with the 'gruff thar many find so appealing cer- tors and others in the college com- these situations by bringing Tap- some students "boldly ask Glar tainly applies (0 two guys found munity. these words aptly describe perware bowls conducive to seer- employees for saran wrap" to keep looking exterior' on the popular show LOST. Just students who are part of a growing ing soft-serve ice cream and salads, the food mess to a minimum. mention the names Jack and Saw- trend at McDaniel College: steal- plastic baggies for sandwiches, and A semi-regular beneficiary of By 8edy S..lder yer, and you might have a debate ing food from Glar. using me disposable cups for a these actions warned, "Beware of on your hands. These two seem [0 It's not so much sreeltog, spur-of-the-moment stir fry crav- leaky wraps when using napkins Ever find yourself flicking through be in constant competition with some students contend, but rather ing that they store in messenger for transport: they adhere like the TV stations late at night to one another over who will win trying to get their money's worth bags and backpacks. wallpaper so you get a lirrle exrra suddenly stubble upon a show you the heart of the character Kate. I of food from the Englar Dining Ms. Celt Bowens of the fiber." watched when you were younger? mean who wouldn't have a crush Hall. Englar Dining Hall staff said that Another studeur, adamant A show char JUSt so happens to have on a rough guy who protects you "Ir's not cheap at all (0 go about the measures taken to ex- your first TV show crush in it? and takes his shirt off to show his eat there," said a recent graduate rracr food from Glar, said. "It's When asked who rheir first washboard abs! of McDaniel College. "Most can't Students often take one thing if you cover (food) or TV show crush was, the majority If the "bad boy with the gruff ear that much in one sitting. You extra food with them pur a book over £Opof it, but some of women on campus almost in- looking exterior" isn't for you, go waste $8 on quality food; you people are JUSt srupld-c-just asking stantly said Uncle Jesse from Full for the rype of guy who could be can't hare someone who will take to either pass class to be caughr." House. Now that'S JUSt got ro rell your best friend. Look for TV show extra." ti me or stock the Food is not the only thing you something. Jesse Katsopolis, crushes where words such as "fun- Students are nororicus for that walks out of Glar. Trays make you were one hot dude. The Elvis oy. cute, witty, and caring" can be taking pia res, cutlery, cups, and small micro-fridges their appearances outside of Glar obsessed rocker who clearly has a applied. This of course could also of course food of all varieties in dormitory rooms. during the winter months. Con- love for motorcycles must JUSt be mean anyone who has a crush on from our beloved cafeteria. And Again, considering cerning utensils, cutlery, plates, something that we girls are pre- Jim Halpert from The Office. We [here is quite an arr to jacking as etc. when the dishwashers worked, wired to react to. Or ir could be the might oat know what he is like many as 40 apples in one sitting, the amount each one student remarked, "Please! attention that Jesses paid to his hair in real life but according to Cod or multiple wraps, perhaps a loaf student pays for Snow days? The trays." If they that we all loved so much. Ab, Full Simpson, "if you're going to have a of bread, even a nice selection of have nor done so already, no stu- House, rhe memories, the leather, crush on a TV character, Jim Halp- Glar's renowned desserts. tuition, the general dent has lived until they try sled- [he hair. ert is my kind of guy." Students often take extra food consensus is, ding down the slopes of the golf Most of the TV show crushes Other common TV show with them to either pass class time "Where's the harm?" course on a Glar tray. tend to be the "bad boys" who have crushes include Zach Morris from or stock the small micro-fridges in Whether food heists and good attitudes or at least stand up Saved by the Bell, Dr. Carter from dormitory rooms. Again, consider- supply heists are a brief trend or for people and do the right thing. ER, Pacey Winer from Dawson's ing the amount each student pays the workers in Glar are not re- a growing tradition remains to be Take Luke from Gilmore Girls for Creek, and Randy Taylor from for tuition, the general consensus sponsible if students take food in seen. Bur, as one manager of food instance. Junior jen Noel unabash- Home Improvement. is, "Where' e har )" ~~~;.~------ food jack-en reveal mat wirh any a few days and it spoils, men con- it." looking exrerior, bur [deep down good heist, some perils exist for sume ir, and get some SO" of food Inside] you know he is a rC'ddy bear, What is your favorite homecoming tradition? ( Haley Zin(on '09 Dom Cerri '09 Kristen Lamb '09 MJ Alexander '09 "I like the way [he alumni are "My favorite homecoming tra- "My favorite thing about home- "I really like the parade and ~~ attracted [Q the event and that dition is JUSt being able to en- coming is how we all fight over school spirit th:[ comes WI they bring their children. It's a joy the company of friends and the tent spaces." fun thing for the whole family." show my Green Terror pride."
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