Page 55 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 55
Drt:BRsPORTS TCfflIT THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS NOVEMBER 1 2007 15 National Football League: Boxing is going to heat Take the Colts over up this fall and winter By David Nasongkhla This may very well [urn out Many claim that the SpOrt of box- on Shane. between Coree and "Sugar" NewEngland ing is dying and that mixed martial to be the fight of the year. But this fall, for this bout, No predictions arts is taking over. fighters the two two fights are sure co pur the sweet are very evenly science back on top. marched, and the fight can swing On November 10, Miguel either way, The 'McDaniel Guru' makes his predictions for Week 9 Cotto (30-0), a powerful body The other major fight is on puncher will brawl against "Sugar" December 8, the barde of the unde- By Garrett bgan, lip Rivers to pick apart the poor the Birds. Shane Mosely (44-4), who may feareds. A lot of people argue that McDiUllel Guru pass defense of rhe Vikings. Take JUSt have the fasresr hands in box- "Pretty Boy" Floyd Mayweather Jr. My record stands at 77-26 through the Belts. Pittsburgh 31 Baltimore 17 i next to Floyd Mayweacher J r. (38-0) is the best pound for pound week 7 of the NFL, even though Sorry Baltimore, but giving the boxer today. However, one man some of my published picks yield Cincinnati 26 Buffalo 20 - The ball away six times with the Steel- begs (0 differ, his opponenr Ricky losses. The NfL has become a fact char the Bills were lucked out ers will be deadly. They aren't "The Hirman'' Harron (43-0). crapshoot, mainly due to the facts on against the Cowboys does not playing the Rams, so this one Hatton has been training ·for ofinconsistency by big name play- change my view of rhis game. Car- could get ugly. The Ravens defense and craving rhls fight since his four ers, and on and off injury; how- son Palmer is more consistent and doesn't look like lase year's at all round romping of Mexican great ever, the Guru has stayed on tOp. more accurate [han Rome, so don't and doesn't play like it either. Take Jose-Luis Castillo during the sum- The big names of rhe 2006 season expect S lNTs from him. Though the Burg over Baltimore. mer, where he officially challenged have yielded small amounts of it will be dose, take Bengels over Mayweather. Mayweather retired producrion. Larry Johnson, Steven rhe Btlls. l!!PICK OFTUE YEARJ!! after his very dose fight with Os- Jackson, and Maurice Jones-Drew IndianapoHs 31 New England percut to the head of Zab Judah. car de la Hoya, which could have have plagued fantasy football Washlngton24NYJeu 17 -With 24 - Picking a winner in this game Cotto defended his Welterweight title swung either way. However, May- owners this year. There is still light the Redsklns dropping rhe ball took me two days. Both teams are succesfully in June, and notched his weather is coming out of retire- at me end of the runnel for both in Green Bay twice, th'!;y should in. fifth pearl mowing down their 30th straigbll:.lcto!y .. _.menL[o fight Hatton. Jones-Drtew and JO' ... At"', ,",&A! it60biM hi" di/'lllJlrSii'ftl'Fi't' comiQ!Htton. ThIS is SUI'C' to be die This may ~ cit., most ill- reams rebounded in week 6. Week Moss has been a large let down for AFC Championship game ecme If you thought Madison advised fight for Hatton's career, 9 produces a heavy dose of big rhem, while Chris Cooley and the playoff' time. Even with the pos- Square Garden rocked during as even a retired Mayweather is games, and even though two or defense is on point. However, the sibility of Harrison our in this COtto's title defense againse Zab Ju- simply a berrer boxer than Hatton. three deserve being dubbed the Jets are not a high caliber team. one, the Colts defense is playing dah in June, you ain'r seen nothing Hatton may be a brawler, but we "Pick of the Week,~the Parrlots- Take [he Skins in this one. perfect, and the offense is Peyton yet. The building may come apart all know boxers bear Colts game rakes rhe cake. Manning. The New England Pa- when he and Mosley go toe to toe Here are my picks for week 9 Cleveland 27 Seattle 16 - Who rrtors are the same way, mowing in whar figures to be a truly special of rhe NFL: is Derek Anderson? Whoever he down everyone so far, Bur their night for boxing. is, he is leading the Browns to defense scares me, nor as consis- Cotto, coming off his abuse of Green Bay 23 Kansas City 14 playoff hopes. The Seahawks are renr as years before, and not as former welterweight champ Judah - Stay with Favre and the Pack- sluggish, weak, and show no signs powerful. It is the X-facmr in this looks to continue his unbeaten ers who don't seem (0 show any of rebounding from this. Take the game. Take the Colts. streak. Mosely on the ocher hand signs of slowing up on their (ear Dogs over [he Hawks. plans to stop the Puerto Rican of the NFC. LJ and [he Chiefs powerhouse. made a considerate charge against Dallas 28 Philadelphia 17 - A DON'T AGREE? Corros chin is better now at Ricky Hatton (left), lands a body shot the Bengals, bur mat won't hap- classic NFC East march-up, this 147 lbs than it was in his last days to lose Luis Castdto during their bout pen against the Packers. Take the game is a must-watch. The Cow- at 140 when he was really draining in June. For Hatton, his 43rd consecu, Packers. boys, thanks to their power on Share your his body to make weight. How- tivevictory. the ground and in the air co TO .. ever, that being said, if he gets San Diego 24 Minnesota 13 - seem like a shoe-in for the N FC thoughts. cracked JUSt right by a hook (hat Look for Mayweather to cur This match-up looks likc a run- EaSt ride. McNabb looks sluggish, he doesn't see, he can be on wobbly and counter-punch Harton all ning back duel bc[Ween rhe ma- and the Eagles defense isn't any legs, and "Sugar" Shane's hands are night. This fight most likely will chine that is 1:T and the "rookic better. As much as I want co pick fast enough to do JUSt that. go the dis£ance, bur Harton always thac plays I!ke a veteran," Adrian an upset here, 1 have to stay with Frankly, though, I can't w;lir to has a punchers chance ax a knock- Peterson. However, look for Phil- my instinct and take the Boys over see all the body punching that goes McDaniel campus full of diverse NFL fans ! McDaniel College is filled with a Pimburgh and are die hard Steelers so I JUSt feel a sense of loyalty to 76ers, and the Eagles are all my diversiry of NFL fans. fans. r know off the top of my head them." teams," said junior Shawn Yohe. I myself am from New York friends chat are Cowboys fans, Buc- Even though McDaniel is "The Patriots are my team," Ciry, and ( have a choice between caneers fans, and Colcs fans. comprised of mostly Maryland na- said Camara Kadete. a senior from [he Jees and the Giants. I'm not one However, McDaniel College tives, [here are some fans from here Massachusetts. '" only like them who follows the NFL like others, is in Matyland, and the number of that follow other teams, and of when rhey win, though it seems so I often switch my loyalty every Ravens and Redskins fans is great. course there are fans from the resr they've been doing that all year," he few years. "My dad was in the Baltimore of the country. later added. During the days of Wayne Colcs band and I grew up liking Junior James Isaminger, is a Football may arguably be Chrebec and Keyshawn Johnson, I Johnny Unitas and the Ravens," fan of both (he Jacksonville Jaguars considered America's sport, so it's David Nasongkhla '08 was a Jets fan. But now during the said junior Jay Eaton. "My dad was and the San Francisco 49rs. "I lived not unheard ofrhat even at small Staff Writer . days of Eli Manning, Plaxico Bur- at Super Bowl three when the Colts in Jacksonville the year the Jags school like McDaniel, rhe number ress, and of course, Jeremy Shockey, played," he added, were creared, and llived in Hawaii of teams adored represent almost my loyalty lies with the Giants. When asked why she liked for five years and [he 4gers were the all of the NFL. The diversity of NFL fans here the Redskins, senior Jane Libert re- closest team," he said as his reason. at McDaniel runs across the board. plied. "I live right outside of D.C. '" grew up a Philly fan aeross My girlfriend's family grew up ncar and they have been around longer me board. The PhilJies, Flyers,
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