Page 49 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 49
re erra There's a new force on campus this semester, and it's moving us into the fcrure. Apcly dubbed rhe "Green Terra," they're a ccmmlnee consisting of faculry, sraff and one McDaniel student The com mince began this summer with all agreemenc signed by Presldenr Coley, called "The President's Climate Commitment," With rhts agreement, McDanid joins 422 other schools in a pledge to become a carbon-neutral campulo. In order 1'0 reach rhls goal, the new group members have been chosen in order [0 represenr e~'erysector of our campus. Members include: Esther Iglkh: (IT, EPS); Glna King: (Admissions); Jeff Marx: (Physics); Joyce- Muller: (Public Relations); George Hrenron: (Head of Physical Plant): Jamie Smith: (Athletic Director); Marv]o Colbert: (Head of Conrerence and Food Services); Michael Robbins: (Smdem Affairs); and Laura Prullngcr: (Srudcnr. EPS) The group is charged with finding ways to be carbon-neutral either by compensating or elirntnarlng (he carbon produced. Some of the major ccnmburors ro carbon emissions on our campus include student and faculty crampon and energy use in on-campus buildings. The goal is to establish a permanent presence on campus and implement long-lasung4angcs. Esther lgltch. coordinator of [he group, explained. "-\Vc donor wanr ro do a dinky thing where it falls apart. We realty need co get a lot of things changed:' '111e President's Climarc Com mirmcnr states, "Wl' recognize [he scientific consensus that global warming i~real and ts largely being caused by humans. \'7e further recognize the need ro reduce the global emission of greenhouse gases by 80% by mid-century at (he latest. in order to avert the worst impacts of global warming and to reestablish the more stable climatic conditions that haw made human progrl's~ over rhe lasr 10,000 years possible. We believe colleges and universities must exercise leadership in their comrnunides and throughout society by modeling ways to minimize global warming emissions, and by providing the knowledge and [he educated gradunres to achieve climate »curraliey,'' It also comes With a time requirement. After agreeing to participate in this pledge. Mcl.Ianiel College must, "complece c comprehensive inventory of all greenhouse gas emissions" within one year dnd "dcvelop an institutionfll action plan for hewming dim:Hc neutral" within rw"O_ 'lbough they:tim to stact with laying firm fO\lndi.lrions insread ofhasrily implemt:nting new proceduro. they hallc already discusscd a few possible, immediare solutions, A few ofdlCSC opliollS mily indudt, using all Elll'rgy Sfar appliancc.~ Oil Clmpus and charging ~rudenrs to print documcnt~ in tbe compmcr laho!.in order 10 cut dmvn on excess paper, As Laura Fralingc:r, sole student mcmbcr of rhe group, ex.plained, "We're trying to change our ecological fuotprifll at the schooL Wc-'re going to analyze what we'r(' dning wrong and rry to fix ic." However. a very important function of the Green Terra is to suggest long term srf
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