Page 16 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 16
THE M'DANIEL fREE PRESS SEPTEMBER27 2007 Features "What makes you feel safe or unsafe on campus? ../ Ben Glass, '09 Josef Loeffler, '08 Latoya Young Julia He.:k '11 Melanie Gladden, '09 "People can be leery of "While the impressive "The openness of the "The campus security "There have been assaults certain areas because campus safety vehicles campus could be unsafe, driving around every- on campus and it's so easy they're not well lit at calm my wits about because anyone can get where makes me feel to get into our buildings; night. I think campus outlaws being brought in. The limited amount of safe. It could be safer if anyone can hold the door safety does a pretty good to justice. the squirrels parking for graduate and there were gates that you for someone that they job patrolling though, cause me many sleepless commuter students can had to go through to get don't know. If security sat and all in all, it's a pretty nights, because they lurk make you feel unsafe as into campus." in our buildings it would safe campus." the campus at all hours." well, because sometimes be a lot safer, but ocher you have to park on Penn- than that I think it's a sylvania Avenue at night." ____ .... II!IIIIJ pretty safe campus." BIG APTS 4 RENT Walking Distance to McDaniel 1 BR- Washer/Dryer in unit, full kitchen What is up with the Vajayjay? with room for small table & chairs, air conditioning, yard access, solid brick By ~thryn Young. fe~tures Co-Editor This issue's column will be the first part of a three-column walls, well maintained, new painU series. If you have any further questions or ideas for the column, please e-mail key001@mcdanie!.edu. carpeUflooring, $800 + gas/elec and They're hairy, smell, and bleed. Strip. security deposit. Not ro mention chey aren't sexy Most women feel [he pressure to Helpful Hints • and have somehow been deemed shave their pubic hair because they worthy of sex. Worthy or not, are afraid a man will be grossed If you do decide to remove Efficiency - WasherlDryer In unit, vaginas everywhere are extremely out. But it is important to remem- some or all of your pubic hair, misunderstood. ber that pubic hair is suppose (0 be there are multiple options: separate full eat-In kHcben,. air The bottom line is that begin- mere, and after all, it is jusr hair. -You could tweeze, but that conditioning, yard access, solid brICk ning ro understand your vagina For some reason we obsess over would take a really long time is beginning [Q enjoy any sexual whether the hair on our head is and be extremely painful walls, well maintained, new paIntI experience. For men and women beautiful. In fact, we will wait -Shaving is the easiest option, alike it is important to become fa- months for our hair to grow (he but can create razor burns. carpeUfloortng, 550 sq.ft., $650 + -Using depilatory cream is an- millar with the actual part5 of (he exact length we want. But once we other option if shaving doesn't vagina, as well as its appearance, think about hair growing some- work. Creams can cause irrita- elec and security deposit. actions, and smells. where else on our body, we freak tion, and if they do then waxing Most females have been insecure OUt! is probably the best decision since they first started to grow pu- Besides being a litde curlier, -Waxing is both more painful bic hair and try a lot of"haitsryles." pubes are JUSt the same as the hair and expensive, and if you are In face there is no right or wrong on your head. $0 if you're stressing doing it for the first time, go to a way to wear your pubes. over your pubes, jUS( remember professional rather than waxing CaN According to a Harvard survey rhar hair in and of itself isn't dis- if yourself. (And don't feel like conducted with women between gusting, the location is JUSt threw- the waxer will be grossed out by your pubic area ... think of how the ages 16 and 22, more than ing us off. many they've seen!) 40 women shave within the lines. It's your vagina; keep it as hairy Another 25 often shave a "landing or bald as you'd like it!
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