Page 13 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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The McDaniel Free Press M~Daniel College Westminster MD 'I Believe' History from the Funny Pages 60 Seconds Asks: What makes you feel safe or unsafe at Students reveal their guiding light. History lesson provides comic relief in McDaniel? Page 5 Page 6 FirstYear Seminar. Centerspread Sexual assault Carpe Diem Seize the Day In This Issue Global Warming Memo case still under The first day of autumn was unseasonably warm, Commentary explores how [he last days of sum- • •• Boynton 12 mvesnganon Co-Editor Christine mer are never ending. Page By Stacey Eyler, Commentary investigate all rapes, sexual assaults, CO-Editor and child abuse cases in the coun- Just hours before the first day ty," said Lleurenaru Phil Kasten of classes was set to begin, Campus of the Sheriff's Department. "lr's Safety launched a campus-wide a specialized unit with personnel email, informing students and fac- that has extensive training." ulty of the first serious incident of "The case is being investigated the school year. and uhimately a determination "On Sunday, August 26, will be made," said David Dagger, sometime shortly afrer midnight, the Chief Deputy State's Arromey the Department of Campus Safety and Legal Supervisor. (DoCS) was anonymously in- Anyone who has information Federal money was given to a group formed of an unconscious subject regarding the case is encouraged to at McDaniel to promote respon- contact Deputy Doug Epperson of sible drinking. Ashlii McGee and in the back yard of a West Main horne," Kathryn Harlow enjoy ice cream. Street the email said. the Carroll County Sheriff's Office See what it's all about on Page 3 ~DoCS contacted 911 who im- ar 410-386-3650. mediately responded and found a "MoDanlel was founded upon female member of our community. morals of trust, inlCgrir;y, J'espon- .abUby. *"'" .emt-'- "Jbe __ aaid scni<>~ ~D Terror bumps Bryn Mawr 3-0. determined to have possibly been Kristin Pavlovsky. ~To think [hat Check out what's in store for the sexually assaulted." someone violated and berrayed all rest of the season, as they wy to Since this notification, 'Ihr of these morals is just appalling." build off of Ian season's success. Free Press has learned that the as- "The number of sexual offens- Pale 16 sault was by another McDaniel es at McDaniel is a small number," The gazebo near Hill some students refer to as the student, a male, and that the case is said Director of Campus Safety wind tunnel between Hoover From NYC to the Hill now being handled by The Carroll MikeWebsrer. to statistics pro- Hall offers a quiet place to Library and Academic Hall. study or meet with a class. According It may be a great contrast, but County Advocacy Investigations vided through the Department The words "Carpe Diem" According to McDaniel's Unit (CCAIC). Freshman Justin Harmon explains This unit consists of several of Campus Safety's website, there stamped on the concrete historian and Professor of why he is grateful to be in West- law enforcement and counseling were only twO incidents of rape! floor remind students to Mathematics Emeritus, James minster. Page 13 agencies, including the Carroll sexual assault in 2004. However, seize the day. Lightner, the gazebo used County State's Attorney's Office, both victims declined to partici- The opening weeks of to function as an icehouse. InThe Next Issue the local sheriff's office, Maryland pate in the investigations. In 2005 McDaniel College featured He adds that at one time it held 34 tons of buried ice State police, Westminster City Po- and 2006, there were no reports of impeccable weather. There before it was done away with Recycling for Charity lice, Department of Social Services, sexual assault. the small number, was a contrast between the around 1890. summer-like weather at the Despite Where are the Minorities? Carroll Hospital Center, and Rape sexual assault has always been a football field and the cooler, Rose Eney, Me & MH Kareem Adul Iabbar speaks Crisis Intervemion Services. autumnal weather at what Policing of letters at Hair StadiOO1 "All groups associated with See "Sexu~ Aslault'" on P~e 3 this specialized unit have agreed to Cheerleader injured in practice Buddhist monk visits for a follow-up 'Silence speaks to me' Student medevacked for It has been reported, but un- is scheduled to return to shock confirmed that Lassen was posi- trauma in October injury to neck tioned to catch a cheerleader dur- review. ing a srunr, bur the stunt failed and Cheerleading safety has been By Geoff Peckham, News Co- "Silence speaks to me," Wima- By DiIVe N~ongkhla an issue for quite some time now. EdHor la said after beginning his talk with Lassen was accidentally kicked in JUSt last year, a cheerleader at Cioseyourryes. a brief meditation. "Such a deep On Wednesday, September the head. Southern Illinois University fell The dull background noise of moment of silence, once you ex- "Injuries are a risk cheerlead- 12, cheerleader Amber Lassen, a ers rake," said team coach Susan off of a human pyramid during idle chacrer and ringing cell phones perience it. .. ir broadens your per- sophomore, was injured during a prodoehl. "It's unfortunate when a cheerleading performance. She rapidly died down, as a packed spective of the chaos in your mind. Stunt in the gym during the team's someone gets hun." suffered a chipped vertebrae and beyond capacity HiH Hall 108 be- You see the world." evening practice. Prodoehl stated that medical a bruised lung, but has recovered came silent. Only one voice could Take a drep breath. Campus Safery responded to since, according to be heard; it was gentle and deep, Wimala, who is originally personnel on scene did what they a call at approximately 6 p.m. for a thought was necessary in deciding As a result, the American As- and for a room full of students and from Sri Lanka, spoke for about 50 neck injury to an athletic student, to have Lassen flown to shock rrau- sociation of Cheerleading Coaches visiting adults alike, the chaos of minutes before answering questions according to a Campus Safery te- rna. The coach said that she and and Adminisrrarors recommended everyday life was gone. from the audience, which ranged port. . Lassen have spoken since Wednes- banning basket tosses and high pyr- McDaniel College was happy from meditation techniques to Ultimately, Lassen had ro be amids without mats. Though the to welcome Bhanre Wimala, a Bud- how to mentally approach the vari- Aown to the R. Adams Crowley day evening. said she is doing ok, group has no aurhcriry to prevent dhist monk of the Center for Con- ous conflicts in the Middle East. "Amber Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore such routines, the NCAA requires scious Evolution in Princeton, NJ, "The purpose of meditation is and will rerum to practice on for her injuries. Monday," Prodcehl said. cheerleading squads to conform to for the third rime last week. His [0 find inner peace," Wimala said. Members of die Green Terror "Generally I'm doing a lot bet- MCC!\s requirements, according talk was entitled "Peace Wirhin," He talked of how an individual's cheerleading squad confirm that, as ter, but get occasional headaches," See HCheerieader'" on Pa8e 2 and was sponsored by the Peace See HMonk" on P;a8e 2 a group, they agreed nor {O com- Club on campu;. confirmed Lassen. She said she ment aboUt the incident.
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