Page 129 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 129
Salads in Glar have a little Be it rain, sleet, snow, or graduation, none something special will keep him from campus maintenance as grounds worker. He returned She's a mother of three, a She actually cares about us, and "I never even really liked salad," eo have discovered. She's a class act. One week-long snow an.d i::u~~~: Do you ever wonder why you're (han just heavy snow storms. employees with at least ten years of couple of employees who worked after no m grandmother to five and acomputer unfortunately you can't really say admitted sophomore Lauren In roday's society finding an honest last winter gave McDamel .' not slipping on an icy sidewalk Every year when students wait service to the school were formally here," he said. After he graduated worked ful game addict, not to mention a that about many workers on this Toomey, "but she makes one mean and genuine person is often hard four days off from school, s~~ng after a blizzard? Or how after a to walk onto the stage and grasp recognized on January 28 with a he worked for a year and a half in to once zonsrrucrion, bur came back loving girlfriend, a former waitress campus." Caesar salad and talking to her is ro come by. Finding an honest and in their dorm rooms sn u 6f>'ed whole night of snow rhe sidewalks their diploma, they don't realize luncheon hosted by President Joan McDaniel after his boss suffered a Colbert, director of and now a woman [hat hundreds Anders' sense of humor meshes a nice break in my day. There are genuine person who doesn't get under the covers. But outside, one are magically clear and salted? that Dayhoff has just spent hours Dcvclin Coley. back injury and had {Q shut down auxiliary services, on why Dayhoff of McDaniel students call a friend, well with her students or as she particular days when I'm not in rhc recognition for her efforts is even determined McDaniel grounds "If! know it's supposed to snow, setting the stage for graduation. Joyce Mueller, associate vice epitomizes the "unsung-hero." a confidante and unsung hero. ofren refers to them her "adopted best mood, but Bobbi can change harder find; however, Bobbi employee worked )36 straight hours I'll keep my eye out all night and Dayhoff, who has been at president of communications and the business. who lives in Colbert and Dayhoff hav Dayhoff, to Bobbi Anders is truly a children." Her humorwas prevalent rhar with a smile and a salad." Anders is that person. shoveling snow. , right when Isee some start to drop McDaniel fOT 35 years beginning marketing, said Dayhoff was given Taneyrown and collects antiques, worked together for 20 years, and diamond in me rough, a needle in her chuckled reaction to being Many agree Anders is a gift -Kare Delentck ~Ilove pushing mow; tha tS my Iget out [here," said Dayhoff, who when he was in high school, works a pocket watch in recognition of was a grounds worker when he he recalls rimes when "he would his work here. duties around the dock performing in the haystack She is recognized called an unsung hero. that McDaniel should be grateful favorire job," said Sonny Day.hoff loves the feeling of accomplishment that mosr cfus never even realize are "Sonny is one of the mighty started, and after a few years was always be the one that would bring by students around campus as "the As she began to blush, she with a chuckle. he gelS from the job. promoted ro foreman. Besides over [he large charcoal grill for food salad lady." Every day she can be said, "Ir's cool. I'm coming here to Of course, he handles more happening. Dayhoff and 22 other men of our physical plant. I'm in shoveling snow and seenng up service steak nights. Twenty years seen behind me salad station in make kids smile. Being an unsung awe of how much he can life and for events, Dayhoff and his crew ago there was no grill on the line, do," she said. Englar pining Hall, concocting hero is neat, not quite as near as a "If Sonny knows someone handle dorm room requeslS and so the steaks were done outside." one of her laresr delicious salads. paycheck [hough." needs him [0 bI, [h.,re, he's rh.,r." g.,nernl mainrenance. After being here for 35 years, However, irs nor JUSt her salads Ie's nor JUSt her raspberry and no maner whar," said Phil Boob, Look at it this way: every time Dayhoff has seen McDanid grow that Anders is known for. citrus salads or her simple hello to director of grounds and special you want your bed lofted or de- and evolve in a way few others "Yeah, she's good with the students chat really makes her stand events. Boob has been Dayhoff's lofted. your sink unclogged, your have. He especially likes some srudenrs, rhey love her ... not too our. Anyone can 00 that. Anders immediate supervisor since he shower door or window fixed of the changes in the education many people take time out to takes time to ger to know the kids came to work at McDaniel about or water temperature adjusted, system and the campus structure. calk [0 the students," said Vickie that walk into her line every day. 20 years ago. Dayhoff and his team come [0 the ~When I first came here you Esplnosn, a Glar worker who "l treat them like 1 want to be Dayhoff, 55, has been working rescue. didn't have a lot of the Deaf Ed; minks Anders is an unsung hero. treated," she said. "I'm with them ar McDaniel for more than half Boob describes him as reliable I like that. The campus is better Deborah Shaffer, me food service every day so we should have a good his life and calls this place a family and dependable and says he has designed now. North Village and general manager, was excited [0 relationship. 1 want roO brighten because "everyone works cogerber." so much confidence in him chat the Garden Apartments are going [Q hear that some recognition was their day." By the time he graduated from sometimes he's afraid he overworks be fantastic, and rhe athletic system being paid (Q any Glar worker. Above all whae really defines Francis Score Key High School, he him. has improved," said Dayhoff. "l think if's great a Glar worker Anders as an unsung hero is "I have to stop and think, am He reminisces about days when [was chosen]. We think all our knowing rhar her caring ways don't had already been working here part I overloading him? I can explain "the stadium was terrible" with workers are unsung heroes. I feel get her better benefits, a raise and time for abour two years. knew a .[hings to him and I don't have to a cinder track and old concrete "I had a connection, that our people are sometimes certainly not much praise from worry about it. Ican focus my time bleachers, and he can't believe how taken for granred,n Shaffer said. her co-workers. The Westminster and concemration on other things fur it has come. "Like when there IS a snow day, resident says ii: doesn't bother her. beatuse I know Sonny wUl do what Terry Page, evenrs scheduling and classes ace cancelled our People "I'm the sO<±lI butt~rf1y," she he's being a.<;ked," Boob Said. manager, haslmownSonnyformore still try to come to work because said. "Their attitudes don't affect 'There are no parts of his job than seven years and rememberS they know the students still have to mine. I hope sometimes thar mine rhat Dayhoff dislikes. He was Dayhoff mosr for the endearment eat. alfectstheirs." brougJ\t up to believe that if you of "Sonny and Cher.'" Page said Sophomore Ginny Odierno Anders has attracted hundreru don't like your job, you wOO't scay that "Cher was Jay [Kennedy] his spoke similarly about Anders in of lciils w the healthiest line in there. former grounds person," and thar panicular. Glar, and she's proud of if. U[ enjoy the work and the Dayhoff "has a wonderfUl work ~Bobbi really has changed the "It's bcrrer than thedollut line." peoplel work With, and Twas never ethic and takes pride in his work. It aonosphere in Glar. She's definitely, she joked. Even students who aren't a person to jump around much," will be a sad day when Sonny leaves ~ unsung hero at McDanieL fond of salad go over ro her line. hes.1id. the Hill. We hope irwill nor he for Dayhoff did not even let his a long cime." hip surgery a couple years ago --Juliano Guiffre, mtu=oo-F.rurQT slow him down from his duties
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