Page 121 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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The MCDaniel Free Press MrDanieJ College, Westminster, MD Signing Off Spring Break 60 Seconds Asks: Student Meredith Tucker explains com- Two writers explore students' Where do you see yourself one year from man myths about deaf culture Page 6 destinations Page 11 now? Page 7 In This Issue New policy confronts Greek underground Springtime for Sports By Bethany Grove "As a college we are taking rion will depend on the student's ground organizations do not have Coaches for golf, men's and a snong stance on exterminating judicial history and the conrexc of insurance or supervisors, so they women's lacrosee, softball, Beginning in Fall 2008, were will underground organizations," said the actions, such as displaying an have more liability issues than the and track and field give their be a new policy prohibiting stu- Rose. "Looking at some other organization's insignia or defacing recognized chapters. If someone in predictions for the spring sportS dents from participating in un- schools shows the best way to do it the campus. the group were injured or killed, season Page 15 derground "Creek" organizations. is having a policy, so new students The new policy is parr of an the college and the individuals in Undergrounds will not be allowed coming in realize that it is not overall attempt by Srudenr Affairs me organization would both be li- to meet as a group, participate in okay. If you choose to be a part of to eliminate underground orga- able. on-campus activities as a group, these groups or associate with these nizacions, a process that involves Rose said the college is tak- wear or display the lerrers or insig- groups, there are consequences for mcenng with the members and ing a s[fong stance because they nia, according to Amanda Rose, as- your actions asking them to cease and desist. sistant director of college activities. Rose said the disciplinary ac- According to Rose, under- See "Policy" on Page 3 Unforgettable New exhibit in Rice Gallery by Robert Jones hopes of sparking their dreams for Senior Kevin Flanagan. a Green a brighter future Page 5 Terror lacrosse player, was injured around 4:30 p.m. during practice on Tuesday, March 3. Twisting for Textbooks The Westminster Fire Depart- Find our which major rscks up _~ __ ~-.....l ;~~:~[:jt~~: how the average COS{ of books to a nearby hospital, in a scene mat varies among subject areas has become all [00 common on the Page s Hlll rhls academic year. Flanagan had sustained a con- Number 4 cussion during practice on Tuesday Was it time for the NFL great evening, in what junior Jason Stealy called a "freak accident." Brett Favre [0 walk away? Sports editor Ryan Chell and the Guru, Mike Webster, director of Garrett Eagan sound off Page 15 Campus Safety. said that Trooper 3 Air Transport arrived at 5: 10 p.m. Are You 'Awake't According to Luke Stillson, director Follow Hayden Christensen; into ofSporrs Information, Flanagan was On Tuesday, February 26 the Rice Gallery Above, Beau Horning and Caitlin Buckland surgery where he experieoces air transported as a precautionary introduced this month's show, "About a take a closer look at Jones' oil painting on anesthesia awareness and uncovers measure. This has become standard Hundred Things I Forgot," a collection of panel entitled, IJA Child's Diagram of all the a plot against him Page 10 practice with any incident involving figure paintings by Robert Jones. His artwork Planets including Pluto." a head injury. will be on display through March 21. To For more photos of the event, see page 7 This is the third time a Me- InThe Next Issue Daniel student has been airlifted Jearn more about the artist, visit www. JH from campus due to an injury dur- Problems with Brussels campus ingan arhledc pracrlce. Campus phone system to be Garden apartments replaced by computerized VoIP will be ready in May By Mi.:helle Menner By Juliann Guiffre, even know her four digit extension, do traditional things." Features Co-Editor "I think we're going ro come and junior Teresa Reardon pulled The campus' need for a phone in on the low end of that range," Up uncil the full semester 0[2007, the plug on her phone. system and the students' irreverent The new Garden apartments will said Seidel, "but you never know students were asked to provide It may seem that students find attitudes towards the system often be completed by rhc end of this what [he drillers are going to run their four digit extension when their provided land lines useless. cause a little bit of trouble. semester, with capacity rising from into or what problems will arise." scheduling an appointment at the However, some students, like Ra- Kellie Wuorinen, McDaniel's 96 people [Q 108 to accommodate Seidel said that after adding writing center, bur now according phael's roommate, use their exten- telecommunication/student net- for renovations taking place in about 18 more kitchens in the [0 writing tutor Naomi Raphael, sions when their cell phones don't work manager, receives complaints Blanche soon after. new Norm Village apartmencs, they're asked, «What is the number work. from faculty "all the rime" about The new Garden apartments rhey wanted more diversity in the where we can reach you]" Even though the rare srudenr the inability to leave messages for will have 12 apartments with Garden apartments. The suite style Often students provide their may be using their phone line, students because their PhoneMail kitchens and 12 with the suite style aparrments are also less costly. cell phone number. The shift from the faculty members are using the is full. living; all will have new geo-ther- Sophomore Megan Hildeb- «what's your extension" to "what phone lines the most. Since faculty members are mal air conditioning, which Ethan rand thinks that most juniors is the number where we call reach "My sense is that our current now making long distance calls co Seidel, vice president of adminis- and seniors would prefer having a you" highlights the growing change phone system is berwixr and be- students on their cell phones is this rraricn and finance, says will save kitchen to open up the options for on campus of students using their tween," said Provost Tom Falkner. causing an increase in the phone the school money in utility bills. food. Senior Jessica Dittman, who cell phones instead of their dorm "In terms of srudenr use, land lines budget? The project is projected to COSt $4 has lived in both the old Garden telephones. are pretty much obsolete, but of- See "'Phones" on ~e 6 to $4.5 million afrer everything is See "Construdlon" on Page 4 Raphael said that she didn't fices still need telephones that can completed.
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