Page 116 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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THE M'OA.NIEL fREE PRESS FEBRUARY28 2008 " Commentary The Primary Question: Hillary Clinton? What ha-happened? How did chis happen? How did Hillary? Well, if Climon could tri- nationwide voters. The presidency campaign; but bloggers were also Hillary Clinton, the former First umph an impeachrnenr and resur- was just the next Stop on the step- holding out for AI Gore to run. It Lady and astonishingly popular rect his historical standing as one ping stone route identified by Ben- rook until a few weeks after he ac- senator from New York, fall from of the best president's ever, then jamin Ginsberg in his recent book, cepted his Nobel Peace Prize before being a "shoe-in" president to sec- certainly Hillary, by simple associa- The American Lie. many progressives would begin ond place behind a first term sena- tion, should have had no trouble in Remember, during me sum- to SUppOH any of the Democratic ror from Illinois? securing the presidency. mer, the New York Times' talking coruenders. I've always liked Hillary. Just After the 2004 Democratic heads were calling for a Hillary But then came Barack like I've always liked Bill. I like debacle, I was in despair. Very victory in November as she had Obama-a decidedly moderate, them so much that it has been much so. As I ate lunch in the recendy edged our Rudy Giuliani, highly religious and young politi- very hard for me recently, read- porch of Glar, I prayed for a 2008 the Republican front-runner (how cian. Throughout the campaign, ing many articles, books and blog presidential run by Hillary to save far we have come) in head-to-head he has been forced to progressiv- pOSts purring clown Clinronian the Democrats from certain de- polling ( lze his positions, as has Hillary, by After the 2004 politicking [0 renounce my love cline over the next 50 years. Well, So what happened to Hillary? the pressure of Edwards. Obama Democratic debacle, for the Climons. Maybe I like after trouncing her opponent in As it turns om, she ran into the gO[ the small donors, the celebrity them because r grew up in a lib- the 2006 mid-term elections, I had train of the progressive, anti-es- endorsements, the young "hip" en- I was in despair. Very eral academic household, leading my wish. tablishment Democrats-pundits, ergy of college students and voila, much so. As I ate to the idealistic assumption that a In my visits to upstate New activists, grassroots organizers, with $150 million to spend, he has lunch in the porch president, especially a Democrat, York, where my mother's side of micro-donors and bloggers. Since taken over this race, in a way realis- could be trusted to make the world the family is from and one of the Howard Dean's campaign in 2004 tic political analysts never thought of Glar, I prayed for better. I distinctly remember Bill, notoriously conservative regions that railed against the moderate possible. a 2008 presidential after passing the federal budget and since the Reagan years, I saw an Democratic parry establishment, Helped by [he sensational me- to the onto stories that with the Newt for weeks, run by Hillary to fighting out a marker and writing OUtpouring of support for Hillary. culminating in his election National dia who coattail to reality, the progres- head of the Democratic run contrary taking There were yard signs everywhere. save the Democrats on a white board, "Federal Deficit Even my grandfather, who has Committee, nerroors and grass- sive movement grabbed the reins of from certain decline. = O!" in front of the TV cameras. voted Republican for probably 70 roots activism has been in pursuit Barack Obama. To my middle school mind, this years, had kind words for Hillary of the Clintons for their moderate Obama will be the next presi- As it turns out, she seemed like a feat of heroism. to the effect of "I don't agree with views and suppOrt for the shrinking dent. Bur I hope that the ann-es- ran into the train Igrew up in the reddest ccun- her on everything, bur she sure has of government, something many tablishment Democrats didn't get of the progressive, ry of Pennsylvania (it voted 75% ~:~~:r;.~eat job of representing us ~~~:~::d w:~ ~:;~~:sal:~~~~ caught up in the success of their ideo- their movement forget and anti-establishment for Bush in 2004), and I would Used to be that no politician dissatisfied with the pandering and logical platform. Yes, the Demo- hear my friends constantly talk of Democrats-pundits, Hillary being "such a bitch." How cared about Allegany counry, never negative nature of Clintonian poll- cratic Leadership Council, of which the Clinton's activists, grassroots dare she try to give us healthcare!? made the effort to contact the tics. with, is corrupt, are closely associated poli- but Hillary's populate the John Edwards organizers, micro- Who does she think she is, run- people used who to set the world region be [he ami-Hillary, was poised can- [Q cy proposals look suspiciously like Dean-like prices that House!? donors and otoggers. ning the White .. ""00"'" " ~uh Perhaps of in oil and cheese-(ho"" fa,: """",have didatc:. He even hired Joe Trippi ""hat progressive5 have been hop- pc~on ttn:ee The progressive Fox News socialization, or because come). Hillary did. And she was out of retirement, who hoped that ing for in a presidential candidate. Bill always seemed like such a nice rewarded. Clearly, she has the po- Edwards could be the candidate I hope welthey haven't made the movement grabbed guy-who could hate him? litical skills. Clearly, she delivers, or with broader appeal and name wrong choice for the betterment of the reins of Barack Pardy because I am such a at least provides the perception of recognition that could deliver the this country. I mean, Obama? Talk Obama. contrarian, I was not swayed by delivery to constituents. nomination. It took a while for the about purring the parry on the line such name-calling, and when Clin- Therefore, Iwas pretry psyched progressive movement to coalesce in November. ton escaped impeachment for hav- for her easy victory in November behind Edwards largely due to his I guess it takes the right kind ing sex in his own office, it seemed of 2008, because, if she could con- changing stances on a number of of candidate. Sorry Hillary. Keep like justice had won. vince thou people to like her, she issues to become more liberal-in up the good work in the Senate. What does this have to do with could certainly convince 55% of contrast with his moderate 2004 Images Black Student Union Decade Dance Above,studentsandstaff gather around a table in Decker Center to play cards February 19 during the BSU Decade Dance. As part of the Blade History Month celebra- tion, this event gave students a break from the daily routine to enjoy rootbeer floats and learn facts about African- American history. Junior Holly Thomas described the event as "a nice way to unite the campus and celebrate blade culture all at the same time." Below, "The Pips," made up of Freshmen Niya Wills and Rosemarie Abraham, with Sopkomore ua Snow, perform "My Guy" in front of the assembled crowd. As Sophomore Abby Orevba stated,"It's a very fun way for everyone to enjoy roobeer floats, dance and hangout."
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