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DfI1llR SPORTS TCfflIr rue M'DA.NIEl FREE PRESS FEBRUARY28 2008 PAGE16 VOLUME 9 ISSUE 2 Women's Basketball: Milestone for Martin marked by 400 wins By Chris ferric:k~Manley, [he progress [he current team has "Winning the conference sports Co-Editor made in what was seen as a rebuild- roumarnenr is not tOO far out of "Maybe by my senior year, I'll be part of ing year for the program. She be- reach," said Gogolinski. "Ir's a defi- Coach Martin's SOOth win." - Kim Acton '11 Green Terror women's basketball lieves (he ream is doing well with nirc possibiliry" coach Becky Martin reached an handling the pressure of a team Gogolinski also described important rnilesrone in her career, that in past years has been nation- Martin as being very humble fol- registering her 400'" victory on ally ranked' and in (he national lowing her milestone victory. Sarurday, February 16. The win playoffs. To get a chance at winning the also assured the team a spor in the Her players were excited to conference roumamenr, the wom- conference playoffs. have been pan of the historic mo- en's basketball team will firsr have Marrin considers the 400ch memo Marcin is now one of only to beat Gettysburg in the play-in win special because of all the peo- 26 coaches to have recorded 400 game. The two teams played on pie that have helped contribute ro . wins. Saturday, February 23 in the final her success throughout the years. "Maybe by my senior year I'll game of the regular season at Get- "There are a lot of names [hat be a part of Coach Martin's SOOth tysburg; the winner, Gettysburg, should be underneath that," said win," said freshman guard Kim Ac- earned home court advantage for Martin, referring to her accom- the play-in game on Wednesday, plishment. "If you can remain sane While Acton knows that teams February 27. long enough the wins do accumu- with lots of young players Ijke.her- The conference tournament late over the years." self are bound to have "rocky mo- will be held at Franklin & Mar- She also downplayed the ments", she thinks that this ream shall, who won the regular season importance of win number 400. has a chance to win big. Specifi- conference with a stunning victory To her. it was equally if not more cally, Acton thinks [he team has a over Dickinson on Saturday, importam mar me current team shot at winning the conference The Terror defeated F&M on would be finishing the season with championship if they stay focused. February-J,63-5,). a winning record and [hat the se- Courtney Gogolinski, a senior niors would be: heading to the play- guard and one of the captains, also D.w offs. minks they have a shot at a Cen- Martin is also very happy with tennial Conference tide. Courtney Gogolinski recorded 10 points and 5 rebounds in a loss at Gettysburg. Swimmers set school records at champs "The NoNonsense Sports Talk Show" on WMCR Monday nights at 8p.rn. . Chrts Reed and Seepben Gomez set several program records at the Centennial Conference Championships ae Franldin & Marshall on the weekend of February 23-24. Reed won a silver medal in the 100 breasmrokt To access the show, follow these directions: while setting a school record. Gomez rook home a bronze medal in the 400 1M. .. Two rday reams set school records in the 400inedley rday and the 800 free may. Reed, Gom~ Seen Cammarara and Wcs Henry, and Gomez, Reed, Henry. and Morgan DeHan swam me first and second 1) Open iTunes. 2) Click "Open Stream" under the "Advanced" tab. events, respecetvely, 3) Type in the following: Whimey Scbieren finished in the lOp 12 in three evene to lead rhe women. Kacy Cribbs posted a 16th 4) Click "OK". place: finish in both the 100 and 200 breasrroke. 5) Allow it to load, and listen up. The men finished 6th overall. while the women placed 8th. ~M.WoH. JIM Sporn lnfor"mstion .. Men celebrate spot in playoffs, 'internal affair' occurs By It,-- Chell, Sports Co-Editor round bye, a win on senior night game and force overtime. In the been made as of press time. in their final home game of the extra period, Hopkins won 76-68. The Bullets (21-3, 16-2) set a Despite losing [0 the Gerrysburg season, and Coach Curley would "It was a rough game," Curley record for most wins in a season, Bullets on Saturday, the men's bas- have recorded his 15'" victory of said. "We had a slow start offen- Rumors around Thurs- and Dan Capkin ofGerrysburg re- ketball team has finished their best the season at home, a record for day and Friday that Arrington may cord~d his 1,000'" career point in season in recent years and will be first-year coaches in the Centennial have quit, or that he was kicked off the game. making their first playoff appear- Conference. the team. Even with the loss, it is still ance since 1995. Coach Kevin "We wanted to play well for Though seen sitting in the playoff time on the Hill, hosting Curley finished his first season go- the seniors," said Curley. "[Hop- stands, Arrington did not travel Dickinson at home on Wednes- ing 15-10 and 10-8 in the Centen- kins] is a good team, and we knew with the team in the 78-57 loss to day. Hopefully they will be: able to nial Conference. it would be a battle." the Bullets on Saturday, and his correct some things on and off the The Terror men will be [he And a barrle it was. In the last presence was greatly missed of- number four seed in the Confer- game against Hopkins, the Terror fensively, but McDaniel still OUt- "lt depends on who we play," ence playoffs and will play number won in a close 59-56 match-up rebounded Gettysburg 38-35. Curley said. "We will probably five seed Dickinson on Wednes- in Baltimore, where the Blue Jays Arrington said he could not have to adjust on some things." day. missed a three-pointer to tie the comment as of press time, as a 6nal The season was a success, but game. This rime the game was still verdict had not yet been handed Information compikd from Sporn there has been a lot of drama for 59-56 in favor of McDaniel with down. , Information. Chris lYrrick-Manky the team as they have limped into six seconds left. It looked as if the Coach Curley politely declined and Ganrtt Eagan contribuuti to theplayoffi. Green Terror would sweep the Jays ~o the situation, citing the thisarrick. On -Wednesday, spirits were and be guaranteed the number two "'ii.iii. incident as an internal affair, but a high as the Terror men faced Con- seed in the playoffs, but this time, .I11III.... III source dose: to the team said that Pkast dinct quatiom 10 Ryan CJ~II ference opponent Johns Hopkins at Hopkins hit the three. -according to Curley, no action h~ alor rdcOO2@mcdanidtdu. home. If they recorded a win, they Hopkins' Doug Polster hit a been taken against Arrington, and would have been guaranteed a first- spectacular three-poimer to tie the a decision on his Status has nOr
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