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THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS MARCH 1J 2008 News Underground Greek life discouraged Administration school, and they are trying to im- interviews with a few members to 2005 knew that they were not rec- .rus" by their national organization. interviews underground prove rhar condition by eliminat- clarify some details. ognized for a reason, bur did nor The real question for them will be Greek organizations and ing the underground ones. "There was no doubt in our realize rhac joining would impact about the members they may have The first major action that che minds (hat (he group was still aCI- the group's ability to reform on who weren't initiated at the rime hope to stop activity school has taken to begin eliminat- ing underground," Rose said. campus. their charter was revoked. ing these groups was the investiga- They chose to wait until rwo One unnamed former mem- There are three main goals By Rose Eney tion inro the actions of Phi Alpha weeks into [he spring semester of ber of Phi AJpha Mu said, "I felt that the school hopes to accom- Mu, a group of women who had 2008 to call all the women in for exhausted by rhe investigation, plish, which include gemng rid of In the last few decades, the "under- joined a remnant of an old on- a group meeting. The meeting was mentally and physically." the unrecognized organizations, ground Greek organization," has campus sorority. direct and was scheduled to give Another former member said promoring the growth of the rec- emerged. The school administra- Rose said that this investiga- me former Phi Alpha Mu members that she felt completely attacked by ognized and expanding the Greek rion and some students worry rhat tion scarred in the fall of 2007 and the results of their investigation. [he way that the school went about life spectrum rhar exisrs. these underground organizations was based on informaricn that Webster, Rose, Vice Presi- [he investigations. They have several ways cause problems and promote nega- had come co the school that same dent of Student Affairs Beth Gerl, As for rhe other underground planned to enforce the banishment tive stereotypes about Greek life. semester. Reports of acriviries remi- and Director of College Acdvities groups, they tOOwill have meetings of the underground groups from Recently, the school has decided niscent of hazing were brought to Mitchell Alexander all met with with school officials. The school now on. For the spring semester of to take action in order to eliminate light by McDaniel parentS and the women ro explain that they knows of the existence of these 2008, former underground mem- these i!legalentities. teachers. must stOp functioning as an orga- groups because of how small Me- bers who do not abide by the rules . This process of elimination The way that rhe school went nization. Daniel's campus is and because "Ir's that the school has set for them will has begun with an investigation about this invesrigarion was simple. 'This means that they cannot obvious," according to Rose. be charged with "failure ro comply into the actions of a Phi Alpha Mu. Rose said they, meaning herself and meet as a group, participate in on- She added mar they arc not wirh a college official." Future meetings will rake place Director of Campus Safety Mike campus activities as a group, wear 100 percell[ sure whether the three This investigation, meetings, with the men of Chi Delta Upsi- Webster, gathered a list of the or display rhe letters or insignia of other underground groups are Hill new policy and overall process has lon, Gamma Bera Chi and Sigma women known to be affiliated with Phi Alpha Mu or do anything else taking members or nor, but the been for (he betterment of Me- Phi Epsilon. Phi Alpha Mu. They then spoke that would continue rhe group's fact that they exist is the issue. Daniel's Greek community. Assistant Director of Col- with each one separately and asked existence. The meetings with Chi Delta "We have a long history," Rose lege Activiries Amanda Rose 'said, them similar questions in order [Q Rose said that they fielded Upsilon and Gamma Beta Chi will said, "and we want to keep that." "The whole basis for scopping the collect information. questions as well and that she "has be straightforward. The school will underground groups is to help the This informarion was used no problem explaining and talking be telling their suspected members Rose Eney is a member of Phi Alpha McDaniel Greek community." to determine whether or not rhc with srudenrs." to cease and desist. Mil. She explained that there are group was still functioning as an She believes that everyone The case of Sigma Phi Epsilon a lor of on-campus organiJ:arions organization and bringing in new who joined Phi Alpha Mu after the will be different since many mem- Participate in the discussion at rhac bring many good things to the members. They also had follow-up group's suspension in the spring of bers have been given "alumni sra- New policy drafted to ROTC participates in annual field eltmrrrare underground t:raining exercises Greek activity uenr ot rtn Mu, saul she trunks from "Policy" on ~ge 1 (his new rule will benefit the want the Greek community (Q be Greek community as a whole by Stfonger and safer. sending a dearer message about Rose said organizations underground groups. mainly go underground due to "The new rule is not designed suspension by the college for haz- ru discourage personal friendships ing or alcohol use, but it could with members of these groups, but' also be due to lacking manpower rather to show (hat their orgaruza- or finances. tion is not a legitimate part of (he Senior Paul Boyd, a member Greek community," Davis said. of an underground organization, "Students often complain about By Scott Edmunds, Contributor Chi Delta Upsilon, said he feels underground groups but still new activity this year was the Field Regrettably, the event fell on their case is unlike most. In 1994, hold functions with them, which Leadership Reaction Course. The McDaniel's homecoming weekend, the frarerniry could not pay (he sends mixed messages. Hope- The Green Terror Battalion has FLRC is an obstacle course where so the cadets involved were not able national dues to Della Upsilon, so fully (his new rule will discour- certainly been busy this year. If every cadet is given an opportunity to participate in the homecoming the naricnal organization would age future students from joining you are not familiar with the loud to be placed in a leadership posi- festivities. nor recognize [hem as a chapter. underground organizations since cadences the unit calls while run- tion and overcome a difficult task As a sophomore in the ROTC McDaniel refuses to recognize ir takes away one of the benefits ning at 6:30 in the morning, then while leading several other cadets. program I have really enjoyed my Greek organizations that are not of being affiliated with a Greek you have probably seen the cadets Another big event that kept twO years here. ROTC is constantly affiliated with a national organi- chapter on campus." in uniform at sporting events or the Green Terror Bactallon busy giving me chances to be challenged zation, so the group became Chi Junior Erika Wawzyanick, walking around campus. last fall was the Ranger Challenge physically and mentally. It of- Delta Upsilon and went under- the president of Alpha Nu Omega The new Battalion Com- ccmpcririon. This event is a long fers great leadership development ground. said she agrees with the new policy mander, Lieutenant Colonel Sean and physically grueling one as the as well as money for my tuition, '" feel as though ir's taking and also thinks it will be advama- Schumaker and his Cadre have in- best cadets come together from the room, board and books. away some of the basic freedoms geous to the Greek community. creased enrollment by over 35 new !7 schools in 3rd Brigade ro dem- One of the best things about people have to orgallize in gener- "I think that the new rule is a cadets. Of course, as [he battalion onsrrate their advanced military ROTC is rhe many different expe- al," Boyd said. "I don't rea.lly un- great step in a process to improve increases cadet sHengrh it is be- skills. riences it provides TO cadets that derstand why people can't meet. Greek life at McDaniel," Wawzya- coming more and more integrated Various events include grenade regular college students may never Some of rhe organi1..ations have nick said. ~I can say confidently into the college experience. throwing, M16 disassemble and experience. done rhings wrong. but we never thar everyone in my organi1..arion Each semester McDaniel's, assemble, M!6 qualification, river While many college students is behind {his proposal in the Mount Saim Mary's, and Hood's crossing using the one-rope merh- will be trying to find a job after have." Rose said the seven Greek hopes it will bring ... more peo- cadets come together for a field od, a ten kilometer foot march and they graduate, I will already be em- organizations mat are recognized ple into the Greek system and we training exercise (FTX). The week- the Army Physical Fitness Test. ployed by the United Srates Army by the college have ju~ped on will build a Stronger Greek com- end long training event teaches the The Green Terror Battalion and given the chance to serve my board with the new polley. The mumty." caders first aid, land navigation, placed fourth in our division and country, which is [he most reward- new rule will also prohibjt estab- Partklpilte In the dlHulsion marksmanship and other various will do better next year. Lieutenant ing feeling ROTC can offer. lished Greek organizations from ~tMcDanlelFreePl'en.COnI military skills. Colonel Schumaket and the sev- holding socials or functions with One of the most common eral cadets involved already have P.J.rticlp..te in the discussion events at the FTX. and a favorite rhe training plan prepared for next at McD .. underground groups. . Junior Laura DaVIS, presi~ of many is the repelling tower. A year's Ranger Challenge ream.
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