Page 118 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 118
THE M'OANIEl FREE PRESS FEBRUARY 28 2008 Entertainment , 'There's something about the character that I guess is a good fit for me, because me minute I put the costume on, I recognize the tone that we need, and I feel confident and clear about the character. , , ~ Harrison Ford Return of the fedora Almost two decades after the Last Crusade, Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. is back in action. By Juliann Guiffre, Feature~ Co-Editor ., , Irs been more rhan 18 He's now 65, so why did he decide' hush-hush on the details: of the said he couldn't be more thrilled, and box-office hits under both their years since Harrison Ford has held to throw himself into the role once script; however, he does promise and that "to be cast in an Indiana belts (between them, they have a bullwhip in his hand.IS years more? that [his fourth instaUmen'[ will Jones film is like grabbing the brass made 13 of [he 100 top-grossing since George Lucas and Steven In a recent Vnni~ Fair inter- move away from Jones' usual in- ring and holding on for the ride." movies of all time), it'll be Inreresr- Another the newcomer Spielberg have teamed up to create view, Ford explained that Lucas clinarion towards archeology and Indy scene is Oscar winner to Care ing to see what this dream team has cooked up for the rugged archeolo- have more of a (Spoiler Alert!) sci- a boulder rolling, snake fearing, ark would send him script after script, play wiil Agent searching, Holy Grail finding, Nazi which he'd usually rebel against, un- ence fiction focus. . Blanchett, who the' mega-villain in gist and his classic franchise. fighting, cult battling adventure. til one came along rhar he thought Joining in on the furi is ris- lri'na "Spalko, "Spielberg seemed tlOpeWI:. as Indiana Jones is baclL sounded smarr and that carried on ing star Labeouf who is rumored a sea of Russian Cold Warriors pit he looked out omo [he caSt'and Afrer a decade of struggle, Lu- the orher'Storksw1thmir-nytrtgtoo [0 be playing- Mutt Williams, tf'e againStJones. She.calls ehls film (to crew on their New Mexico location cas and Spielberg have finally got- bard to make reference to them. love child of Jones and Marion MTV) "a big bar of chocolate, you shoot and said. "No one's changed, ren [he fourth Installment of their And of course-c-afier that first srep Ravenwood, Katen Allen, who will want to eat the whole rhing." we all look the same. I just want to epic series, called Indiana Jonts and ill(Q r~e o~~ elR.fh~,ev;~iy~hing fell be reprising her role From the first Both Spielberg and Lucas ad- say: Break a leg. have a good shoot, fhl K;nKtWm of fhl Crystal Skull, into place. ,~ , film. • ... ~mit that they expect some fans and d"oy~ur best 'Y.rbrk,and, here's look- off me ground, which hits theatres "There's somethfng about the "Since knowing about me be- 1 critics to not Ilke-die- ntw· movies. . fng at you; kids." ~ - ... May 22. character ...~a~ J~~u~ 'is .~.gdod fit ing in this, all I do is watch Indiana Yet Spielberg said, "the best news is The movie was rumored [0 be for me. because-the' rriinui'e I put Jones; that's all I do with my time, . that, wherl I saw the .movle .v.y~lf Vis;!;. in.di471jliop~ If,! sharf in named several differenr things over the costume o~; f\. r~inize the just sit around and watch the mov- the fi:S~time; there- ~ ho\hing tht rxcisement, mid hum dlong to the the past year, until co-star Shia eone that we need, a"nd I feel confi- ies back to back to back," he said in I wanted to go back and shoot, Ihnn~song. Labeouf revealed the tide in an in- dent and dear a~m the character," a recent interview. nothing I Wanted to re-shooJ, and Participate In the discu.sloa terview on MTV. said Ford. In a statement released by nothing I wanted to add." . al Yes, Ford is ge[[ing up there. Lucas and Spielberg are pretty Paramount/Lucas Films, Labeouf With several Oscar winners John Brown's Body thrives on 'Pressure' get a feel for the treat they arc in ..L_ _ a trance-like chant. The vocals are ~o::~r;i~o:\;~ed;~~tO::;ea:~ john Brown's Body slow and harmonic. The horns are The drum yet mighty. infrequent deep bass line, soothing vocals and emits a sound very and bass are the reason the listener prominent horns, JBB almost purs different from the is tapping his/her feet in time with :i:hli;::~irv:nVi~~r~:c~-I::;t~:~: commonly known the rhythm. Kevin West spoke Senior flow. After nack one the hits just reggae of Bob Marley highly of John Brown's Body for keep on coming. and Lee Scratch the album review. as ,,:;::~ru~v:'~~~:c;I=~ Perry, yet sticks to "I'm pretty into reggae and dub, and it's nice [0 hear something "Resonate" and "Follow Into Shad- the guidelines these different than Bob Marley," Wesr ~:~f ii~ i~o::in[i::~n{::e r;:: pioneers of music said. "I recommend this album to anyone looking for a good, original hannonic vocals and a medley of have left for us. sound." cade and has released five albums. horns with intricate bass guitar and PrrSSUrf! Points, or any other of The latest of these albums, PrtsSuu hard-hitting bass drum to produce ley and Lee Scratch Perry. yet sticks John Brown's Body's music, can be John Brown's Body is a group of Points (2005). is a must-have for a highly original sound. to the guidelines these pioneers of found in any music store, online, music have lefr for us. the world music. genre comprised any fan of reggae, world or dub, Although redundant ar times The highlight of the album is through iTunes or at www.john- of eight men out of N~ York and or anyone just looking for a good with the lyrics as seen in ·,lfMaK!· it track nine entitled "Not Enough." Do your ears a Massachuseus who stay [rue to the collaboration of rhythm, harmony ..,£asy" and "What We Gonna Do," favor and check it our. and melody. .lohn Brown's Body still emits a The song begins with soft vocals rootS of reggae. JBB, as the group is commonly After listening to [he first song sound very different from the ~fu- and a short series of drum solos, referred. has been rouring for a de- emilled "Bread," one can really -monly known reggae of Bob N~: but then drops into what seems like
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