Page 105 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 105
1he MCDaniel Free Pres;s MtDaniel College Westminster MD Greet the Greeks Around town 60 Seconds Asks: Rush week proves to be a success for Check out a map of some of During the winter what keeps you busy? Alpha Sigma Phi and Phi Mu Page 4 Westminster's. hot spots Centerspread Page' Poor behavior Flashbac:k The BSU Decade Dance In This Issue Mean and Green Chris Prior and Robbin Gregg of leads to Rouzer McDaniel's Men's and Women's basketball teams are recent 'lockdown' standout athletes Page 15 Residents of Rouzer Dahlberg told the Rouzer commu- are living under 24 nlry during a mandatory meeting, that me vandalism and policy vio- hour quiet and guest lations need to Stop. restrictions "We feel, as a whole," said Dahlberg, "mat the behavior is un- By Da....d Robertson, acceptable. We cannot understand Interim Chief Photographer why the Rouzer residents feel that over $5,000 in damage, and grow-' Valentine's Day brought love and lng, is acceptable." lovers to me .McDaniei campus. The 2006-07 school year host- Freshman Chris Longo was graced ed significant increases in vandal- with [he presence of his girlfriend, ism compared to years prior. Resl- visiting from New York. However, dents of Rouzer were threatened by Through the wires in the shadow of recent restrictions similar restrictions last year ltner Chris Palsgrove oversees placed on goczer Hall, Campus causing thousands of- dollars in r;~~~~~~~!jt;SeOJ~b~~~cfnts him for having damage. Thh year the amount ~nd va- Safe~n&onr.ed a visitor. downs Page 6 Unaware that me area coor- riery of vandalism has more or less dinator, Dave Dahlberg, approved matched that of last year, except NIUtragedy her visit (and circulated an email with more publicity. Campus Safe- £}' officers now monitor . Writer Geoff Peckham" reflects to RAs and ocher administrators) entrances to me building the main nearly prior to me institution of guest re- on me school shooting and 24 hours a day. Incidents that in- Freshman Rosemarie commends the university's strictions, he simply suffered some clude rhrowlng chewing tobacco Abraham steals the mic in the daily mundane routine to enjoy rootbeer floats and newspaper staff for their coverage annoyance; though me other rest- on the walls, destroying ceiling a performance of "Respect" learn fascinating facts about of an event mat hit tOO dose [0 dene in Rouzer found the imple- tiles, setting off fire extinguishers by Aretha Franklin. Dressed African-American history. home hie 10 mentations quite inconvenient. And this was JUSt the begin- on srudenrs taking showers, rhrow- to impress, she and a The dance took place on Hillary: fall from first ning of what has turned inro quite ing baby powder on unsuspecting few others donned garb a wintry February 19 rngfit in their rooms and van- Edjrcr Mike Habegger admits his a battle between students and ad- residents bathrooms and stairwells fashionable in the 60s, a in Ensor Lounge and was sponsored by the Black dalizing disappoinunem over Clinton's ministrators. have led administrators take progressive era in Black Student Union. Since downfail and predicts Obama's ary 13, Rouzer Wednesday, Febru- 24 such measures. to history. For more photos and is living under presidential vicrqry Page 12 As part of the Black History hour quiet (like those of finals In response to [he initial meet- Month celebration, this information, see page 12 week) and guest restrictions. The ing, students had until Saturday, event-the Decade Dance-. DR&MH InThe Next Issue vice president for Student Affairs, 'February 16 to appeal the charges gave students a break from the department of Campus Safe£}" Gre~k Life Investigated the director of Residence Life and See "Rouzer" on Pap ] Text message-based &e.furity Campus Life alert system implemented commission created By Roxanne flelKhe, Mike Webster. nation is a very smart idea. Rebecca Martin of the women's To date, more than 500 people A similar program basketball team and a leader of the McDaniel College has implement- are in, according to Webster. launched on August 23, 2007, at The administration at McDaniel Campus Activities and Greek Life College commlnee. in north- George Mason Unlversiry has created a Commis- ed a new security alert system that The college starred to think ern Virginia. According to a recenr sion on Campus Life to assess me And a good administration enables college officials to contact about incorporating an alert pm-- me college community in less man gram with .the Department of article in Mason, "the 'Mason Alert' strengths and weaknesses in three also knows how to investigate on a minute if an emergency arises. Campus Safe£}' sometime around has passed the 10,000 mark in total areas; campus acnviries and greek how to improve their five-year Dubbed "The McDaniel Mayor June of 2007. Colleges registrations. Registration for the life. diversity and athletics. strategic plan. The current five-year Alen", (he program sends alerts across rhe nation have implement- program is open indefinitely." "We wanted to look at me plan will end in 2008, and the new via phone. fax and text message to ed a similar system, especially afier As of right now, the McDaniel three areas of campus that impact one will run its course from 2009 everyone signed into me program. the tragic evenrs at Virginia Tech A1en: is open to all students and so many of our students," said to 2014. Members of the college commu- on April 16, 2007. faculty members. Don Beth Get'I, who is one chair- Three committees are respon- "It's all nity can sign into the program by With the more recent shoor- "The more students, faculty person of the commission. at our- sible for investigating what is going well and what is not. Surveys and positive ... we are looking contacting Campus Safety. ing at Northern Illinois University and Staff" members who know about selves and asking what we can do polls are being taken, and other Perhaps {he most effective pan: in neKaIb, Illinois, on February an a1er", the safer all of us will be," of me new alert system is that "it 14. it is becoming more and more Webster said. better." "It's a sign of a good admin- schools similar (0 McDa~iel are also being interviewed. All of the allows us (the DoCS) to communi- apparent that incorporating this The college investment in me cate with students almost instant- system Inro McDaniel and even all See.,AIert"'OII Pap 2 istration when they are listening See~ ... Pap3 Iy," said Director of Campus Safety educational institutions across the and open to change," said Coach
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