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DMBRsPORTS 7ilffi1r THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS FEBRUARY 14 2008 PAGE1S VOLUME 9 ISSUE 1 National Football League: NFL season branded by rampant cheating comes to an end By Garrett E~, McDaniel GUnI than Paul Tagliabue dealr with in 17 years as the NFL com- a season ending in a Super Bowl victory and MVP tide. missioner. However, this game was different. The Chargers were with- The 2007-2008 NFL season can be summed up in the four out star QB Philip Rivers and RB LaDainian Tomlinson, words that this anthology has been branded by. There was A champion has been crowned, and it's not the team both out with knee injuries. Tho Packers also missed their cheating, admined by all parties involved. The jers assumed who was on pace for perfection. Goliath has fallen, and the opportunity [Q go to another Super Bowl with their star QB me whistle-blower role, squealing on [he Patriots and their team once dubbed as the greatest in NFL history is reduced Brett Favre. The Packers, who hosted the Giants at Lambeau suspect raping techniques of the opponent's sidelines during to nothing more rhan a shadow of its former self. Instead of Field, were not able to continue their landmark 13-3 season games. The Patriots admitted to raping [he Jet's sidelined finishing the perfect season and shattering the 36-year-old against a New York Giants team surprised and as frostbitten and rook their punishment. The punishment was the hefri- record set by the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the Patriots are as Tom Coughlin's face. - est in league history, and the Patriots' dream of a perfect sea- known for losing their .shcr at perfection. The New York son would be shrouded in question. Giants, who starred the season at 0-2 and were overlooked And then there was [he biggest chokeof the last decade. as roo young or tOO old, had completed the biggest upset in The New England Patriots, 18-0 going into Super Bowl Sun- And the NFL acted in the way they know best; a guilty NFL history. Eli Manning, who was patronized by his own day and highly anticipated [Q both break the perfect season way. Coincidental timing, destroying evidence, covering up fans for his demeanor during and after the game, is now a record and' the Giants lost their perfect season. The Patriots the whole scandal by sweeping irunder the rug all raise an Super Bowl MVP. opted to abandon their usual 'fun-n-gun" offense for a more eyebrow to chose who believe in conspiracy theories like me. conservative approach that slowed. down their team. The Gi- The 2007-2008 season also was a season of delinquency.· With triumph and elation, there. are chose who arc ants also had something to do with the outcome. The Giants Over 18 play""" were: suspc:nd"d for anyming from decorum marko:f wi[h d",fea~. The Colts lost in me AFe Divisional creared new defensive schemes and were able (0 slow down on the field to decorum off the field to decorum in rhe strip 1)layoff game against a San Diego Chargers ream; a. ream [he explosive offense, controlling the game, and allowing the dub. Roger Goodell has dealt with more in JUSt a season that forced 6 INTs from a Peyton Manning returning from 17-14 outcome. Oh, ,Heath Ledger, how Announcement from your SGA we shall miss thee- Wednesday Government rneetinqs are every Student at 8 p.rn. in Hill. Hall 108. Everyone is welcome to attend and bring questions, comments and concerns about anything on campus. By Melanie Chupein, infamous Brokrback Moumain Co-Editor in Chief I remember back where Ledger played Ennis Del when Ledger starred Mar opposite of Jake Gyllenhaal Also, we will be having a series of speakers On January 22, Heath Ledger in 10. Things I Hate who played Jack Twist. The rwo over the next month from different departments was found dead in his Manhattan were working on a mountain where on campus who will be sharing updates in apanment, allegedly because of About You with their sexual relationship ignited. their departments and students can bring their an overdose on sleeping pills. The Julia Stiles. He was [ don't care what anyone says. At questions and comments to the speakers. world was shocked when the 28- the heart of it, Brokeback Moumain year-old actor passed away. so charming with· was a love Story and being obsessed News of this tragedy spread his nice smile and with i good chic Rick, I could ap- .Our first guest speaker will be Debbie Shaffer faster than anything I'd ever seen. long, unruly hair. preciate ir for what it was. Also, and Mary Jo Colbert from Glar and Food Iwas stuck in my apartment, with- the acting was phenomenal by the Services on Wednesday, February 27 at 8 p.rn. OUt cable or Internet, but I still His character was so entire ensemble. in Hill Hall 108. managed ro hear che news fiom my lovable. The last movie Isaw that led- father, who is completely oblivious ger acted in was Cas(1JjOV(1 where he co mainstream celebrity gossip bur plays the famous womanizer. He Future speakers will be Michael Robbins from heard it on the radio and thought r Iremember back when Ledger was so suave that you couldn't help the Residence Life Department and Mike would like to know. Seconds later, starred in 10 Things J Hate About but root for his character to get the Webster from Campus Safety (dates to be my friend rexred me and broke the You with Julia Stiles. He was so girl despite his lying, cheating and announced). manipulating ways. news. She was sure she'd be me charming with his nice smile and Ledger's last movie will be first one to let me know since r was long, unruly hair. His charac- The Dark Knight, which will be re- so technologically deprived. ter was so lovable. Then mere's A leased {his July. Many believe that Right after it happened, re- Knight's Tale, which I musr admit is not one of my favorite of Ledger's he won't be able to hold a candle to pores quoted Ledger's father as Jack Nicholson's Joker, bur in spite GOT NEWS? saying that if was JUSt an accident. movies but he fit the period role of this. fans will go to pay homage There was also speculation that his well. and watch the Barman saga con- Upcoming role in the Dark Knight Then rhere's the Brothers rmue., as the Joker was psychologically Grjmm where Ledger acted along- draining and messed with his head. side Mart Damon as rwo brothers Heath Ledger, may you rest in, or off wirb rhetr Magazines also published stories who ripped people peace. linking Mary Kate Olson to Led- scams and were later faced with the Parllclpate in the discussion of bracing an enchanted challenge ger, no doubt in hopes of benefiting al financially off of rh is unexpected curse. Shortly after came 2005's now and untimely death.
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