Page 108 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 108
THE M'DANIEl FREE PRESS FEBRUARY28 2008 News I Features n. ..l~"We were fortunate to get ten potential _ pledges from our recruiting efforts this Eating semester. They are all great guys and we are . ~ happy with the results." - Daniel L:bost '09 healthy Greek organizations see bright possible future in new pledges at Glar By Bethany Grove "We had about 15 guys in- "The dosed smoker was a good nior Lindsay Fairchild said they are Greek life has recently started [crested and 12 guys at our closed event because it was longer than happy to welcome seven new sisters recruiting members on campus. smoker on Sunday night," Kron the previous several," Kron said. "It into their chapter. By Julia Heck Many Greek organizations have said. gave a chance for the porentlals [0 "We are more rhan pleased Christine Brechbill, a health con- held their recruitment events in An open smoker is an event get a ,;hance to know us and vice with our new additions and hope scious freshman at McDaniel, the pasr few weeks and Bid Day that some fraternities hold that is versa. to continue to invite more re- swipes her card at Clar, chats with brought many new members co the . open ro anyone who is interested Phi Mu held a recruitment sponsible, fun-loving and unique Lucille and heads for the salad bar. sororities and fraternities on cam- in joining and is used as a rype of evenr based on the television show, women into our chapter within Although she misses her mom's pus this spring. screening process. It is a way for America's Next Top Model. Senior the next few weeks," Fairchild said. healthy cooking, she makes the For those who don't know rushees [0 introduce themselves [0 MC DeSimone, a member of Phi "We have big plans and high hopes best of her choices while she's away much about Greek life, "rush" is the group and co Start determining Mu, said the recruitment has been for the resr of the semester. Keep an a process in which students, or whether or not they would be in- wonderful so far. eye on rhe ladies of love, honor and from home. Christine tries ro At home, "rushees," discover [he best Greek reresred in pledging to that organi- "My favorite event so far was truth: Phi Mu." have three balanced meals. She organization for themselves. It usu- zarion. 'Phi Mu's Next Top Model' in Junior Daniel Lebost, the new has eggs for breakfast, sandwiches, ally consists of going to events held The "dosed smoker" is held af- which everyone dressed up like president of Alpha Sigma Phi said grilled mears, plenty of fruits and by different fraternities or sororities rer the open smoker, in which the their favorite model and 'strutted they are also very happy with the vegetables and organic dairy. How in order to scope out which organi- fraternity invites back certain rush- their Stuff' on the catwalk while in- results of recruitment. does she emulate this diet while at zacicn is most suitable. ees in order to get ro know them troducing themselves," DeSimone "We were fortunate to get 10 school? She avoids the entire sec- Senior Chris Kron, member better. On Bid Day, some rushees said. "Even the girls who decided potential pledges from our recruit- tion of fried foods and limits her and former president of Alpha are invited [0 join the organ izarlon, not to join Phi Mu were still an es- ing efforts this semester," Lebosr carb intake. She fil!s up on veggies Sigma Phi, said they had a good and if they accept the invitation sential element to the fun," said. "They are all great guys and bur has found rhar she does nor eat recruitment response this year. rhey become a pledge. Former Phi Mu president se- we are happy with the results." as much meat while at school. The Newest Members Greek Fratematies and Sororities "I used to ear the stir fry ev- Alpha Gamma Tau Phi Delta Theta PhlMu Phi Sigma Sigma ery day ... now it's gone," Brechbil: Ross Smith Drew Gress Diana Desmond JakiSipes said about the "Body and Sou Brian Jumonville RachelSmiroldo line", recently taken away be~use Alpha Sigma Phi Nick Bender Elyse Sparks KellyToms quality ~:c; Atlee Baker Matt Crowe Annie O'Grady Rachel Thrasher of health department regulat1on~. AmandaFarr Iordan Doss Antonio Bonaddio Kim Kalinyak She also thinks that simple addl- Wy
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