Page 100 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 100
12 THE M'DA.NIEL FREE PRESS FEBRUARY 14 2008 Commentary A place to eat that fills all kinds of appetites Glar provides perfect setting to score a date, writes Chelsie Houser freshman year, a typical "glar chill" So maybe the next object of be sharing a basket of battered has greater impact for the receiver. can last from a half hour (Q being your affection is just around the shrimp in St. Lucia. Ramer than Rather than drunkenly slurring Dane Cook on" kicked out at 7 by Cedlle (our create this dreamlike fantasy, the pick up lines at a pany, wouldn't it said "There's so many flavors of gum card swiper). During that rime I I was dared to tell orher option is to approach them. be bold to stop them in their tracks here, what do I wanna chew?" sat with my friends and we played WHAT?! Yes, I said it. Scary as it while they're making roasri Not I couldn't help but thinking games and talked. More than what the hottie I spotted can be, approaching your target only will you gain re5pec[ and ad- about this idea of options and vart- we were talking about, it was who that I noticed him could be me next move to friend- miration from others who observed ery without relating it to Glar. For we were talking about. The next ship and who knows, maybe more. your encounter, you will also walk those of you who live off campus horde who entered would catch and thought he was We all know this school is away with more confidence. This and have never enrered the pearly our eye and our voices would come cute. No, nothing small and word gets around, but experience gives you the strength gates of our dining hall, you might to a simmer as the silence hovered ever blossomed from what is the worst that could hap- to do it again, even if it failed the nor realize how much more Glar over us. "Who is that?" was often pen? You're back to where you first few times. has ro ofler. said in unison. the moment we started. You have taken a leap of "If at first you don't succeed, Sure we have desserts galore Clearly, Glar is the place to be made eye contact fate and took the chance while you try and try again." Being February, and new choices at the salad bar, noticed and discover others. had it. right now is the prime lime. The bur Glar can fill an appetite that's Sure we come to get our eats, and exchanged a This advice is coming from spirit is in the air, and we're much hungry for more than JUSt chicken but without realizing it our sub- few words, but it personal experience in Glar. Af- more vulnerable to fall for your tenders on Thursdays. If you are conscious is picking up on the FBI was a worthwhile ter losing a bet I was dared to tell pick up line. He or she could be snll having trouble trying to see radar. Yeah, I'm talking about fe- the hattie I sported mat I noticed waiting right now. It's Valentine's where I'm going with this, I'm talk- male body investigators. You know experience. him and thought he was cute. No, Day, why not make it a memorable ing about [he social mecca of our who you are. You see them walking nothing ever blossomed from the one? campus. Where else do you first in on that runway of an entrance, moment we made eye contact and notice your new sweetie or (he man swishing their hair ro [he lefr as corner splashing ketchup on his exchanged a few words, but it was Participate In the dll.:usslon at Mc:Oanl .. IFreePre ... C:OID of your dreams? they zip their all-card into their curly fdcs. This St""c..nunS intO a .....o~thwhilc ~c:Q.s You tOO Like r said, Glar offers a lor bags. They look determined as they more than just a look. Next you're can rake that leap of fate. more than you realized. brisk past you, and your table can't sharing details with your friends As you can imagine, this ap- From my experience since help but turning around to see. about where the two of you could proach is more memorable and Oscar predictions give nod to Juno and Atonement By Juliann Guiffre, Feallfres Co-Edltor performance, so look for powet- tress race Wail blown wide open by Ok, I know the big issue right now house No Countryfor Old Mer/ to Ruby Dee's SAG win for Ameri- is not who will win me Dscars but rake the tOP prize. can Gangster. Personally, I'm jusr will me Oscers even broadcast? J Did you hear Daniel Day going to call mat a fluke. Care get it. I feel for the WGl\s cause Lewis's acceptance speech at [he and understand the sacrifices we Screen Actor's Guild Awards? need to make while talks are in Poignant and sophisticated, widl Javier Bardem's progress. a moving Heath Ledger tribute. grueling work in However, I will he shghdy Yeah, 'ncugh said. Sorry bout your No Country will devastated jf there is no Oscers luck George, Tommy, Johnny and ceremony this year. The gowns, Viggo; you're all still winners in undoubtedly take the the speeches, the upsets and the my eyes. Best Supporti ng Actor sure things, and of course the lame Okay, fur [he Best Access prize. attempts :1( movie humor by the race we'll go ahead and exclude host-e-l love it all. Therefore I'm Care Blanchett in Eliz4bnh: lIN choosing to ignore the impending GoldmAgr--no one wins two Os- "will they or won't mey" enigma can for [he same role, Laura Lin- Blanchett's work as one of the and act like everything is going as ney was amazing in Ihe Savages, Bob Dylans in Lin Not 7h"~ is planned. bur her nomination was, even she the best in my opinion. Yet Amy On with the: predictions! admlrted, out of len field. In my Ryan completely transformed for For Best Picture, I would opinion Ellen Page SHOULD her role in Gom:&thy Gone. Give love nothing more [han to see in- win for her quirky and above-her- the edge to Blanchen-c-those who die fave Juno rake home the gold years performance in Juno but she skipped over her for Best Acuess .bur rea.lly, how many times has a won't. So char leaves 1I right race will give her me sympathy vote comedy won Best Picture? Look between Julie Christie in Away here. for Juno to get some recognition hom Her and frenchie Marion Now let's aU cross our fingers in the Best Original Screenplay Ccnnard for La Vie en Rose. Vet- that the ceremony will actually go category for innovative Diablo eran Christie should have the edge on! How else will we know who ro Cody. AtOllwunt has been losing after her SAG win. make fun of the next morning fat momentum, and Michael Clayton Javier Bardem's grueling work a horrendous gown or horrifying never had much to begin with. in No Country will undoubtedly speech? TlJeT~Will Be Blbodis mostly being take the Best Supporting Actor PutidlNte In the dlKUulon recognized for Daniel Day Lewis's prize, yet the Best Suppcrrtng Ac- at McDanlelfreePreiiI.c:o ..
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