Page 107 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 107
THE M< its own area as it does research. srudenrs of all different groups to perspective on Greek life. ing tube, according 10 the Caring The Athletics Committee looks for share their experiences at McDan- ~We want to get students Bridge website Lure's family set January 31 when he fell off the how students react to the McDan- iel to enhance the research. more involved ... we want to know up for him, which can be found landing mat and hir his head. He iel Athletics Deparrmenr and also Those meetings, which arc if we are meeting srudenrs' needs at http://caringbridge.orglvisid was rushed to Shock Trauma via how McDaniel's athletics compares open to all students. are scheduled and expectations," said Martin. jaredlurz, helicopter. The McDaniel com- to other small liberal arts colleges for Wednesday, March 5, at 12:30 After all three committees cre- Also in the journal. Lutis munity has continued co offer p.m. and Wednesday, March 26 ate a report of their findings, they family indicated that he is still support to Lura and his family like it. The Diversity Committee at 5 p.m. The place is to be deter- will present to Dean Beth Gerl and barding with two blood clots, through their visits to the hospital does the same thing, focusing on mined, bur at each meeting there Phil Ensnce, the chairman of me some swelling in the abdomen and posts in [he guest book on will be a drawing for twO $25 gift Commission on Campus Life. The area, twO bruises on his brain and the website. Cards can be mailed the underrepresented groups on cards. For more informadon, please informacion will then be reported has yet to fully regain conscious- to jared lon, do of Universiry campus. McNichols was appointed contact the Residence Life Office. to the Board of TruS(ee5 and to of Maryland R Adams Cowley to leader of this committee because she has expressed interest through "Our charge is to get a report President Joan Develin Coley. "We continue to monitor Shock Trauma Center, 22 S. her involvement in the Hispano- on me climate as it is... it is not our P"rtldpatr In the dlKusslon Jared's medical condition online Greene Street, 4 South - Bed 17, Latino Alliance. She also attended charge to tell the Board ofTrustccs at and through visits made by the Baltimore, MD 21201. ---------------~ continue to express 011 Thursday, of Website as the best source for in- in NCORE. the National Conference or the administrarion what to do," coaching staff," said Joyce Muller, Doug Renner, head coach of of Race and Ethnidry, which "re- said McNichols. associate vice president of com- the track and field team, cites the ---------------- munications and marketing. "We prayers fonnation about Jared and added. concern for Jared and his family," ~Jared and his family remain FREE PRESS fREE PRESS FREE I'RESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS fREE I'RESS fREE PRESS FREE I'RESS Lun was injured while prac- our thoughts and prayers daily." fREE PRESS fRfE PRESS FRrE PRESS FREE PRrsS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS fREE PRESS FREE I'RESS ticing the pole vauh flUT PRESS rRff PRf.SS fREE PRESS rRH PRESS FREE PRESS FREt,:PRESS FREE PRESS FR([ PRESS
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