Page 12 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 12
VISaApplication Process Has More Woes Post 9/11 campus has had to change, they once did to earn an Also, students that are Analia Musso, an exchange ROB GOEKE and as a result many interna- American degree. natives of Middle Eastern or student from Argentina, also STAFF WRITER tional students have been "The visa application is African nations have had an received her visa with relative International students at unable to come to time consuming and the stu- even more difficult time get- American universities have Westminster to complete their dents can easily be denied. ting an American visa since "I had heard from other always helped to enrich and studies in recent years. This is something we're wor- 9/11 as a result of tighter people that [the visa applica- diversify an institution's stu- International students who ried about when we're talking restrictions. Recent events tion process] would be hard, dent body. McDaniel, with its matriculated to the Budapest to international students that have not helped. but it was not that difficult or satellite Budapest campus, is campus used to begin a four want to come to McDaniel," Concerns over internation- annoying for me, /I said no exception. year program that included said Falkner. al students were heightened Musso. "I got it the same day I However, the constant flow the first two years of study in International students who after the September 11 attacks, had the interview. of students from around the Budapest and the final two in hope to study in America given that one of the 19 hijack- Anjeza Kadilli, a senior world wishing to come to Westminster. must fill out an application ers, Hani Hanjour, had origi- from Albania, had a similar America to study has been But now, according to Rose with a $100 fee and then trav- nally come to America on a experience. interrupted, or at the very Falkner, the Director of el to their country's American student visa. This sentiment "I got my visa in Hungary, least, delayed since the International & Off-Campus embassy for an interview. increased this summer when there was an interview in the September 11th attacks. Study at McDaniel, the Once a student is denied an 11 Egyptian students failed to morning and 1 got the visa in More stringent student visa College allows students in cer- American visa, that denial acts attend Montana State the afternoon on the same application standards, the tain disciplines to complete as a black mark on their record University and, for a time, day." worsening perception of the their entire a-year degree at because it severely inhibits the were missing. However, Modis stated that United States around the the Hungarian campus student from possibly getting This difficulty in obtaining other students' visa process world, and the relative ease because many students at a student visa to another a visa is a contrast to the tales did not go quite as easily. that many international stu- MCB were unable to obtain country. As a result of this, told by international students "Usually the people who dents have in gaining student visas to the U.S. after 9/11 many students see going to contacted by the Free Press. are denied visas are Chinese visas to other English speak- (particularly students from Australia or England as a less "I didn't have any problems or Nigerian citizens," said ing nations have all pushed Nigeria, China, and countries difficult alternative. with the visa," said senior Modis. "They probably want many international students in the Middle East). "Most students figure 'why Agnes Pataki, a Hungarian to curb the amount of migra- looking to study somewhere "This decision enabled stu- take the risk?' The schools student. tion that is going through else than in the United States. dents to remain in Budapest elsewhere are good and their Senior Hajnalka Modis, also Hungary. Hungarians usually For example, according to after the first two years, rather visa processes are much easi- from Hungary, also had an get the visas with no prob- the Institute of International than transfer to universities in er," said Falkner. effortless experience. lem." Education's website, the num- other visa-friendly countries The negative perception of 'Well I had no problems, I Efforts made by the Free ber of international student in Europe and the UK, America across the world has actually went online and Press to contact other students enrollments in America Australia and New Zealand:' not helped attract internation- looked through everything were unsuccessful. declined for the 2003-2004 said Falkner. al students, either. that was needed for the appli- Overall, like the state of school year by 2.4%, the first Falkner also cited the vigor- "Some foreign students have cation so that was very help- world affairs since 9/11, the such decline in America since ous recruitment of interna- a feeling that Americans are ful," said Modis. "Everything visa application process has the 1971-1972 school year. tional students by these coun- not very welcoming," said necessary was there. I also got changed immensely and its McDaniel has been affected tries after 9/11 as another rea- Falkner. "There is less incen- help tram' the college (in effect has been felt at by these developments as son why some students may tive to leave their own country Budapest) with it. It took only McDaniel. well. McDaniel's Budapest not have the incentive that to study in the U.S." one day." Add. Djerdj Matkovic. "Usually the people who are denied visas "I got my visa in are Chinese or Hungary, there was an Nigerian citizens ... interview in the morn- They probably want to ing and Igot the visa curb the amount of in the afternoon on the migration that is going same day." through Hungary .. " -Anjeza Kadilli -Hajinalka Modis VNU$AGOl'tl"eva«<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< _143«lRUS8Z11Z40F03~J10100083173_
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