Page 132 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 132
APRIL 1, 2007 - Page 6 CENTERSPREAD Editor found dead, another missing of Mike Habegger," said a unturned until we get to the these recent events, ['m not so BOB WOODWARD statement released by the col- bottom of what happened on sure anymore." ALIAS lege this morning. the night of March 31," said Habegger and Matkovicare On Saturday, March 31, The computers used for police chief Marty Smith at a also rumored to have Djerdj Markovic, 22, of Serbia, publishing the paper provide press conference held in expressed dissatisfaction with was found dead in the no clues to the whereabouts of McDaniel Lounge. "As far as the status of journalism in ~J:~~J'M McDaniel Free Press newsroom Habegger or the death of the circumstances surround- society. Journalists purport to ~~HJoARE and death ~g~I!~~uY located in the basement of Markovic. Aside from the dis- ing Matkovtc's that how you seek the truth and expose it to f~~v~~~ covery Rouzer Hall. The cause of his of Matkovic's masses, ~~~;JHE the largely ignorant body, ~~~;;'M ~g~;;:dea~v~s~:';:~~yMatkovic~~~;~;~:Ze:o::_:d~::,ut:::~~~yi::~£~::~:~F~~;:,~;:~~:I~h~c~~~~Sb~e:~C~~~:~~; ~~s;;;: Habeggers-Ie ~~'i:' ::f:~~~n;re~Sp~~s:d;:~~!~: Goeke confirms the condition reported a growing dissaris- ~:s:~~c~:~~r;~omplete- ~~~S!~- ~K'C~K:C'~OTH'NEing reason for his presence in of the newsroom. faction by Habegger. Having The readers of the Free Press ~~iOM. TIw,",OOOOOW'NIthe newsroom. The editors "Everything looks the same trouble finding adequate must have known something !'NNO,CvH,TH.','~,'w" THEHALL. had been working late into the to me," said Goeke. "It's such numbers of writers and pho- was wrong, sensed it every- ME.FOR WHAT night on the latest edition of a mess, but you can tell these tographers, he began looking day they woke up and went to SOMEREIt- ~~i~~J the bi-weekly paper. guys were trying the dean it into increasing newsroom effi- class. But they could have ~~~pr~~- ~~~EIOlS- Police have closed the up a bit. What baffles me is ciency, only to be frustrated never guessed that it would ~~~E CUSSING newsroom indefinitely, and there is no evidence of with the lack of performance result in the death of Matkovic FROMTHE ~~~{;NO will commence investigation [Matkovic and Habegger] by computer technology. and the disappearance of ~Et OPTIONS within the week. actually attempting to publish Habegger's roommate, Habegger.s WASIMPOS- WHENTHIS Their projects were focused a paper." Jason Stambaugh, SIBLE.I r~~~:::G on uncovering the truth, Matkovic and Habegger cited an increased ~ri::,~ND ~~::: fROM wherever it could be found. It were last seen on Thursday awareness of time on ~~~~O~ii ~~ER has been speculated that the night. According to witnesses, the part of Habegger. ~g~~~'1v~: DASHEDIN job was too ambitious and they were in the newsroom "He was always DENCE,DR fr:~::K ~;e~::,u~~: ~::o·f~:n~ ~~:~ ~~p~!o;r~ee ;~~~~~~ looking at the clock, ~~~~~ '"NHO"'!~' speeding from one ~;GGET. ' THRo"~C:i Matkovic in the form of death, visited the Pub to pick up place to the next," ~~:~EE\O THEFLOOR. perhaps the truest experience some diet coke in preparation said Stambaugh. SEEIN ~~K~:S one can have. for a long night. Pub employ- "But that wasn't the ~1~RJrJ~iE !~~i:;~~:~o:~Pi:~;!.:~%~o;:~;:c~:~~t~~e~~:.:t~f:~:: ~~~:~;~i~~~ted1~ ~of"~~~~~- WASTHE down on the floor, but he has Eavesdroppers, eager for knowledge, space ~~ COUCH . d f dr news, listened in on the pair's and time. Every time GLOW.1 ~~~I~~ :~e.prevlous recor 0 ug conversation, as reported by he disappeared I ~:~~~ :~gET~St From police photographs, it the The· Soviet Invasion of thought he was OFFICERS WASON looks like he fell asleep and Afghanistan, daily newspaper going to the news- "'- ~~~t;~ ~~<:,~HER never woke up. There are no in London. room to work on the showMarkovic'scondition PULLED ~!fJ~r~~ THI!WALL, marks on the body, except for "That. ..was, how do you paper, but after !:~:~~;.:~:;~=:~::~~~:~~~~rt~~;.odY;AWAYJUST ~lJ~~!~ one small scratch that appears say, strange. Did you see that SUPPOSED just over his heart that could extra room? What about that COATS. IT ~~L~:DIFOR have easily been caused by his be---... I know if we go lft~~; rJ~~~~E light fall amongst the boxes of back ...we will be [killed]." The ~~O~E~~E i~!~~7new;~::~~es are looking for :~~ line is simply specula- ~~l~s~~ ~~~'i'f- co-editor Mike Habegger, who Roommates of Markovic, ~~A~WHIL was reported to be the last obviously moved by their ~Rrl~ti~L !,~~KO~D. person to enter the newsroom friend's death, contend that he PUTOUT ~~~r~:~i:sceb~~tk~:!~~:e:o~·!~~;a~ ~~~l~ n~:~~:;~~t~~t~i:~~~ fif1! ~:~N~100 days, disappeared without a and that whoever perpetrated ~~::NG THIS trace.' the "murder" must be brought ~I~T? ~~{g~LY "The McDaniel College to justice. THISARTI- I! community expresses grief Authorities contend that all ~;~fi ~~Fs.E~E into the tragedy that claimed steps will be taken to ensure • ~~~~~ HALTEDIS the life of Djerdj Matkovic, the procedure of justice. ~i~~LES! ¥~I~~~S- and prays for the safe return "No rock will be left .. ~~C~NI- ~t:.~~i~~iciu~°ri"'~~~:'T~~HAT8~~~."W~';1~~~~;~~S~~I~\~~~Y~rz.~~~Y~¥~~~~~~Pb~~N~I;~~~~ ~~A~~HR~:fW:y,S~~~I;:-JET~~~~~~ElE~~~i~~~~~~~~.7~~L;io -::i~:ON. ~~~: ~is~TF~:;~rs'~~Ts~A~~~ :J~~:N~~y~~ST~~~~g ~~DB::!~~~:,r~~L~~ii1B~~~~GNHTm~~~I~~BI8~~;''i::~~~~: ~~~~g\~~~~~~i~d'~~~~T ~ow~i~~:OTHE '--7> ;;~.TgiA':::tE~~~~~~~~ ~~A~~E~5~~~~;.gr::-v~~·io:~~H~~~:r~-:;~~.~~g-~~~:S:rH~~~D~~\:~ M~~~n4.ul:~so MUCHTHATIDROPPEDTHI!PENANDPAPER.I NEVERHEARDIT ",(i ,.,~~" I}! ~
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