Page 102 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 102
MARCH 9, 2006 - Page 2 NEWS Admissions: More to it Than You Realize (from "admissions," page 1) dynamics of the students," McDaniel would be like first- director in the McDaniel Rende. Between the McDaniel's admission said Dean Martha O'Connell, hand. Admissions department. Admissions department and process from other colleges vice president for enrollment Leigh Anne Redfern, The freshman admis- the professors "it's really a and is why there has been a management. She pointed out the senior assistant director of sions counselor at Villa Julie team effort" to get the student 60% increase in visits over the that the college became more admissions at Gettysburg College, Bryan Fischer, feels to feel like they are welcome last two years and a 19% appealing when the name College, emphasized the sig- the "character of the school here, adds Rende. increase in applications since changed in 2002 from Western nificance of giving campus bears a lot of weight" when a Since the Admissions last year. Maryland College and when tours to prospective students student is deciding what col- department has added all of "On the roads are con- Loren Pope featured the col- because it helped match a pic- lege to apply to. these new techniques, there ducted to connect with the lege in his book "Colleges ture with the name of this pos- "I wouldn't say has only been a positive people out of state that may That Change Lives." sibly unknown college. there's a special technique to increase in numbers since last have hectic schedules and are Another way the However, she felt that provid- recruiting students," said year. unable to come out to see us," Admissions department ing detailed information Fischer. "We have a profile of According to Martha said Stephanie DeSanctis, an recruits prospective students online was a little more signif- a student academically and O'Connell, 1,942 admission associate director in the is through regularly given icant. we hope they will apply so we letters have been sent out as Admissions department. "We campus tours. This year, the She then stressed how will let them in. We don't compared to 1,782 at the end take the student to a quiet department changed a few vital lie-communication" is have to go out and grab them of last year. Also, the current place such as a hotel lobby things about the tours to help with students beyond the (prospective students). They number of deposits are 46 and interview them. This satisfy everyone who went on Gettysburg area. This way the are attracted to the college's compared to 38 at this time allows the student face time them. Admissions department can character." last year; however, the 'dead- with someone from According to constantly communicate with The McDaniel admis- line is not until May l. McDaniel." O'Connell, a tour can "make prospective students and keep sions department, on the other O'Connell also mentioned Cities they went to or break a student's decision" answering questions they may hand, makes sure the prospec- that the minimum number of this. year included Seattle, so it's "crucial that we concen- have. tive student experiences the students in the freshmen class Cleveland, Sacramento, trate on this." "We just want to help "character" of the college. will be around 520 students. Atlanta, Portland, and Tampa. She said this year students find the best match," This year they did this by The main goal however, is to After this year's "on the tours were given with two said Redfern. finding out if a prospective stay at capacity and to keep roads" the Admissions tour guides so prospective McDaniel has also student knew the area of the resident halls filled. department received applica- students could have more learned the importance of e- study they wanted to focus The best method is to tions from students in every than one point of view on the communication. The college on. They then gave this infor- promote the college truthfully city they went to. According tour. website has been redone so it mation to a professor in that by showing what qualities it to Jill Morsberger, an associate Associate Director is filled with information department so they could con- has and what the student can director in the Admissions Heidi Reigel explained that about the college, courses tact the student and give them get out of the college by department, currently the after tours prospective stu- given and professors; it also information on that major. attending it. Whether it's McDaniel student body of dents were able to sit in on has news stories from staff This shows the student how through face-to-face contact, about 2,000 students repre- classes and meet with profes- members and articles from the interested the college and the campus tours, e-communtca- sents 32 states and the District sors this year. This helped McDaniel Free Press. professor are in them, even tion, or how well known the of Columbia. "personalize their day more" "It gives a when they are still in high college is, students will go to "Different areas are because they got to become a very honest answer about school. the college that best suits them calling us to talk to their junior college student for a day and what they're looking for," said "This sets us apart and will prepare them for classes due to the changing experience what attending Gina Rende, an associate from other colIeges," said their future endeavors. Lighter Side: Like /Cops," Only Less Classy pidity within a community of approached by campus safety stuffing carpeting up the charm of McDaniel College. ANDYWU collegiate scholars. officers, the fella threw his car tailpipe. By day we can sit in class dis- STAFF WRITER I guess McDaniel ain't no in reverse and drove away. Boy shoulda got hisself a cussing advanced and (Editor's Note: At a glance, Harvard. GOlly, wish J coulda seen tater or some roadkill. Ain't thought-provoking issues. By tile blotter doesn't reveal some of On February 17th, a stu- it, wonder if he had a hemi. nothin worse than pullin a night, we turn into drunken the inane reports to which officers dent was driving drunk and It's just too bad they knew carcass out your tailpipe idiots pissin' everywhere, respond. WII'S commentary high- hit a wall all while attempting who he was. mmhmm. breaking stuff, and driving lights some of the unique calts.) to park in a handicapped spot. The next Cops worthy Icould be wrong here, but into walls. I've been watching the This begs the question - are crime occurred on the early I'm guessing both of these That kind of dualism is show Cops lately because it is the mentally challenged morning of February 19th. guys were wearing half-torn the mark of a real American hilarious. The comedy is a allowed to park in handi- After receiving a citation for wife beaters spattered with a college. direct result of the stupidity of capped spots? If so, T don't see public urination, a student little blood from a crossbow lawbreakers on the show and I a problem here. was caught crouching behind mishap. wouldn't expect similar stu- In any case, after being campus safety's Durango and It's really the fundamental Occurred From Date Reported Date Subcate 0 T Outdoors Building Name Incident Status 2/17/062: 18a.m. 2/171062:18 a.m. alcohol driving while im aired I Peterson Hall closed by POC 2/16/06 P :00 p.m. 2117/063:281).m. theft from motor vehicle Gill Center lot inactive 2/18/0612:11 a.m. 2118/0612:11 a.m. alcohol oocn container Rouzer Hall closed bv POC 2118/061:18a,01. 2/18/06 l:J8a.m. vandalism vehicle Blanche Lot inactive 2/18/062:12a.m 2/181062:12a.Jl]. vandalism structure Blanche Ward H"JI inactive 2/18lO65:IOp.m. 2/18/065:10 n.m. trespass Hoover-Libra pcndin ' court outcome 2119/061:08 a.m. 2/19/061:08a.m. deccncv ofTense ublic urination Penn. Avc. House closed bv POC 2il9/06 I :16 2/19/061:26a.m. vandalism vehicle Penn. Ave. House closed b POC 2JI9!061:46a.m. 2/19/061:46a.m. assault hands/feet Blanche Ward Hall closed by roc 2/191061:40 a.m. 2/19/063:40 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Rouzer Hall closed by .lOC 2119106 1"':28u.rn. 2/19/06 12:28 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 GardenA t Lot closed by POe: 2/19/064:11 a.m. 2/19/064:11 a.m. tampcrtn ' with fire caui . fire cxtirunushcr Rouzer Hall inactive 2/19/2006 4: II a.m. 2/20/06 10:46 a.m. theft from building Rouzer Hall closed b POC 2120/0612: [5 .m. 2/20/06 12:25 o.rn. tampering with fire equi fire extin usher Rouzer Halt inactive 2/':.0/06 unknown 2/20/06 11:20 P. rn. vandalism structure Academic HaH inactive "/18/06 1:40 u.m. 2.122/065:43 n.m. harassment hone n/a off camnus ()pcll 2/23/06 11:34 p.m. 2123/0611:34 ).1l1. disorder! drunken Hoover Library closed b criminal charec 2/241061:30a.m. 2/24/06 1:45 a.m. vandalism structure Rouzer Hall report incoumlete 2!24106NO .m. 2/24/067:27 o.m. trespass McDan.ieIHa,1l closed !.W re ort 2'25/0611 :20 p.m. 2/25/0611:20 P.II1. alcohol possession under 21 Penn. Ave. House closed by POC 2125/06 unknown 2126/062:51 p.m. then From buildimz Garden Apt open 21'16;"0612:27a.m. 2116/0611:27 a.m. riving false information ofT campus closed by criminal charge 2.126/066;50p.m. ")/26106 J 1:02 n.m vandalism vehicle Rouzer Lot inactive 2127/062:00 p.m. 2/271064:40 .111. vandalism vehicle Smith House Lot inactive 2 ..24 ..0611:15(un 21"'8/062:15 p.m crash bit and run Harrison Lot inactive . 31.2,'0611:04 .111. 3/"}ยทยท06 11:05 p.m. "lcohol ssc~!;.ion under 21 Blanche W.,rd 1{.,1I repor! inconmlclc ]1]106 I:32 a.m. 3i3i06 1:32a.lll. alcohol pOssessionunder" I Alben Nomlall \Vard Hall repon incomp1ctt'
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