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NEWS FEBRUARY 26, 2004 - Page 3 Tom Barnes retires after 17 years here Students often take the with. But then again, at this ulty and students how to ployees, were great people," ROB GOEKE beauty ofcampus forgranted. time in my life,l want to take drive the infamous 'pickle' STAFFWRlTER They often do not think of the it easy and enjoy life," said buses. said Barnes. It was evident that waves He was literally hours work that goes into the main- Barnes. It was a whirlwind for of nostalgia rushed through from retirement. Seventeen tenance of the' College. But, Barnes was hired at Barnes ashe retired. His birth- Barnes throughout his last day. years, he had worked as the behind the scenes at his office McDaniel because he was laid day was January 30th, the day Briefstops to hug people in vari- Maintenance Mechanic at on 192 Pennsylvania Avenue, off at the Black and Decker he retired. He recently eel- ous departments or to collect a McDaniel. In total, he put to-- Barnesworked year-round to plant in Hampstead. ebruted his 40th wedding an- gift or a card here and there gether a forty-one year career. maintain the campus. It was "I was just glad to get ruversary as well. After four made it difficult to hold back Yet, on his last day almost as if the grease had the job at the time when I decades of work, he knew it tears. But he held back Lest day working at McDaniel, Tom grown. accustomed to being needed one," said Barnes. was time to settle down and or not, he had to get back to Barnes' fingers were still cov- on his fingers. But the employment he had some fun. work. ered in grease from a machine His recollections are received almost out of neces- "Ijusthope that the suc- "Tom helped the mainte- he had fixed earlier that morn- fond. sity turned into a multi-year cess of McDaniel CoUegecon- nance department achieve what ing. Even on his last day, he "I am going to miss partnership. His main role tinues. It is a good place to it needed to. He will be missed," was working as hard as he did working here. I am going to was repairing all of the ve- work. TIle people that I met said Phil Boob, Director of on his first. miss the people that rworked lucles as well as teaching fac- here, from professors to em- Grounds and Special Events. Budapest program in danger Budapest from page 1 dents from Asia, Africa, and The tighter restrictions although it was evident that Sociology professor Debra the Middle East that have the are hurting colleges and uni- the program should be saved, Lemke offered an alternative most difficulty getting visas, versities across the U.S. be- it was decided that more infor- suggestion of providing online event for faculty,administration, Seidel explained. cause students are choosing to mation, time,and thought was courses with classroom assis- and everyone there." According to Drexler, go places where they are still needed in regard to that pro- tants in Budapest. "The visa problem has a these students are refused able to get visas, such as posal, Seidel said. A motion made by a fac- double effect," explained Ethan due to the lack of proof of suf- Canada and Europe, explained Faculty voiced various ulty counsel sent the discussion Seidel, vice president for admin- ficient strong ties to the home Seidel. concerns, including the to the curriculum committee, istration and finance. "It makes country, guaranteeing no in- Tn response to these amount of resources needed which has met, but without it more difficult for students to tent to remain in the Ll.S. problems, administrators in and the ability to uphold cur- reaching a firm conclusion, ac- come here fortheir last two years, upon graduation (Section Budapest have asked r:iculumstandards. "The prob- cording to biology professor and and it has also begun to affect the 214b of the U.S. Immigration McDaniel College if they can lem is that they do not have a committee Chairman Samuel ability of the Budapest campus Act). This requirement is in offer remaining classes neces- lot of full time faculty, and the Alspach. to recruit students in the first addition to academic, finan- sary to finish the McDaniel question is do they have the The decision and report by place." cial, and language profi- College degree in Hungary for capacity to offer advanced the committee is postponed until Attempts to create a more ciency qualifications, accord- those students absolutely un- courses" in the areas of com- after individuals fromadministra- internationally diverse student ing to the Bureau of Consu- able to get visas. munications, business eco- tiontravel toHungaryoverSpring body in Budapest are central to lar Affairs within the U.S. Faculty discussed the is- nomics, and political science, Break.for discussion with person- the issue, because it is the stu- Department of State. sue at several meetings and Paquin explained nel at the Budapest campus. Sellinger fund cut: 2005funds questionable Campus Safetublot ter MELISSA GALLO million dollars were given STAFF WRITER out through the Sellinger Pro- 2/11/04 - 2/18/04 gram - 32% less than was re- Occurred Subcategory Type Building Incident McDaniel faces a severe ceived in 2003. From Date Status loss of state funding for 2005 "Many other states unless the campus community have direct aid programs to 2/11/04 Harassment Phone Whiteford Inactive takes action. independent colleges," said IUS PM Hal! Every year, the state of Coley, "recognizing that ...all Maryland gives money to insti- of the institutions of higher 2/12/04 Alcohol Possession Rouzer Hall. Closed tutions of higher education education need to be strong 3:47AM (under 21) ByPoC through the Joseph A. Sellinger and healthy." Other states State Aid Program. However, give more, from 40 million in 2/13/04 CDS Possession Rouzer Hall Pending the amount schools receive has Virginia, to 53 million in 2:18AM Court been plummeting since 1980, Florida, and 322 million in Outcome and this year is no different. New York. The once-robust Sellinger Some campus commu- 2/13/04 CDS Possession Rouzer Hall Pending Program might be cut by 28%, nity members have already 232 PM Court if Maryland Governor Robert taken action. Outcome Ehrlich's plans hold fast. Last Political science profes- 2/14/04 years' million dollar decrease SOT Dr. Herb Smith led a class 9,40 PM Alcohol Possession Whiteford Closed (under 21) devastated McDaniel's budget, trip to Annapolis to lobby Hall ByPoC forcing the school to delay legislators in regard to the 2/14/04 Vandalism Property projects and reconsider aspects Sellinger situation. 10,57 PM Blanche Inactive of the budget such as faculty "We went to convince Ward Hall salary raises, said President state legislators not to cut the 2/14/04 Vandalism Property GardenApts Joan Develin Coley. program anymore affects 1LOOPM Building 1 Report Sellinger funding is es- everything," said sophomore Complete sential because the money can Bryan Renbaum. be used for anything the college A grassroots campaign 2/14/04 Alcohol Possession Rouzer Hall Closed deems necessary, Coley said. began last year featuring a 11:14PM (under 21) By PoC The Maryland Indepen- petition which 5,000 people dent Colleges and Universities signed last year, according to 2/15/04 Alcohol Possession Gunn Plaza Closed Association (MJCUA), which Tina Bjar~kull, president of 1220 AM (under 21) ByPoC represents' McDaniel and sev- MICUA. The website en teen other institutions of 2/15/04 Alcohol Possession Rouzer Hall Closed higher education, said that features instructions to sign a .3,07 AM (under 21) ByPoC schools may be forced to un- petition protesting decreases. dergo staff reductions, frozen Governor Ehrlich will 2/16/04 Harassment Phone Whiteford Report salaries, increased class sizes, soon convene with state leg- 2:15AM Hall Complete and reduced financial aid to islators in Annapolis to de- students if there is another de- cide how much money Mary- 2/16/04 Assault Hands/Feet GardenApts Closed crease in state aid. land will allot to the Sellinger 1MOPM Building 3 By Report In the 2004 fiscal year, 31 Program.