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SENIOR TRIBUTE MAY 6, 2004 - Page 23 On Wednesday April 28, the 8th Annual Greek Award Ceremony was held in McDaniel Lounge. The following students were recognized: Outstanding Professor: Kevin McIntyre Outstanding President Man: Mitch Hoffman Greek Athlete Woman: Samantha Abrams Outstanding President Woman: Kim Lowry, Christina Bandula Greek Athlete Man: Brian Wingert Outstanding Philanthropic Service: Phi Sigma Sigma Martin Oswiecimka Memorial Award: Brian Wingert Outstanding New Member Scholarship Fraternity: Alpha Sigma Phi Chapter Advisor Award: Katie Crowe & Jean Shin Outstanding New Member Scholarship Sorority: Phi Mu Distinguished Service Award: Clare Pavey, Kriste~ Pohl, Christina Outstanding Chapter Scholarship Fraternity: Alpha Sigma Phi Carbonetto, [amey Ayers, Natalie Hardy, Jennifer Dumpert, Kim Outstanding Ch.apter Scholarship Sorority: Phi Mu i Alpha Nu Omega Lowry, Jacob Michael, Christine Mayne, Caitlin Burns GSA GPA Certificates: Sophomores Jonathan Fitzgerald and Jessica Greek Man: James Lipchock Lepson, Juniors Randy May and Alex Hill, Seniors Andrew Greek Woman: Julia Keene O'Carroll and Kathy Wilson Books lure Zorn English literature. Her goal MICHAEL VYSKOCIL is to teach college literature- STAFF WRITER especially at a college like Margaret Zorn has a pas- McDaniel. sion for literature; her book- For the past year, Zorn shelf at home contains classics has been an assistant at such as Jane Austen's Pride and Hoover. Her work there Prejudice and Horace Walpole's came in handy when she CastleofOtranlo. needed to locate materials for "I love to read and enjoy her Fall 2003 senior seminar discussing literature and ~a- project, Angel in the House /I lyzing it," she said. But her U1- leon." terest in literature isn't limited Zorn also interned at to just the adult genre. Read- Franklin High School in ing works from young adult Reisterstown this year, expe- authors like Gary Paulsen and riencing the joys and frustra- Paula Danziger in her adoles- tions of teaching, observing, cent literature class with Dr. and grading students. Ramona Kerby is just as enjoy- Over the summer, Zorn able. will assist a friend at theCLC- The senior English ma- After School Program in New jor/ secondary education minor Windsor, working closely hopes to attend graduate school with at-risk children. to study for her doctorate in Circus bound senior? major with minors in Span- Late nights and early mornings, last minute deadlines, and breaking news have not BAYLEY FANNIN ish and Psychology, Catalino stopped seniors Robbie Saville, Erin Romanski, Katie Champion, or Fruzsina Nagy STAFF WRITER is keeping her options open. in their pursuit of great journalism. Collectively holding positions from staff writer "Do what you are pas- "I want to be an educa- to photographer to Editor-In-Chief, it is clear these seniors have been nothing but sionate about. Don't worry tor on the college level," says dedicated to the paper and their craft over the past four years. When Nagy was about job security, do what you Catalina. Then she confesses, asked what she had gained or learned from working with the McDaniel Free Press love and take time to have fun." "Maybe I'll join the circus, I as a photographer and staff writer, she replied, "I never knew I loved it so much ... It This is senior Lahnna Catalina'S don't know." has been a learning and rewarding experience." The experience, passion, and talent advice to underclassmen. Cataltno's senior semi- of these journalists cannot be replaced, and they will be greatly missed next year. A member of the service nar project explored teacher sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma, clarity and cognitive learn- Catalina also played the role of ing. Catalina feels her great- est accomplishment is being "Sydney" in The Altruists dur- able to make new friends Dmpieski's interests stretch ing spring of her sophomore year. while maintaining her Ca talino also took Ira friends from high school. "I am standing here and Zepp's honor~ class Prejudice thinking I have these great from Far Side to physics and Power. "He is a teacher r could friends from here and high only hope to strive to be," says school," says Catalina. ERIN ROMANSKI a liberal arts school," textbook he used during the fall Catalina. "He inspired me to Catalino's next stop is Wake STAFF WRITER Drupieski said. "The many of his sophomore year: become a better person." . Forest for a Masters in Psy- different subjects I have stud- Do not ask permission to As a Communications chology. Senior Chris ied here have opened my understand. Do not wait for the Drupieski's fondest memo- eyes in a way I did not fully word of authority. Seek reason ries remain in the summer of appreciate until now." with your own hand. With your his freshman year, when he "[Chris] is a remarkable own teeth savor the fruit. dropped in at a first-year student. He is one of the best DRUPIESKI students we have had here at seminar instructor's house McDaniel in many years," over the summer for tea and cookies, traded gossip and said mathematics professor listened to her talk about her Apollo Mian, One of vacation edventures. Drupieski's instructors. This dual mathemat- "When you give him a task, ics/physics major is most you don't have to look over his shoulder: he's relatively proud of the walls next to his bed in his freshman dorm . independent and almost like room, where he covered a member of the faculty." nearly every inch of wall When asked what has space with the comics from a served as a source of inspira- Far Side calendar. tion for him overthe years, "As a senior, I am fi- Drupieski quotes four lines A double major in music and history,. Seni~r Mark Corman gav~ a solo concert nally able to verbalize my that appear in th~ preface to which brought four centuries.of music to I;fe.on the organ for his capstone the Mathematical Analysis experience.Gormanwill beginhis masters morgannextfan reasons for wanting to attend
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