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MAY 6, 2004 - Page 18 SENIOR TRIBUTE Seniors at a Glance . (Editor's Note: It's nearly impossible to chart the groiotu of a college student. Most seniors can't imagine the freshmen they once were - the ones who entertained the notion of transferrillg to a bigger school. SOllie will never forget the nightmare study sessions or the endless pages of writing. Others will look fondly on the relationships they built with friends and favorite professors. . Somewhere along the way, McDaniel changes these students' lives, and these students changed the life.of the college as well. From academic awards to victories 011 the athletic field, these seniors made their marks What follows are the highlights from college careers of a group of outstanding seniors. How was this group chosen? Some names came [rosn department chairs, others from faCility, staff and students. We wish we had 50 pages to highlight more accomplishments. Read 011 and celebrate with us . . Kristin Grassel is said. Hancock is a member of Decker Center on their among those who are graduat- of Kappa Delta Pi Education way to Glar. For many this is ing this spring; however she Honor SOCiety,and was re- a time to relax and hang out was not a member of the fresh- cently inducted into Phi with friends, not so for Erin man class of 2000. Kristin is Sigma Tau, the Philosophy Duffy. She is busy teaching among the few that have de- Honor Society. eight to twelve-year-olds cided to graduate early and Over 3 million how to master Irish dancing. move on to the real world. school students in the United An English major hail- A resident of Wheaton, States speak a language other ing from Frederick, MD., MD., she became a prominent than English, and 70 percent Duffy has been a dance Music major specializing in of these students speak Span- teacher, created and man- voice. ish, according to an October aged' an honors publication Upon graduation, Grassel 1995 edition of Newsweek. For is eager to venture to England new and experienced teach- titled Elan Vital, and has worked as a writing tutor. to sing at a music program, and ers alike, being bilingual is a The active senior com- then head to graduate school. necessity-just ask Faniska As she reflects back at her short- Lopez-Gonzalez. pleted her senior seminar titled Feathers From a Thou- lived college career, she recalls The senior Philosophy sand Li Away; Folklore as many special moments that she major says she is especially shared with others. These proud of serving as an assis- Mother/ Daughter and memories include all the Spring tant for the "Bilingual Educa- Narrarator Communication in Flings, trips to New York City, tion: Training for All Teach- her junior year. "T was very proud of but most of all her time spent ers" program that aims to that," Duffy said. "However, wi th her fellow sisters of Phi promote language diversity my most significant memo- Mu. in the classroom. This grant- ries of McDaniel will always . Kristen Geers never funded enterprise is a coor- gave music a second chance dinated effort between be the times I spent tutoring in the Writing Center." because she never let it go from McDaniel and the University "Erin is wonderful," the beginning ". Geers, a com- Research Co. /Center for said Dr. Mary Bendel-Simso, Spring Fling: Senior James Lipchock may have a little pie on his face now, but muter to McDaniel is from Human Services. "The pro- professor of English. "Not he and his fiance Sarah Vannoy will be all smiles after graduation. The two Manchester, MD. but hopes to gram develops classes to only is she a tutor, but she has chemistry majors will head to Yale in the fall not be around here for long. train teachers in Bilingual done everything from writ- June to earn a graduate de- work field "and the variety of After college, she will pursue a Education and English for gree in Social Work. career in Orlando, Fla. working Speakers of Other Lan- ing for an online periodical. Her field practicum in things you can do with it." to babysitting for my kids." for the Disney Company. guages. medical social work at Brian Wingert is fol- Most of the memories Looking back on her Duffy will start her pro- Hanover Hospital sparked lowing the stars. No, he's not Geers has involve her partici- career ort the Hill, Lopez- fessionallife at a law office. her desire to specialize in that moving out to Los Angeles to hang out with Cameron Diaz, pation in the musical recitals Gonzalez said she is espe- Unlike many of her field; her enrollment at Penn- though that would be nice. and ensembles held on .the hill. cially grateful for the support peers, senior Sara Utz loves sylvania is the first step for He's headed to UMBC to start Her college years have been of the faculty and staff. that journey. Sayre will embodied by music, from the "The interactions that 1 answering the inevitable graduate with honors, and working on his PhD in Astro- question "What will you be physics. flute to the wind quartet. have had with the faculty arid doing after you graduate?" probably find comfort in Wingert, a double major Coming from Mt. Airy, staff have always been posi- knowing that her Honors in both Physics and Math as Claire Werner always knew tive. They have given me She likes answering the ques- Project brought joy to many well as a member of the tion because she knows the that she wanted to be a musi- guidance throughout my answer. Utz received (and adults with disabilities. McDaniel Swim Team, and the cian. For four years Werner four years, and they have accepted) advanced place- "I organized a Fellow- Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, is commuted back and forth from taught me valuable lessons ..1 ment at the School of Social ship Festival, which was es- excited to take on this new chal- McDanie"l College to learn as care for them very much," work at the University of sentially a fun fair for the lenge. much as possible about music. she said. Maryland.and will b~ intern- adults from a variety of orga- His senior seminar project With her college career soon to To many, the spring ing at Stella Maris Adolescent nizations in the area like The for Physics consisted of trying come to a halt, Werner is 100k- not only.marks a new begin- and Child Treatment Service. Arc, Target, Inc. and social to predict the path a ball will ing forward to leaving, but only ning, but also an ending to This semester, Utz com- services," Sayre said. Q"It was travel, knowing only its initial to go right back. After college, familiar circumstances. This pleted her undergraduate rewarding and fun." speed and rotation. she plans to student teach with is especially true for gradu- field practicum at the Mary- Sayre credits Dr. Cathy His ad vice to under- the intentions of becoming a ating senior Amy Huffer. land School for the Blind, and Orzolek-Kronner, social work graduates: "Never underesti- full time music teacher. A native of it was an experience that she professor, with teaching her mate the power of Pabst. It's Werner although being a Middletown,.MD., and a Mu- marks as one of the best dur- the importance of the social cheap. and it gets the job done," commuter has compiled some sical Education major, Huffer ing her four years at memories that will last a life- notes, "When it's all said and McDaniel. time. done, my most significant When she wasn't busy From Aristotle and accomplishment at McDaniel with coursework, a part-time Plato to Rene Descartes and will be having completed my job, or her practicum, John Rawls, Katie Hancock senior recital. It was hard but Utz enjoyed as much down has learned about them all. I got through it." time as she could with her The senior Philosophy "Amy is a great per- five-year-old daughter, major and Elementary Educe- . son," said Dr. Margaret Natalie. tion minor believes the strong Boudreaux, professor ofMu- Utz has advice to un- support of the college commu- sic, in an optimistic tone. "She derclassmen: "Don't wait nity is what she'll remember is full of positive energy, and until the last minute to take most about McDaniel. She'll is always encouraging other gym. I did and I'm wrestling also remember her three years students to be their best." with badminton right now. with Women's Soccer, and the Meanwhile, Amy is It's nuts." community who cheered the busy student teaching at a When Hannah team to a successful season in local elementary school. Af- Sayre crosses the stage May her debut as a Terror. ter graduation, she hopes to 22 to get her diploma, she Hancock thanks many become a full time teacher. knows exactly where her next instructors: "I've had wonder- It is about 4:30 p.m. 'steps will take her. \lAfter ful advisers ... Sharon Craig on a Wednesday, and stu- some relaxation with family and Dr. [akoby have been a dents are chatting away as and friends, Sayre is off to huge help in guiding me," she they rush through the doors University of Pennsylvania in Senior Mary Lee Pence donates blood at the Blood Drive on April 15th. The event was sponsored by Phi Alpha Mu and Phi Kappa Sigma
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