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SENIOR TRIBUTE STILL glancing at seniors . Ultimately, Wingert looks . except four. He first came to team," Reid said. "And Park Community Develop- forward to having people ad- Nebraska in 1998 as an ex- Coach Mike [Gallagher] is ment Corporation in Balti- dress him as "Dr. Brian" and change student. Hamar stud- awesome too." more and will be pursuing a losing the giant gut he acquired ied in Budapest, Hungary be- The team had its first Masters Degree in Public while drinking Pabst. fore receiving the Dorothy scrimmage against Mount Policy at the Maryland While most seniors are Elderdice International Saint Mary's a few weeks School of Public Affairs at the busily preparing for life after Scholarship to come to ago, but don't ask Reid about University of MD College graduation,Jennifer Bruce has McDaniel. the score. She won't remem- Park in the fall. She is espe- already entered the real world. As a Communication ber. After colliding with a St. cially grateful for the interest Since finishing a double major and Theater Arts mi- Mary's player and getting of the faculty, particularly the major in English and Commu- nor, Hamar acted in or knocked out - she can't re- political science department, worked behind the scenes for nication in December, Bruce has productions including member much about the for helping her realize what waitressed, and she is training "Choices," "Three Penny game. she wanted to do with her fu- to be a substitute teacher. She Opera," "Hay Fever," and the She's back on her feet ture. Vivian will be studying is also a earning a Master's de- Carroll Art Center's "A Mid- again, finishing final papers toward her PhD in American gree in Education through summer Night's Dream." and looking forward to start- Government at Johns McDaniel's BEST program, in However, Hamar has ing graduate school at Uni- Hopkins University, where addition to raising her three no intention of pursuing an versityof York in England, she was awarded a full fel- Senior Eliza Wick throws thejavalin year old son Riley. acting career. "My dream, where she hopes to earn her lowshlp. during a meet at Dickinson College "1 miss seeing familiar Ph.D in women's studies. The organization faces, they have changed so this foolish thing I'm chasing This will be trip two to York HYPE (Harnessing Youth's James Diller probably after to be a writer," he much already," said Bruce, who explained. With one book al- University for Reid; she stud- Positive Energy) recently doesn't look at pigeons like hopes to land a local job as a ied abroad last year and. honored senior Kate Prisby most people do. He can't. Af- secondary schoo! English ready published in Europe, a knew she wanted to return. for services that go far be- ter researching them for more book in second children's teacher. progress, and a book deal to "1'1\ always remember yond her local community. than a year, he still considers As an undergraduate, Meghan as a woman who During the spring of how they think, what motivates Bruce was a member of the complete a third in the future, sticks to her commitments," 2003 and 2004, Kate studied them, and, believe it or not how Hamar's dream is in motion. track team, qualifying one year He plans to spend a said Dr. Stephanie Madsen, abroad and taught English in they tell time. for nationals in the 400-meter month with his parents, who assistant professor of Psy- a Tibetan refugee community Diller did his honors relay and winning the centen- are flying in for graduation, chology. "She worked as a in India. As the president of research with Dr. Margaret nial conference championship peer mentor, and in two of Amnesty International; she McDevitt, assistant professor in the pole vault. Bruce is also and then he will remain in the my classes she had injuries assists with several projects of psychology, during almost Towson area for one year on a member of both the English a working visa, trying to land [the rugby concussion and a that educate the campus on half of his tenure at the and Communication honor so- a job with a publishing com- broken arm], but she was al- the conditions in Tibet, in- COllege. And though the cieties. pany. ways there to guide and nur- cluding giving a presentation question they hoped to "She's totally wonderful- ture the students." to collecting signatures to answer, (How do pigeons tell she's smart, she raises the level Senior LYl1dsay Sociology major send to the Chinese govern- time?), remains unanswered, of discussion, and she writes Bare spends a considerable Kim Boykin will never un- ment about human rights the pigeon project is great beautifully," said Dr. Mary amount of time in Eaton Hall. derestimate the value of her concerns. Other amnesty source of pride for Diller. Bendel-Stmso of the English Besides completing a college degree. She watched projects she has led included A psychology major department who Bruce dubbed degree in Biology with a mi- in wonder as her father com- a 40 hour famine that raised with minors in philosophy her "unofficial advisor." nor in Sociology, she also pleted his bachelors degree $250 to feed refugee camps and Spanish, Diller hails from Senior Gergely works 2 hours every Wednes- from Shaw five years ago, 'on the borders of Sierra Perry ~all, Maryland. Dillef Hamar says he unsure what day night as a Biology tutor. and she knewthat"asa black Leone and Africa. will enroll in 'graduate school She had a small stint as care- continent he will live on in the taker for Dr. Randall female, it would be hard to In the meantime, Kate is atWest Virginia University future. Morrison's panther excel without the extra push trying to get a hairdresser to (WVU), where he hopes to Fluent in English and chameleon'S, along with her a degree offers." come to campus to give free earn a Ph.D. in behavioral Hungarian, Hamar also speaks duties as faculty assistant for "With my college edu- haircuts, so that she can do- ~analysis. some Spanish, German, and the biology department. cation, f can meet challenges nate the hair to make wigs for Italian. He has traveled to Aus- As president of Tri- better and reach higher cancer victims. tralia, Singapore, Indonesia, Beta, the Biology Honor 50- goals," Boykin said. and every country in Europe ciety Bare has fond memories Boykin will walk across of attending the regional con- the stage May 22, knowing that she raised the bar with ference held at Saint Peter's the college dance team. College in New Jersey. "We came a long way. "Lyndsay hasa great at- The team works well to- tention to detail...she has gether, they are fast learners been wonderful in keeping and they create and perform track of everything that goes excellent routines," she said. along with Tri-Beta, and I'm Boykin said she also going to miss her particularly values her professors. "They for that,' said Morrison of the didn't just pound lessons in Biology department. my head, they helped out Outside of Eaton Hall, with everything related to my Bare is a four year member of life," she said. "They are the college choir; she also friends as well as professors worked with the Alpha Phi here. I really appreciate the Omega service group. small, intimate setting Bare plans to attend McDaniel offered." What do ginger ale, dental school at the Univer- For Betlt Cheney HYPE Mentel Williams, and Phi Kappa sity of Maryland next fall. Sigma have in common? They're all It's not often that a and Carrie Vivian, the underlying elements that convm~ed senior can graduate and say, McDaniel College experience senior English/Philosophy ma_Jor has been unusually parallel. Jubilee Colby Goodrum (above) to glVe "I left behind a rugby team." The two seniors are double McDaniel College another chance But that's just what Meghan "They [Neal Pngeand Tom Reid can say. majors (Cheney, Political Sci- Fogartylweresittingintheirr~m ence/History and Vivian, Po- Senior Tia Lawrence sipping ginger ale and watchmg Reid, who majored in litical Science/Sociology) Montel Williams. The topic of the Psychology and women's and have lived in the same and Junior Kennedra show was 'I'm Sending My ChiJ~ to studies (a self-designed ma- Tucker (above) and Boot Camp,' and they werethrow~ng jor), resurrected the college residence quarters for the popcorn at the screen and screammg past four years. They are so senior Julia Keene about national defense," Goodrum rugby team - a team that alike, in fact, that Dr. Herb (right) volunteer at said should thrive for years to Smith, who has taught both Hype's annual Jubilee Instead of transferring, come. Goodrum ended up joining the~r "There is a great group of them in several political on April 17th. fraternity, ·Phi Kappa Sigma .. ~IS science courses, often had Milard Milburn Rice Non-FIctIOn of underclassmen on the trouble telling the two apart. Scholarship winner is also a member team that I know will step up Photos by Melanie Pulley of tlte English and P.hiol.sophy honor to the plate and lead the Cheney will soon be societies and Gamma SIgma Alpha. starting a job at the Patterson and Career Services
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